back to overview Looking for Ruby?
- Basics
- Panama
- Tutorial - To be moved
- 1. Generate a new Rails app
- 2. Generate a controller and add an action
- 3. Create a route that maps a URL to the controller action
- 4. Create a view with HTML and CSS
- 5. Generate a new Model
- 6. Generate a controller and add actions
- 7. Create a route that maps a URL to the controller action
- 8. Create a view with HTML and CSS
- Extras
- Troubleshooting
: mini applications -Rails::Application
inherits fromRails:Engine
. Generated withrails plugin new <name> --[full|mountable]
. Engine is a full plugin. See more
rails console
: jump into rails interactive console
controller > route > view learn request/response cycle:
rails db:create
- create dbrails db:drop
- drop dbrails db:schema:load
- run schema.rbrails db:schema:dump
- dump db schema to schema.rbrails db:version
- print schema versionrails db:migrate
- run migrationsrails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=<env>
- run migrations in<env>
(development, test)rails db:rollback
- rollback previous migrationrails db:seed
- seed by running seeds.rbrails db:setup
- db:create, db:schema:load, db:seedrails db:reset
- db:drop, db:setuprails db:migrate:reset
- db:drop, db:create, db:migraterails generate migration <PascalName>
- new migrationdb/migrate/<snake_name>.rb
# Logging, Metrics, Alerting, Observability
## Logging
- General Logging: Use [Splunk](
- `Rails.logger.error("Error message")` - log to splunk
- Logging for bugs: Use [Bugsnag](
- `Bugsnag.notify('TurboGraft:script-error', scriptSrc);` - JS
- `rescue StandardError => e Bugsnag.notify(e)` - RB
## Metrics
- Use [DataDog](
- `StatsD.event("event-name")` - event metric
- `StatsD.gauge("metric-name", value)` - gauge, new values replace old values
- `StatsD.distribution("metric-name", value)` - modified gauge, distribution of values over a sample period
- `StatsD.increment("metric-name", value)` - counting, new values added to existing. generally value is 1
- `StatsD.histogram("metric-name", value)` - histogram
- `StatsD.measure("metric-name", value)` - timing measurement
## Jobs
- Use [Sidekiq](
## DB
- Use [VividCortex](
# [Sagas](
- Series of steps/transactions executed in sequence
- Replace "Workflows"
- see `components/<component>/app/public/<component>/orchestrators/`
- Orchestrator (inherits Platform::Sagas::Orchestrator) contains `event`s:
- starting a saga involves calling `dispatch!` on the Orchestrator, passing the matching event
- `event` contains a list of `step` actions (unit of business logic)
- see `components/<component>/app/services/<component>/<related-to-orchestrator>/saga_steps/`
MyComponent::MyOrchestrator.dispatch!(:my_event, inbound_shipment_id: 7, other_required_parameter: "some value") # run saga async
result =!(:my_event, inbound_shipment_id: 7, other_required_parameter: "some value", trace_id:"someId") # run saga sync for testing
module MyComponent
class MyOrchestrator < Platform::Sagas::Orchestrator
:my_event, # unique for this orchestrator
for_resource: InboundTransfer, # This event manipulates InboundTransfer objects
resource_id_key: :inbound_shipment_id, # Use inbound_shipment_id instead of inbound_transfer_id to locate resource
input_schema: { inbound_shipment_id: Integer, other_required_parameter: String } # All parameters listed here are required
step MyComponent::CommandProcessors::MyLegacyCommandClass # legacy workflow step
step MyComponent::MyStepCommand # saga step
step( # inline step
"inline_step_unique_name", # Step identifier, unique for the saga
transactional: true, # Execute the step as a transaction
input_schema: { some_input_param: Integer } # Inputs will be validated against this schema at runtime
) do
perform_command do |input|
# Logic to be execute for this step
step_result(some: data) # use step_result to return step results, injected into input for this saga
on_failure_command do |input|
# Logic to be execute in case of step execution failure
branch :conditional_param do # :conditional_param should be in the input to this event
condition :success do
# This will run if input[:conditional_param] == :success
step "success_step_1" do ... end
condition :failure do
condition :other do
condition ->(input){ input[:some_param].present? } do
# This will run if the above lambda evaluates to true
step "lambda_step_1" do ... end
# Iterate over input[:ids] (do nothing if not found or not an Array)
for_each :ids do
# These steps will be executed for each element in input[:ids]
step "iter-step-1" do ... end
step "iter-step-2" do ... end
module MyComponent
class MyStepCommand < Platform::Sagas::StepCommandRunner
transaction true # should this step be executed as a transaction?
