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React Hapi SSR

A tiny robust boilerplate containing the following technologies

On the client side

Tech Description Learn More
React Fast, composable client-side components. Pluralsight Course
Redux Enforces unidirectional data flows and immutable, hot reloadable store. Supports time-travel debugging. Lean alternative to Facebook's Flux. Getting Started with Redux, Building React Applications with Idiomatic Redux, Pluralsight Course
React Router A complete routing library for React Pluralsight Course
React Cookie Universal cookies for React Medium Tutorial
Babel Compiles ES6 to ES5. Enjoy the new version of JavaScript today. ES6 REPL, ES6 vs ES5, ES6 Katas, Pluralsight course
Webpack Bundles npm packages and our JS into a single file. Includes hot reloading via react-transform-hmr. Quick Webpack How-to Pluralsight Course
ESLint Lint JS. Reports syntax and style issues. Using eslint-plugin-react for additional React specific linting rules.
npm Scripts Glues all this together in a handy automated build. Pluralsight course, Why not Gulp?

On the server side

Tech Description Learn More
Hapi A rich framework for building applications and services. EggheadIO Course
Hapi Auth Cookie A Hapijs cookie authentication plugin. Hapijs Tutorial
Inert Static file and directory handlers for hapi.js. Serving Static Content
Universal Cookie Express My own baked in version of this plugin located in Hapi React SSR's server/plugins directory. Translated from this original code
Serialize Javascript Serialize JavaScript to a superset of JSON that includes regular expressions and functions. Serialize used in Tyler Mcginnis SSR Tutorial

The starter kit includes a working example app that puts all of the above to use. This utilizes isomorphic javascript rendered from the server. Hapi React SSR attempts to manage data in a more robust way than most examples out on the web. In addition to serializing and storing data on the server I also manage data on the client using redux.

As an extra added bonus I included the minimum account functionality which I feel is required in order to start off ever application. It's super basic but does the trick.

I would like to give some credit to Tyler Mcginnis for two very super helpful tutorials (though I will point out that my example is slightly more up to date in react plugins):

Last but not least, I would also like to give much needed credit to Cory House for React Slingshot. His project was a critical reference when it came to setting up my redux. My project is not as nearly configured with npm scripts and testability so I would humply invite anyone who wishes to push my project further to go for it!


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