All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- add new plugins from LazyVim v10!
opens Spotify TUI (edcc659)- add .t scripts (cd9fd55)
- add
back to variables for executables (bf653ee) - add
to show lf popup (517edac) - add 👉 to tmux window (872e23b)
- add 24-bit-color script (d52a079)
- add abbr for vim (0c0bf6a)
- add abbrs (26ad647)
- add ability to put tmux buffer in nvim (f326732)
- add ability to rename in neovim (0128d30)
- add act config file (5e931de)
- add additional indent blankline config (00706dd)
- add allow passthrough for wezterm commands (9ffc085)
- add astronvim abbreviation (2507b02)
- add aw mackup config and theme file (b6d39f9)
- add barbecue (db9365d)
- add basic MDX support (8f5a56f)
- add basic thing-cli completion in fish (3169183)
- add bat themes (4eaa32f)
- add boole plugin (c8acdc4)
- add btop config (a44abef)
- add btop icon (2f6f8ec)
- add bun completion to fish (a22be00)
- add bun icon (b839a37)
- add bun support to d script (6f7b311)
- add cargo to path (bcfb357)
- add celluar automation plugin (21618c0)
- add chatgpt (cf6c832)
- add cmd+q support to quit neovim or kill tmux server (5762c3c)
- add cmd+shift+p in fish to trigger history (c48bc2d)
- add cmd+shift+s to save and close neovim (7be015d)
- add cmp icons and autopairs plugin (3f87b4e)
- add code window (mini-map) (c1b05b0)
- add color overwrites to catppuchin (cfe7b8b)
- add colorizer (fd4274d)
- add commands (50ea6ae)
- add commands (20277da)
- add commitia (420b83b)
- add commitia (9a34eea)
- add config/bin to zshrc (e170858)
- add configuration for fig (b5e44c2)
- add conventional commits cmp (85a3664)
- add copilot cli to fish (9026b1e)
- add copilot cmp (6c65e92)
- add cspell support to nvim lint (fe0112c)
- add ctrl tab and grave to navigate tmux windows in alacritty (ca4257d)
- add current color theme back (e6be735)
- add dark-notify plugin (e6ac3f3)
- add david kunz vim config as inspiration (89b2d3c)
- add denops-sh (working now) (0944afa)
- add detect-os script (ac86935)
- add diff chagned (07a6fab)
- add diffview key bindings (bcbdd08)
- add discocss to path with fish config (e52cde5)
- add docker config (8cea4f9)
- add Docker documentation (cf3a22b)
- add docker icon (7f1a42d)
- add docs (979f5e1)
- add docs (7721eca)
- add docs (4e073e9)
- add dominatorcolor bin (a97b21d)
- add done cli (bcabd66)
- add dotfiles inspiration (a774eda)
- add elgato files (3a659e0)
- add emmet and tmux clipboard plugins (906ddd8)
- add EmmyLua spoon (44b8f25)
- add enable boolean to lualine for testing (b763d6e)
- add exact to fzf options (0898428)
- add experimental smart-goto telescope extension (f80ca14)
- add ff function (b6dfa10)
- add filename to lualine (a9ddc63)
- add firenvim plugin (ce86d82)
- add firevim (6601ec3)
- add fish abbrs (a4773f6)
- add fish autocmd (6355b27)
- add fish yarn test abbreviation (dd2345e)
- add flat for t git root (73e944f)
- add g script to generate (191c1d6)
- add gh dash to cmd+shift+g tmux shortcut (29a9828)
- add gh-dash (f3ed840)
- add git mappings (f4954cb)
- add git prefix to tpm plugin for development (de26330)
- add gitignore global (cc6e5c7)
- add gitlinker (3e5632d)
- add gitmux docs and backup config file (4d2a345)
- add gitstatus to neovim and adjust start screen (aa985a6)
- add glance plugin with keybinding (2ebc327)
- add goyo (22db2c5)
- add Goyo command (621f3e7)
- add goyo view to vim (36e9250)
- add grep fish abbr (fb9857f)
- add harpoon and lf config (671e4f0)
- add helpful comments (0972f4a)
- add highlight undo plugin (749623e)
- add hyper config (c91cc26)
- add icon to nerd test (f54930c)
- add icons to lf (0e48603)
- add impatient, null-ls, and copilot (1eff262)
- add import telescope plugin (6ebd029)
