JTFrame supports simulation of the target system top level. In the case of verilator sims, only the jtgame module is simulated.
The use of YAML files allows for sharing the core file list between different tools, so there is no need to elaborate a different list for simulators. Each JTFRAME target platform also has specific sim.yaml files that are taken into account only for simulators.
Some target platforms have a top-level test which can be used and that harness all signals and emulates the ROM transfer protocol. The MiST platform is the most commonly used for simulations and is kept alive. MiSTer is hard to keep working in simulations as many sys files developed by the MiSTer team do not work well in simulation and need to be edited. So the MiSTer setup will not normally work without extra effort.
The simulation script jtsim supports several simulators and sets up everything. Installing simulators and running a first successful simulation is complicated and the JTFRAME team does not support users through this process. Yet, all the files needed are here, so with some studying anyone can set up a simulation.
All macros defined in the core's cfg/macros.def file are parsed by jtsim and accessible in simulation. The macros are also available to Verilator in the form of C++ macros.
You can use a hex file with inputs for simulation. Enable this with the macro SIM_INPUTS. The file must be called sim_inputs.hex. Each line has a hexadecimal number with inputs coded. Active high only:
bit | meaning |
0 | coin 1 |
1 | coin 2 |
2 | 1P start |
3 | 2P start |
4 | right (may vary with each game) |
5 | left (may vary with each game) |
6 | down (may vary with each game) |
7 | up (may vary with each game) |
8 | Button 1 |
9 | Button 2 |
10 | Test button |
Each line will be applied on a new frame.
Starting from the Dec. 2020 firmware update, MiST can now delegate the ROM load to the FPGA. This makes the process 4x faster. This option is enabled by default. However, it can be a problem because the ROM transfer will be composed of full SD card sectors so there will be some garbage sent at the end of the ROM. If the core is not compatible with this and it relies on exact sizing of the ROM it needs to define the macro JTFRAME_MIST_DIRECT and set it to zero:
set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_MACRO "JTFRAME_MIST_DIRECT=0"
In order to preserve the 8-bit ROM download interface with MiST, jtframe_mister presents it too. However it can operate internally with 16-bit packets if the macro JTFRAME_MR_FASTIO is set to 1. This has only been tested with 96MHz clock. Indeed, if JTFRAME_CLK96 is defined and JTFRAME_MR_FASTIO is not, then it will be defined to 1.
The measured speed for data transfers in MiSTer is about 1.2MHz (800ns) per request. If JTFRAME_MR_FASTIO is set, each request is 16-bit words, otherwise, 8 bits.
A model for SDRAM mt48lc16m16a2 is included in JTFRAME. The model will load the contents of the file sdram.hex if available at the beginning of simulation.
The current contents of the SDRAM can be dumped at the beginning of each frame (falling edge of vertical blank) if JTFRAME_SAVESDRAM is defined. Because this is quite an overhead, it is possible to restrict it to dump only a certain DUMP_START frame count has been reached. All frames will be dumped after it. The macro DUMP_START is the same one used for setting the start of signal dump to the VCD file.
To simulate the SDRAM load operation use -load on sim.sh. The normal download speed 1/270ns=3.7MHz. This is faster than the real systems but speeds up simulation. It is possible to slow it down by adding dead clock cycles to each transfer. The macro JTFRAME_SIM_LOAD_EXTRA can be defined with the required number of extra cycles.
The core needs to have a SDRAM with the game ROM loaded into it. The most basic way is to have a file named rom.bin in the simulation folder. jtsim -load
will download that file to the core and produce four files called sdram_bank?.bin with the SDRAM contents after the download is done.
The ROM download process is slow but normally you only need to run it once to produce the sdram files. After that, calling jtsim
will load those files directly to the SDRAM simulation model.
jtsim -setname game
will create the .rom file for the given name in the $JTROOT/rom folder and make a symbolic link to it called rom.bin in the simulation folder. It will then proceed to load the rom.
As the .rom download can sometimes be very slow and it does not require any core CPU, you can often use jtsim -load -d NOMAIN -q
in order to simulate without the main and sound CPUs. Somecores will also take -d NOMCU
to skip the MCU simulation. After creating the sdram files, a regular simulation with CPUs can be executed.
The fastest method to produce the sdram files is to run jtutil sdram
from the simulation folder. This will work for cores that do not execute data transformations during downloading. It will simply skip the header and use the bank start definitions in macros.def to split the .rom file into four sdram files.
Comparison run on Roc'n Rope core for ten frames plus ROM loading.
simulator | vcd/no video | no vcd/video | no vcd/no video |
modelsim | 17' | 16' | 16' |
iverilog | 15'50" | ||
verilator | 0'30" | 0'12" |
Versions used:
- The ModelSim - INTEL FPGA STARTER EDITION vsim 2020.1
- Icarus Verilog 12.0
- Verilator 4.224
The advantage of ModelSim over the other two is mixed VHDL/Verilog simulations.
Verilator simulations do not simulate the target but only the game top. SDRAM access is particularly faster in Verilator. Verilator does not simulate 4-state signals either.
By default, all audio output gets dumped to test.wav. If the Audio section of the mem.yaml file is used, then per-channel audio files can be generated too. In order to enable per-channel files, either request jtsim to dump waveforms jtsim -w
or use the macro JTFRAME_SIM_CH_RAW so produce wave files without dumping logic waveforms.