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File metadata and controls

146 lines (121 loc) · 6.04 KB

Please see the code of conduct for our playground rules and follow them during all your contributions.

Getting Started

We prefer that all changes to POCS have an associated GitHub Issue in the project that explains why it is needed. This allows us to debate the best approach to address the issue before folks spend a lot of time writing code. If you are unsure about a possible contribution to the project, please contact the project owners about your idea; of course, an issue is a good way to do this.

Pull Request Process

This is a summary of the process. See the POCS wiki for more info.

  • Pre-requisites
  • Process
    • Create a fork of the repository and use a topic branch within your fork to make changes.
      • All of our repositories have a default branch of develop when you first clone them, but your work should be in a separate branch.
      • Create a branch with a descriptive name, e.g.:
        • git checkout -b new-camera-simulator
        • git checkout -b issue-28
    • Ensure that your code meets this project's standards (see Testing and Code Formatting below). - Run python test from the $POCS directory before pushing to github
    • Squash your commits so they only reflect meaningful changes.
    • Submit a pull request to the repository, be sure to reference the issue number it addresses.

Setting up Local Environment


  • All changes should have corresponding tests and existing tests should pass after your changes.
  • For more on testing see the Coding in PANOPTES page.

Code Formatting

  • All Python should use PEP 8 Standards
    • Line length is set at 100 characters instead of 80.
    • It is recommended to have your editor auto-format code whenever you save a file rather than attempt to go back and change an entire file all at once.
    • You can also use yapf (Yet Another Python Formatter) for which POCS includes a style file (.style.yapf). For example:
      # cd to the root of your workspace.
      cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
      # Format the modified python files in your workspace.
      yapf -i $(git diff --name-only | egrep '\.py$')
  • Do not leave in commented-out code or unnecessary whitespace.
  • Variable/function/class and file names should be meaningful and descriptive.
  • File names should be lower case and underscored, not contain spaces. For example, instead of My
  • Define any project specific terminology or abbreviations you use in the file you use them.
  • Use root-relative imports (i.e. relative to the POCS directory). This means that rather than using a directory relative imports such as:
    from ..base import PanBase
    from ..utils import current_time
    Import from the top-down instead:
    from pocs.base import PanBase
    from panoptes.utils import current_time
    The same applies to code inside of peas.
  • Test imports are slightly different because pocs/tests and peas/tests are not Python packages (those directories don't contain an file). For imports of pocs or peas code, use root-relative imports as described above. For importing test packages and modules, assume the test doing the imports is in the root directory.

Log Messages

Use appropriate logging:

  • Log level:
    • DEBUG (i.e. self.logger.debug()) should attempt to capture all run-time information.
    • INFO (i.e. should be used sparingly and meant to convey information to a person actively watching a running unit.
    • WARNING (i.e. self.logger.warning()) should alert when something does not go as expected but operation of unit can continue.
    • ERROR (i.e. self.logger.error()) should be used at critical levels when operation cannot continue.
  • The logger supports variable information without the use of the format method.
  • There is a say method available on the main POCS class that is meant to be used in friendly manner to convey information to a user. This should be used only for personable output and is typically displayed in the "chat box"of the PAWS website. These messages are also sent to the INFO level logger.

Logging examples:

Note: These are meant to illustrate the logging calls and are not necessarily indicative of real operation"PANOPTES unit initialized: {}", self.config['name'])

self.say("I'm all ready to go, first checking the weather")

self.logger.debug("Setting up weather station")

self.logger.warning('Problem getting wind safety: {}'.format(e))

self.logger.debug("Rain: {} Clouds: {} Dark: {} Temp: {:.02f}",

self.logger.error('Unable to connect to AAG Cloud Sensor, cannot continue')

Viewing log files

  • You typically want to follow an active log file by using tail -F on the command line.
  • The grc (generic colouriser) can be used with tail to get pretty log files.
(panoptes-env) $ grc tail -F $PANDIR/logs/pocs_shell.log

The following screenshot shows commands entered into a jupyter-console in the top panel and the log file in the bottom panel.