- add incline plugin (7ec72cf)
- add inspiration to dotfiles (916ff63)
- add inspiring dotfiles to docs (bfad374)
- add java fish config (d001845)
- add keep-it-secret package and fix copilot cmp (c7164e6)
- add kickstart version of jam-nvim (a61336a)
- add killall node abbr (7d20c60)
- add kitty config (b9e637e)
- add lazy-lock.json (8bf80d6)
- add lazydocker package to docs (52d0935)
- add lazygit update config wit v0.35 (0eccc35)
- add left right bool options (c8ec1e7)
- add let const toggle (7696dce)
- add lfrc commands (30a7d82)
- add live grep args (387264e)
- add live grep leader key (e2d0694)
- add lsp lines toggle (5a3968f)
- add lsp signature plugin to neovim (e18d035)
- add lua dap plugin (06e7805)
- add lunarvim config (e8f4ae7)
- add lush config and diffview (8604fa9)
- add mackup files (e7d5dec)
- add markdown treesitter support to octo (5480a34)
- add mason border (5e531e1)
- add mason-tool-installer to u script (c13f0ec)
- add missing diffviewfilehistory command to plugin (bdcebe3)
- add mission control keybinding (9f2c947)
- add more alacritty fonts and adjust key positions (6df440b)
- add more boole additions (90d2e20)
- add more inspiration (cfefecb)
- add more languages (a91aa94)
- add more lazyvim plugins (d684c04)
- add multi-pane-icon config (43f3842)
- add my nerd font plugin (dc2a448)
- add my t smart tmux session manager with tpm (ab3eb59)
- add n/p for hyper (4c4e863)
- add neogit (fd7085e)
- add neogit (e3f32a5)
- add neogit icons (2bd997f)
- add neotest with vitest support (74e0d3c)
- add nerd test script (4f3f213)
- add new bindings (c04b049)
- add new keymaps for next search result (e6181de)
- add new output panel vim plugin (9b57c21)
- add new plugins from LazyVim v10! (50755c6)
- add new pnpm aliases (5edceaa)
- add new t-fzf-find-binding variable (beec438)
- add no neck pain plugin (9900c82)
- add norcalli/nvim-colorizer.lua (8689431)
- add nospell to markdown files (ab14004)
- add nvim coc-settings to mackup (0bffa4a)
- add nvim lazy packages to u (9c7d0a7)
- add nvr-tmux support (with cmd+p) (1b0ceb0)
- add oatmeal (5ef95aa)
- add obsidian to neovim (12231d2)
- add obsidian vault (a567707)
- add oil to neovim (94589ac)
- add open abbr (cac1c0f)
- add overmind plugin, icon, and binding (134b88a)
- add overseer plugin (93f92ff)
- add pisces fish plugin to auto-complete quotes (15dee80)
- add pnpm abbreviations (2ef6280)
- add pnpm fish autocomplete (6a65a9a)
- add preview hunk binding (b247610)
- add prune all to bubu bin script (d582502)
- add pwdc abbr (2b2aead)
- add quick look files (a617c7b)
- add rayso plugin (7d6e730)
- add readme and Netlify badge (9938d18)
- add recent telescope plugin (3b3f15f)
- add refactoring (e0e6d61)
- add refactoring back (88bc980)
- add repo alias (ee0d3b7)
- add ripgrep leader key binding (r) (13ca30b)
- add rocket config (e9dbf4b)
- add screenshot (9313628)
- add sessionx plugin (b83dfd4)
- add shortcuts (cec13d2)
- add simple helpful octo leaderkey binding (d886cc0)
- add skhdrc to yabai docs (135979b)
- add smart goto alias (9f5c740)
- add smart truncate boole (f9355f4)
- add smooth curosr (3e410b4)
- add snippets (2122171)
- add spacelauncher config (8d6797f)
- add spacing (2fb389a)
- add spacing to status (ee72158)
- add spelling and diffview which keys (848547a)
- add spelling to goyo mode (aa2a533)
- add startuptime plugin (54bc7b3)
- add stripe cli commands to nfwn (e56c6da)
- add stylua config (e2fce57)
- add surface0 color to overwrites (b3ea951)
- add symbols nerd font mono fallback (16478d3)
- add symbols outline plugin (5561093)
- add t config dir (9f16747)
- add t repos dir support with fish alias (tp) (51f6716)
- add t script (for tmux functionality) (1fd0538)
- add t session option (cafbca3)
