The following is a list of all the Zowe Committers on the project organized by squads. It is the responsibility of the committers to update their name, GitHub ID and e-mail they would like to have associated with official (binding) community votes. Each committer is only allowed to have one (1) GitHub ID and e-mail with committer privileges.
- Bruce Armstrong (interim chair) - @armstro ([email protected])
- Mark Ackert - @MarkAckert ([email protected])
- Peter Fandel - @PeterFandelAtRocket ([email protected])
- Sean Grady - @1000TurquoisePogs ([email protected])
- Michael Dubois - @pdubzq ([email protected])
- Joe Winchester - @Joe-Winchester ([email protected])
- Elliot Jalley (Lead) - @jalel01 ([email protected])
- Anton Brezina (Scrum Master) - @anton-brezina ([email protected])
- Michal Supak - @supmi01 ([email protected])
- Andrea Tabone - @taban03 ([email protected])
- Christos Zikos - @cZikos ([email protected])
- Fyodor Kovin - @fkovinAtRocket ([email protected])
- Vsevolod Khanin - @vsev0lod ([email protected])
- Jiri Aichler - @JirkaAichler ([email protected])
- David Janda - @jandadav ([email protected])
- Elena Kubantseva - @arxioly ([email protected])
- Pavlin Zahariev - @pinpan ([email protected])
- Irek Fakhrutdinov - @ifakhrutdinov ([email protected])
- Jakub Balhar - @balhar-jakub ([email protected])
- Andrew Jandacek - @janan07 ([email protected])
- Petr Plavjanik - @plavjanik ([email protected])
- Andrej Chmelo - @achmelo ([email protected])
- Leonid Baranov - @lb891790 ([email protected])
- John LaPlante - @jelaplan ([email protected])
- Pavel Jares - @pj892031 ([email protected])
- Jordan Cain - @jordanCain ([email protected])
- Carson Cook - @CarsonCook ([email protected])
- Aman Prashant - @ap891843 ([email protected])
- Mike Bauer (Lead) - @MikeBauerCA ([email protected])
- Jessica Tonda (Scrum Master) - @JTonda ([email protected])
- Fernando Rijo Cedeno - @zFernando0 ([email protected])
- Eugene Johnston - @gejohnston ([email protected])
- Timothy Johnson - @t1m0thyj ([email protected])
- Andrew Harn - @awharn ([email protected])
- Dan Kelosky - @dkelosky ([email protected])
- Andrew Twydell - @AndrewTwydell ([email protected])
- Guilherme Cartier - @gcartier94 ([email protected])
- John LaPlante - @jelaplan ([email protected])
- Brandon Jenkins - @BrandonJenkins14 ([email protected])
- Jason Tucker - @tucker01 ([email protected])
- Chris Boehm - @ChrisBoehmCA ([email protected])
- Colin Stone - @Colin-Stone ([email protected])
- Kristina Mayo - @kristinochka ([email protected])
- Katelyn Nienaber - @katelynienaber ([email protected])
- Vit Gottwald - @VitGottwald ([email protected])
- Igor Kazmyr - @IgorCATech ([email protected])
Committers are tracked via github teams, for permission management Contributers are informally tracked via one github team, Our definition of Lead, Committers and Contributors roughly follows
- Sean Grady (Lead) - @1000TurquoisePogs ([email protected])
- JP Linardon (Scrum Master) - @jplinardon ([email protected])
- Server framework committers -
- UI framework committers -
- App committers -
- ZSS committers -
- Jessielaine Punongbayan - @jellypuno ([email protected])
- Richelle Anne Craw - @crawr ([email protected])
- Zachariah Mullen (Scrum Master) - @zdmullen ([email protected])
- Mike Bauer - @MikeBauerCA ([email protected])
- Fernando Rijo Cedeno (Lead) - @zFernand0 ([email protected])
- Peter Haumer - @phaumer ([email protected])
- Igor Kazmyr - @IgorCATech ([email protected])
- Lauren Li - @lauren-li ([email protected])
- Katelyn Nienaber - @katelynienaber ([email protected])
- Stepan Zharychev - @stepanzharychevbroadcom ([email protected])
- Alexandru-Paul Dumitru - @Alexandru-Dumitru ([email protected])
- Pranay Sodani - @Pranay154 ([email protected])
- Vit Gottwald - @VitGottwald ([email protected])
- Billie Jean Simmons - @JillieBeanSim ([email protected])
- Craig Forrest - @CForrest97 ([email protected])
- Rodney Wilson - @rodney-wilson ([email protected])
- Kristina Mayo - @kristinochka ([email protected])
- Dan Kelosky - @dkelosky ([email protected])
- John LaPlante - @jelaplan ([email protected])
- Colin Stone - @Colin-Stone ([email protected])
- Joe Winchester (Lead) - @Joe-Winchester ([email protected])
- Rose Sakach (Scrum Master) - @RASakach ([email protected])
- Sujay Solomon - @solsu01 ([email protected])
- Daniel Kelosky - @dkelosky ([email protected])
- Robert Penny - @rpenny125 (email?)
- Nolan Rogers - @NolanRogers ([email protected])
- Daniel Jast - @Daniel-Jast ([email protected])
- Tim Brooks - @Tbr00ksy ([email protected])
- Onno Van den Troost - @OnnoVdT ([email protected])
- Matt Hogstrom - @hogstrom ([email protected])
- Bruce Armstrong - @armstro ([email protected])
- Bill Pereira - @billpereira ([email protected])
- Taylor Donner - @TaylorDonner ([email protected])
- Murali Panchalingam - @pancha1 ([email protected])
- Nan Nan (Ashley) Li - (Lead) @nannanli ([email protected])
- Jason English - @jasonenglish2039 ([email protected])
- Brandon Jenkins - @BrandonJenkins14 ([email protected])
- James Bauman - @JamesBauman ([email protected])
- Alyson Andresen - @AlysonAndresen ([email protected])
- Andrew Jandacek - @janan07 ([email protected])
- Ting Chen (Cathy) - @chentingcathy ([email protected])
- Neng Zhang (Pluto) - @PlutoZhang ([email protected])
- Matt Hogstrom - @hogstrom ([email protected])
- Mark Ackert (Lead) - @MarkAckert ([email protected])
- Steven Horsman - @stevenhorsman ([email protected])
- Michal Maliska (Lead) - @mike-maliska (email?)
- Jack (Tiefeng) Jia - @jackjia-ibm ([email protected])
- John Davies - @John-A-Davies ([email protected])
- Eamon Dawes - @eamondawes (email?)
- Dmitry Nikolaev - @dmitrynikolaev ([email protected])
- Alvin Tan - @alvin-tan ([email protected])
- Nick Kocsis - @nkocsis ([email protected])
- Nan Nan Li (Ashley) - @nannanli ([email protected])
- Robbie Avill (Robbie) - @rovaill2 ([email protected])