input_schema { some_resource_id: Integer } # define here the step input schema for validation
def perform
# Override perform to define the step behavior
new_value = @input[:old_value] + 1
# cancel() will stop execution of the whole saga early
step_result(new_value: new_value) # use step_result to return step results
def on_failure
# Optionally override on_failure to provide logic in case of errors
new_value = @input[:old_value] - 1
step_result(new_value: new_value)
Used for query of BigData storage pre-computed reports See docs and dashboard and setup
# add gem "shopify_panama", "~> 1.2.21" to GEMFILE
module PanamaInput
DATASET = "sfn-qualifications"
QUALIFICATION_NAME = "app_install"
def check_eligibility_of_merchant(shop_id)
panama_client = Shopify::Config.panama_client
scope = { "shopify_shop_id" => shop_id.to_s,
"qualification_name" => PanamaInput::QUALIFICATION_NAME,
"qualification_version" => PanamaInput::QUALIFICATION_VERSION, }
raw_response = panama_client.find_record(scope, PanamaInput::DATASET)&.payload
$ rails new MySite
# or using Postgress $ rails new myapp --database=postgresql
$ bundle install
$ rails server
> http://localhost:8000 # up and running!
$ rails generate controller Pages
generates a new controller named Pages
Open: app/controllers/pages_controller.rb
class PagesController < ApplicationController
def home # add the home action/method to the pages controller
Open: config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
get 'welcome' => 'pages#home'
Open: app/views/pages/home.html.erb
<!-- write some html -->
<div class="main">
<div class="container">
<h1>Hello my name is King</h1>
<p>I make Rails apps.</p>
Let rails create the model for you as below, or manually create the class and migration yourself
$ rails generate model Message
This creates model named Message, with two files:
- Model file app/models/message.rb
- Migration file db/migrate/YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_create_message.rb
class CreateMessages < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :messages do |t|
t.text :content # add this
method tells Rails what change to make to the database.t.text :content
- create text column called content in the messages tables.t.timestamps
- a Rails command that creates columns created_at and updated_at. These columns are automatically set when a message is created and updated.
Seed data in seeds.rb:
m1 = Message.create(content: "Text1") # new object and save to db
m3 = "Test") # create new message object, do not save yet # save object to db => true
m3.persisted? # => true
$ rails generate controller Messages
Open: app/controllers/messages_controller.rb
Note class name in PascalCase must match file name in snake_case
class MessagesController < ApplicationController
# Rails defines standard controller actions can be used to do common things such as display and modify data.
# index, show, new, create, edit, update, and destroy
# code below is optional
def index
@messages = Message.all # retrieves all messages from database and stores them in variable @messages.
def new
@message = #
def create
@message =
redirect_to '/messages'
render 'new'
def message_params
Open: config/routes.rb
Rails.application.routes.draw do
get 'messages' => 'messages#index' # 'messages' route targets class 'MessagesController' in file /app/controllers/messages_controller.rb action 'index'
get 'messages/new' => 'messages#new'
post 'messages' => 'messages#create'
resources :messages # maps conventional routes
mount Billing::Engine, at '/', as: 'billing' # 'billing' route redirected to Billing engine at '/' route
resources :MODEL
- sets up conventional routes, also helpers based on prefixes. see hereresources :MODEL do resources :NESTED end
- nests NESTED in MODEL$ rails routes
- shows all configured routes
Open: app/views/messages/index.html.erb
<div class="messages">
<div class="container">
<% @messages.each do |message| %>
<!-- iterates through each message in @messages created in the Messages controller's index -->
<div class="message">
<p class="content"><%= message.content %></p>
<p class="time"><%= message.created_at %></p>
<% end %> <%= link_to 'New Message', "messages/new" %>
<!-- Sets a link to the creation page -->
Open: app/views/messages/new.html.erb
<div class="create">
<div class="container">
<!-- Create a form with a textarea field -->
<%= form_for(@message) do |f| %>
<div class="field">
<%= f.label :message %><br />
<%= f.text_area :content %>
<div class="actions"><%= f.submit "Create" %></div>
<% end %>
- Credentials
- Rails Initialization -
bin/rails server
- Components may define a
to prefix their ActiveRecord's database table names - Packwerk - Ruby gem used to enforce boundaries and modularize Rails applications
- Logs on SPIN for core:
journalctl -o cat -fu [email protected]
- When seeing only a blank page after running rails server:
- Follow instructions to use postgres:
- Rollback