- add tab to switch buffers (7d1621f)
- add tailscope and undo telescope extensions (c433d27)
- add tealdeer to workflow (with fzf abbr, thanks @elijahmanor) (76b0665)
- add telescope mappings (dc421dd)
- add telescope plugins (6d336d9)
- add things-cli abbr (bc24b7d)
- add tmux fnm completions file (190b1b9)
- add tmux to script (69e659a)
- add tmux watcher tmux plugin (78f5083)
- add tmux-nerd-font-window-name config (88a9f44)
- add to dotfiles inspiration (49a07fe)
- add today date espanso snippet (ea34ea4)
- add today snippet (81682ad)
- add todo and alphabetize plubings (0327206)
- add todo-comments support (fc98935)
- add Todoist functions (0915e2a)
- add toggleterm plugin (6cb7da7)
- add tpm binaries to path (75bd15c)
- add treesitter context (e53f0aa)
- add treesj plugin (c1db86b)
- add tresitter update to u (cd2fd21)
- add tt popup (ad0a491)
- add twilight plugin (070fec1)
- add typescript and typescriptreact support to graphql language server (a993994)
- add undotree (ec6d7d8)
- add vi key bindings to fish (33c07f8)
- add vim copy paste remappings (b5627e2)
- add vim dadbod plugins for db interaction in vim (a34d04d)
- add visual mode command for ChatGPT (17476fc)
- add vivaldi custom stylesheet (07b9ca4)
- add wakatime (99b8074)
- add wezterm ascii (fdd2012)
- add wezterm keys (a09133b)
- add wget host (6239ebe)
- add wget hosts (7f3c4da)
- add window splitting plugin (77040fd)
- add word to dictionary (c6473b8)
- add yarn add aliases (414c1c7)
- add yazi neovim plugin (d6e0ec5)
- add zen-mode (d1d62f5)
- add zenmode and remove current theme (6c4b0a1)
- add zoxide entries (8b4da83)
- adjsut zen mode config (ce4164d)
- adjust abbr (7af56d1)
- adjust adjust cmdline position (3087968)
- adjust alacritty theme (c6a1b3e)
- adjust bin scripts (e2067bf)
- adjust brew install (5ee7d3b)
- adjust brew install script (9d711d3)
- adjust colors of prompt (45d0caf)
- adjust docker aliases, set linuxbrew path (df75a6d)
- adjust docs (4ac312b)
- adjust espanso today keyword (abd706c)
- adjust font (ed61286)
- adjust git files and commands with alacritty keyboard shortcuts (242ca67)
- adjust gitmux placement in config (908e36d)
- adjust harpoon support (72232fe)
- adjust keymaps (bc22629)
- adjust lf and add harpoon mappings (4711994)
- adjust lualine config (3413c7d)
- adjust opacity (028e965)
- adjust opacity (c6e9bc4)
- adjust padding (332a261)
- adjust padding (7af350a)
- adjust pnpm path setting (7fc34b0)
- adjust statusbar (9243563)
- adjust tmux (be81c82)
- adjust tmux settings (dc3f8d9)
- adjust tmux status bar styling (4be2982)
- adjust tmux status bar, add apple icon (fa656aa)
- adjust wezterm colors (6ea2c0c)
- adjust whitespace on file (15f6f5d)
- alias python to python3 (e965d46)
- allow d file in the root of a project to define script (6d5c14d)
- auto-close buffers the longer they stay open (fb94952)
- bin: create helper script to detect gh dash config file (ed0307b)
- break up wezterm config (46c1cd6)
- center * mapping (935215b)
- change docs from yarn to pnpm (cca380e)
- change extension name (c06cc7f)
- change headings to h2 (beea292)
- change lfcd command to cmd+shift+f (09ff37d)
- change pomodoro toggle to cmd+shift+T (740bd0f)
- change transparent name (4dcf88f)
- cleanup (dea8228)
- cleanup fish abbrs, add fisher (b2e76cb)
- cleanup fish to work on linux (c38bca9)
- cleanup hammerspoon init (7307fb2)
- cleanup lualine (e453795)
- cleanup quickstart script (7cc5633)
- cleanup spacing (bd6c871)
- cleanup structure (2686c48)
- cleanup tmux config (7cb1fb6)
- cleanup user path (42c6020)
- cleanup wezterm config (149e2e9)
- comment and organize fish config (bb8eae5)
- comment keyboard shortcuts (d5cbca3)
- comment out bat theme (e3de43a)
- commiizen (749eca8)
