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Made with Python Built by Developers Uses Git Build with Love

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       by Charles Bel (@charlesbel)          version 3.0

Maintained MIT

👋 Welcome to the future of automation

A simple bot that uses selenium to farm Microsoft Rewards written in Python

- Use it at your own risk, Microsoft may ban your account (and I would not be responsible for it)


  1. Install requirements with the following command :

    pip install -r requirements.txt

  2. Make sure you have Chrome installed

  3. Install ChromeDriver:

    You no longer need to do this step since selenium >=4.10.0 include a webdriver manager

    To update your selenium version, run this command : pip install selenium --upgrade

  4. (Windows Only) Make sure Visual C++ redistributable DLLs are installed

    If they're not, install the current "vc_redist.exe" from this link and reboot your computer :

  5. Edit the accounts.json.sample with your accounts credentials and rename it by removing .sample at the end (ex. accounts.json)

    • If you want to add more than one account, the syntax is the following:
                "username": "Your Email 1",
                "password": "Your Password 1",
                "proxy": "http://user:pass@host1:port"
                "username": "Your Email 2",
                "password": "Your Password 2",
                "proxy": "http://user:pass@host2:port"
  6. Run the script:


    Or if you want to keep it updated (it will check on each run if a new version is available, if so, will download and run it), use :


Launch arguments

  • -v/--visible to disable headless
  • -l/--lang to force a language (ex: en)
  • -g/--geo to force a geolocation (ex: US)
  • -p/--proxy to add a proxy to the whole program, supports http/https/socks4/socks5 (overrides per-account proxy in accounts.json) (ex: http://user:pass@host:port)


  • Bing searches (Desktop, Mobile and Edge) with User-Agents
  • Complete automatically the daily set
  • Complete automatically punch cards
  • Complete automatically the others promotions
  • Headless Mode
  • Multi-Account Management
  • Session storing (3.0)
  • 2FA Support (3.0)
  • Proxy Support (3.0)

Future Features

  • GUI