- configure hammerspoon for yabai (8c83648)
- copy nvim-config and begin configuration (5943308)
- create base nvim config (df92b5a)
- create bubu alias (cff5ad5)
- create cat dotfiles page (c0a9910)
- create fzf pnpm run abbr (e89d9ac)
- create git diff openai summarizer script (f83f9b7)
- create img-fzf bin for testing (978175e)
- create O keybinding to open pr in Octo (a60a2fe)
- create ogh script to add obsidian github notes quickly (7545372)
- create openai github branch name generator script (c644a9c)
- create sd command (1965ef7)
- create spacing between session name and gitmux (377dcbd)
- create thumb darwin mappings (f95efc6)
- create tk alias (tmux kill-server) (171a3b3)
- create tmux-icon-name script (4732b25)
- create tt script for quick .t creation (a487a61)
- create wezterm color scripts (30738a4)
- create x abbr that makes a file executable (c165ad4)
- customize search highlights (ebc7a05)
- decrease font size and remove blinking cursor setting (0bf6c1b)
- delete spoons sourcecode (281f2fd)
- delete t scripts for new tpm plugin (1cab458)
- descrease light background (ae52e68)
- disable auto-save (1ea2e9c)
- disable auto-yank to clipboard and add new keymap (42868c9)
- disable aw theme (for now) (7994d2b)
- disable border label (b9023ee)
- disable bubu syntax overwrite (afc03c2)
- disable buffline (5368ffb)
- disable buffline (7994766)
- disable chatgpt (585345f)
- disable codewindow by default (2c92256)
- disable edgy plugin (db5d8c7)
- disable headlines (063515d)
- disable incline (630175c)
- disable indentscope (0dd5994)
- disable keep it secret plugin (fb92992)
- disable navic on lualine (dd831df)
- disable neotree (edbab88)
- disable new dashboard plugin (37cfd7a)
- disable plugin I'm not using (a4176d6)
- disable smooth cursor (5e1e5c9)
- disable starship directory substitutions (7f42091)
- disable tmux confir in hammerspoon (e3106c4)
- disable wallpaper for sanoma (baeeecb)
- disable yaml key order on lsp (5917937)
- doc: update screenshot (723ebb0)
- don't highlight git number (484bfe3)
- drawbox around lf panels (80878bc)
- drop cmd+e bindings (b7ba3ca)
- drop deprecated options (85088d8)
- drop exact flag on fzf (d28c1cf)
- drop jam-nvim git submodule (a5208b8)
- drop now playing tmux plugin in favor of Sleeve macOS app (d9eca4b)
- drop shell in alacritty since set to default login shell (6b8601d)
- drop tmux renaming in abbr (e395483)
- enable builtin autocomplete on Octo (8015337)
- enable chatgpt plugin (f3d57ea)
- enable nvim ufo (67b2fdc)
- enable prompt (bf14412)
- exclude more filetypes for codewindow (22a47df)
- exit silenty on no choice (0292d05)
- experiment with directory substitutions (5754b70)
- fish: add broot config (d4a6b3c)
- fish: add fisher plugin (36fc3e9)
- fish: changer tt abbr to help with .t script (e9c2a29)
- fish: create man abbreviations (c7e12b1)
- fix width height for lf toggleterm popup (a0dd44a)
- format teresitter (a8f3384)
- get craft toggle opacity script working (a45d09c)
- get firevim working (f1e73ee)
- get random color scheme (b602fe8)
- get tmux previous pane working (24e3d3d)
- have
work with monorepos (6496860) - hide bottom vim bar (87f3618)
- hide bufferline (4b6d333)
- hide line numbers by default (87b7858)
- hide window name (2ada246)
- ignore clickup fish config (3f006f0)
- ignore gitconfig (89966b5)
- ignore Logitech window (f0681fd)
- ignore more applciations (cc22c13)
- ignore more files in version control (0bd5ff3)
- ignore more mackup files (8c24c27)
- ignore more streamdeck (aa454fd)
- ignore more streamdeck stuff (cce307a)
- ignore newly synced files (ccc7db3)
- ignore nu fish config (73c3334)
- ignore raycast preferences on yabai (67a06f0)
- ignore wakatime config (has api key) (5dbe6d4)
- ignore yarnrc (5578535)
- improve zenmode (5cbd3d1)
- increase font size (6cd9e8c)
- increase opacity (33de916)
- initialize docker daemon (0f2bdc5)
- install done fish plugin (b20e7ad)
- jam-nvim: add files, folds, and more! (e042c59)
- jam-nvim: add kickstart config (8b1a0e9)
- jam-nvim: get started (e1f86f7)
- jam-nvim: organize config (6a78072)
- jam-nvim: organize files (d2e4fe8)
- link to cat page in overview (39e5767)
- lots of neovim updates (a119dfd)
- lualine: use gitsigns for diff source (8b0120b)
- make "main" the default branch for git (faf495f)
- make active pane border white (9895b94)
- make artists last in tmux status (56d895f)
- make border italic (625fb44)
- make clean empty (dfde50b)
- make d script (for development) (118ebec)
- make default fzf command show hidden but not .git (25ec5c1)
- make divergence yellow to match lazygit (a33a4f5)
- make fnm log level quiet (8c74625)
- make gitmux conf sh (eab1f2c)
- make neovim experience more minimal (d0f3eb6)
- make neovim line transparent (2b5cd8f)
- make nvim theme grays easier to read (662ac0a)
- make opacity lower (1fecbc0)
- make python alias for bash (c61676f)
- make quick start page (32665a9)
- make stack the default layout for yabai (6664c7f)
- make tmux reload silent (91d6c9a)
- make update script prettier (bb90728)
- make width dynamic (a91632e)
- map ctrl-i ctrl-o to cmd-[ cmd-] for forward/back navigation in neovim (4d1c679)
- map to more repos (609db76)
- mark as done (e854bc4)
- move leader defintion to leader file (67e7c64)
- move theme plugin (b6d028a)
- move things around more (7a0c07a)
- move vuepress to docs folder, create getting started workflow (817b7b7)
- new vim mappings thanks to primigen (9a9e5e5)
- nvim: add additional keymaps (839c792)
- nvim: add auto-save plugin (fe2aaea)
- nvim: add gen plugin (b4adc19)
- nvim: add git commit binding with neogit (e1478b2)
- nvim: add package info plugin (75d45a9)
- nvim: add smart open telescope plugin (0c58afb)
- nvim: adjust auto-save options (d47817a)
- nvim: decrease wezterm font on diff view (1d4d308)
- nvim: disable tab bar (8c850f8)
- nvim: rework gitsigns hunk navigation (d74a6ea)
- nvim: rewrite vim-tmux-navigator for lazyvim (fa58381)
- nvim: simplify diff open and Close (f95467f)
- nvim: update plugins (edf05bf)
- obsidian: update nvim obsidian plugin config (6588698)
- open splits in a more natural direction (b2fafc5)
- organize tmux conf more (e616363)
- overwrite null-ls (8453331)
- overwrite prettierd filetypes (to support astro) (1863e01)
- playing around with emojis (584f776)
- point obsidian to dotfile-starters vault (f25b7d1)
- properly configure theme (d188d4f)
- reenable buflines (47deec4)
- remoe todo page (b2e6002)
- remove all unused nvim packages (b0c2372)
- remove br fish function (f1917ff)
- remove copilot lua plugin (ac91469)
- remove deprecated thin stroke value (e7c09ef)
- remove discocss (6b065e5)
- remove drawbox config from lf (1dce4a8)
- remove fig (70fe1c7)
- remove final space (0e7a62e)
- remove for lazyvim plugin (9336549)
- remove git rooter (e1e585a)
- remove lazygit app config (cbe3b0d)
- remove lsp lines (0dc99c4)
- remove lsp signature plugin (1ee08af)
- remove Music manage off rule (f0abca5)
- remove neovim telescope plugins (b73ed42)
- remove now playing in favor of Sleeve app (a90036c)
- remove Nutiliti filter (a00bfa3)
- remove old italic font (8836922)
- remove rename script (bec0fe3)
- remove tmux-icon-name (51a0d03)
- remove tresitter, issues with m1 (fd284f5)
- remove ultisnips (for coc-snippets) (1b364af)
- remove unused autocmd (e396590)
- rename bew script from bubu to b (2649a0d)
- rename null-ls project to none-ls (5c42965)
- rename wc bin (a452515)
- reorganize and cleanup tmux conf (680c4bc)
- reorganize lvim (0fae86a)
- replace exa fish abbr with lsd (6b0a791)
- replace symbolic link with file (7b6e6ea)
- save iina options (59054e5)
- save rocket database (ac147c5)
- save zoxide database (cc5ec3e)
- set catppuccin alacritty colors (3803c8c)
- set catppuccin bat theme (3607fdc)
- set catppuccin bat theme (04f84a1)
- set datetime stamp (60c0038)
- set filetype to lfrc file (f459ef5)
- set line wrapping rules (70b26c2)
- set nvim pager (e7b5710)
- set yazi theme and settings (6dd340c)
- setup edgy (abb23d9)
- setup random wallpaper for wezterm (2de9d49)
- setup stylua formatting and reformat files (9f40a7a)
- shell: add broot config (d49a92a)
- show hostname on tmux status bar (ce9e430)
- show window name (fddcebe)
- show z in which key (for folding) (2661a3d)
- simplify brew script (6044b7c)
- simplify lazygit (e7c2591)
- simplify tmux git stuff (7f5bfa7)
- sort gitignore (5b28668)
- speed up gif (006e4e6)
- starship: disable vagrant (29d91eb)
- style buffline to work with edgy (a430ec6)
- style file heading text (8e109ee)
- swap "o" and "O" commands (dc8e846)
- swap cmd k for go to command (9888cba)
- swap colorizer for mini-hipatterns (c0c09cd)
- swap leader + . with leader + leader to trigger code action (cc569f1)
- switch autosuggestion color go gray (3cd9496)
- switch cmd k to t popup (4da75e5)
- switch config (4a1ad26)
- switch default editor to lvim (4734bc0)
- switch nvm for volta (3c4901d)
- switch pl to pnpm lint (afb8e57)
- switch to fnm (c5fa10f)
- switch to JetBriansMono (Nerd Font v3) font (28a2f49)
- switch to medium font style (e1bc184)
- switch to use all universal variables in (2bce798)
- sync lf-previewer to mackup (163bd5e)
- sync vscode settings (9b523d0)
- sync yazi with mackup (aff4f1c)
- temporarily disable aw-wachter (17043f6)
- tmux updates (9a19460)
- tmux: remap G bind to run custom ghd script (2c1d322)
- tmux: switch cmd+g to neogit (1bdaed9)
- tmux: update window name icons (bcd55f1)
- toggle noice with zenmode (21e241a)
- toggle off only show alacritty (for now) (c2b6172)
- tweak sizing of termial font/padding (ce2a0b8)
- udpate yarn (1ff1a37)
- upate db (b27dcbc)
- upate hammerspoon (bbc1c72)
- update (542d761)
- update abbreviations (bc2040d)
- update alacritty (be072ce)
- update alacritty order of file (363db09)
- update app (867a942)
- update b script (a0900df)
- update background (1d62a55)
- update background settings (44c890e)
- update bashrc (75c4cef)
- update bindings (21ffda9)
- update brew packages (2816a35)
- update bubu flow (3df694f)
- update bubu script (2c8dcd5)
- update buffer binding to use mru and lastused sorting (d3141c9)
- update buffer keymaps (a46c761)
- update buffline settings (b4986f6)
- update chatGPT cmds and add key maps (1f6b9b0)
- update clean to green (1de60f4)
- update cmp to work with tailwindcss-colorizer-cmp (419f48e)
- update co (1ff81e7)
- update code (37d0f68)
- update code (974a683)
- update code action settings (a07d606)
- update colors (f21f24b)
- update comments (29d6e6e)
- update config (e7d25fa)
- update cspell (5056f9e)
- update db (53b4aaf)
- update db (de5d0b5)
- update db (bfdb668)
- update db (dcdaf3f)
- update dbs (82ad3e7)
- update dictionary (f7bdf78)
- update dictionary (0b00654)
- update doc pages (8bc21e0)
- update docker (f507e03)
- update docker config (fe8e55b)
- update docker config (7043f58)
- update docker config (af9ae32)
- update docker context config (9b6309f)
- update fish (d1562ea)
- update fish config (7cd8570)
- update fish config (a1115a7)
- update fish config (e9f9b35)
- update fish config files (9585f99)
- update fish functions (5df53c1)
- update fish packages (e45f9d6)
- update fish plugins (f1b9cec)
- update fish plugins list (6a1aaf3)
- update fish t configs (db97041)
- update fish to support sqlite (3fa8013)
- update fish variables (f6be9fc)
- update fisher (2e62772)
- update fisher (ab2727e)
- update fzf bindings (c0bbfa4)
- update fzf colors to catppuccin (687cb8d)
- update git neovim commands (d4b7661)
- update git wget (13084c5)
- update git_files telescope config add preview (380f6b5)
- update github (1bd9d6f)
- update github wget hosts (d1671c8)
- update gitignore (cb180b8)
- update gitmux (2074c03)
- update gitmux config (6b85d5d)
- update gitmux symbols (61fde97)
- update go to defition code (687208e)
- update goyo (9dfbb32)
- update hammerspoon (3e51029)
- update hyper hammerspoon (594e9cc)
- update kitty (efd2251)
- update kitty (e812590)
- update kitty config (5f25edd)
- update kitty config (1bb7877)
- update last pager (405d8e9)
- update lazygit configuration (832f21f)
- update lsp-related icons (34d3d2a)
- update lualine (ff779c7)
- update lualine and gitsigns with custom icons (6e1c995)
- update lvim (ffd20f2)
- update lvim (a0174cb)
- update lvim config (57547fa)
- update neofetch layout (bdbdca7)
- update neofetch template (e218542)
- update nerd font test (91b26f4)
- update npm related stuff (367f86b)
- update Octo key maps and config (5b2da3d)
- update opacity (306b403)
- update packages (af9381f)
- update packer (bb548e5)
- update packer (7248906)
- update packer (f43577e)
- update packer (3427a77)
- update packer (a1bbcf8)
- update packer (36a3bea)
- update packer compiled (8073b42)
- update packer packages (8eded29)
- update plugins (514e426)
- update plugins and which-key bindings (364e93b)
- update readme (60f173f)
- update screenshot (65f4a69)
- update screenshot (516e9cf)
- update screenshot (816dcba)
- update scrolloff (9cb53e8)
- update starship characters (1a1ad1c)
- update starship symbols to emojis (0336d4e)
- update telescope (b841ad0)
- update telescope grep (799de27)
- update telescope settings (3405511)
- update theme (878ae74)
- update tmux (93aee78)
- update tmux config (5f94b5d)
- update tmux styles (c456bfb)
- update tmux to top position (33e44fd)
- update TODO on dotfiles (011e379)
- update treesitter with markdown support (7811728)
- update untracked gitmux icon (21d8606)
- update variables (f1957f7)
- update vimium themes (4468820)
- update vscode and alphabetise keys (98c1e34)
- update vscode settings (f4c9407)
- update vscode style (995294c)
- update wezterm (d4b6914)
- update wget hosts (1458e96)
- update wget hosts (596a6d8)
- update what's ignored (be344e9)
- update which-keys (25bc3c0)
- update yabai key bindings (0992eb4)
- update yabai restart command when writing to .yabairc (fb3e6c8)
- update yarn (4d9bf08)
- update yarn (5c5728c)
- update zsh bashrc variables (b56b03b)
- updates to config (4d5e5b4)
- updates to fish (5dbc7ea)
- updates to lazygit config (83e35ff)
- upgrade to Nerd Font v3 icons (9035335)
- use base16 for bat theme (588a082)
- use different backgrouknd colors (d1c51d4)
- use emoji icon (96242b4)
- use emojis for tmux window names (8dfb6e8)
- use new
binding (f81b9ef) - use run error icon for starship error (4c478f4)
- use set instead of set-option (789237e)
- use starship default shell icon as nerd font tmux window (234474f)
- use X icon for starship (e7ecf64)
- visually update tui (0c59009)
- wezterm: add random multi-font support (c47792c)
- wezterm: remove jetbrains font (0f38d6d)
- when windows move spaces switch to space (6777509)
- zen-mode: update to reflect the new visuals (5402327)
- add border to lspinfo (ffa22ab)
- add cmd-w back to close tmux window (0065d4e)
- add hombrew bin to path to preceed default bin (014d55f)
- add homebrew txt back (5bfc6f8)
- add note (4e61cde)
- add sbin homebrew to path (6212d43)
- add space to gitmux icon (4b3a411)
- add trailing space to gitmux layout (fd5fffc)
- add x to variables (1660fd9)
- adjust catppuccin plugin (ae79656)
- adjust settings (88c010d)
- b path (0fa7673)
- change command J with command K (b52e3f8)
- cleanup file (f4ae611)
- cleanup fish variables (9ee0bf2)
- cleanup zshrc (220b620)
- cmd+R command (75bcf80)
- conflicting mappings (05b9057)
- d script bot (f2ccb1a)
- delete gitmux binary (46ddade)
- diffview commands with which-key (6d09e03)
- disable delta cli (for now) (07d3681)
- disable diffview temporarily (0ebe284)
- drop enable option (f05531d)
- echo outdated in script (bdadaa6)
- firevim (b442211)
- font rendering by setting default terminal (37fea88)
- format 2 spaces and add fix harpoon commands (11f6970)
- formatting (2a6d894)
- gd abbr (7c0a617)
- get Raycast preferences ignored by yabai (42258d2)
- get tmux navigator working again (fb9a78b)
- gitmux mackup config (86784c4)
- gitsigns (681af45)
- go to def breaking with d.t files (f3a419b)
- indent blank line toggle for zenmode (ed71ec8)
- l which-key keys (7d8a118)
- lf hidden set (bd49991)
- link to lf github (c471f6e)
- lsp (de0a74b)
- lsp to support prettier and eslint with null-ls (1f5837b)
- make
capitalize to mark as default (6ecec2a) - make nvim lspconfig a dependency of null-ls (4302122)
- make symbols wider (4a550dd)
- make tmux git branch white (fbf536d)
- mason icons (2a28a96)
- merge vim coc-settings ditionary words with cspell (7ca4054)
- misspelling of tealdeer (805689b)
- nvim: command needs to be returned (ac6329c)
- nvim: incline git change icon color (bdf7922)
- nvim: smart open config (d8d590c)
- obsidian day folder (216c61b)
- obsidian plugin (7dd3644)
- overmind plugin path (6226443)
- path to file imports on doc pages (71e78b6)
- prepend escape on cmd+s for vim mode (e124df1)
- previewer (9b5fa8c)
- reformat and disable tmux window rename (077f68c)
- remove ds_store file from wallpaper (5ccc128)
- remove duplicate eslint (lspconfig already provided) (446d646)
- remove duplicate plugin reference (3df373e)
- remove unused import (4f73b7e)
- remove unused variable (4bdc366)
- remove unused yarn lock (1c0acc4)
- rename abbr to use .t (1b85375)
- reproritize fish path (f169ae0)
- second braing plugin path (00c1b32)
- set filetype for zx bubu file (9ceb3aa)
- set shell type on all conf files (3b0e378)
- setup autopairs (bf1696b)
- simplify CTRL_R options (e75d9a8)
- simplify lt command to not be long list (924f572)
- simplify nvim config files in favor of lazyvim plugins (e1e63ca)
- simplify starship doc link (5fd5d35)
- simplify telescope find command (fbacba6)
- sort key bindings alphabetically (bd034a8)
- spelling (24bed96)
- spelling error (bbbb4fa)
- split horizontal (a32e1a7)
- status length for pomodoro (7a27552)
- styles (57e2b66)
- swap splits with cmd+n (dd820b4)
- switch abbr to neovim (b846ec0)
- switch to system settings (e5b4c1e)
- switch untracked to gray (be544c4)
- telescope preview_width should be defined on horizontal table (bdc76f0)
- trailing " (7dc8ac7)
- treesitter context to properly work (cf01b13)
- unset fish u abbr (c4b59c9)
- update commands to be Lunarvim compatible (368d88a)
- update config with module export pattern (456185d)
- update neovim and lsp icon support (4978200)
- update nvim-web-devicons repo path (f4fc527)
- update other files (408b44c)
- use brew shellenv instead of adding paths (ada404b)
- use default nvim for EDITOR (7846d91)
- use more recent branch nerd font icon (95e0a12)
- use new dashboard plugin path to disable (35d401d)
- v abbr goes to file (fc48c90)
- vim rooter to work with git (cb54dcb)
- wezterm: set opacity based off dark/light (8d14c2f)
- wrap by word on markdown files (ebcae7c)
- zenmode lualine function typing (ca3c352)