This walkthrough goes through read mapping and generating counts tables.
What you'll end up with at the end of this are counts tables at the contig, MAG, SLC, ORF, and SSO levels.
It is assumed you've completed either the end-to-end metagenomics or the recovering viruses from metatranscriptomics walkthroughs.
We focus on global read mapping in this tutorial but local is similar.
- Create a global index of genomes and their gene models
- Map reads to global reference and create base counts tables
- Merge the counts tables for all the samples
Conda Environment: conda activate VEBA
. Use this for intermediate scripts.
Here we are going to concatenate all of the binned contigs (i.e., MAGs) and their respective gene models (i.e., GFF files) then index using Bowtie2
# Set the number of threads
# Set a useful name for log files
rm -f logs/${N}.*
# Get list to all genomes
ls veba_output/binning/*/*/output/genomes/*.fa > veba_output/misc/genomes.list
# Get list to all gene models
ls veba_output/binning/*/*/output/genomes/*.gff > veba_output/misc/gene_models.list
# Set up command
CMD="source activate VEBA && veba --module index --params \"-r ${GENOMES} -g ${GENE_MODELS} -o veba_output/index/global/ -p ${N_JOBS}\""
# Either run this command or use SunGridEnginge/SLURM
The following output files will produced:
- reference.fa.gz - Concatenated reference fasta
- reference.fa.gz.*.bt2 - Bowtie2 index of reference fasta
- reference.gff - Concatenated gene models
- reference.saf - SAF format for reference
Here we are map all of the reads to the global reference and create base counts tables for contigs and ORFs using featureCounts.
Note: Versions prior to v1.1.2 require the output directory to include the sample name. (e.g., -o veba_output/mapping/global/${ID}
where -n
is not used. In v1.1.2+, the output directory is automatic (e.g., veba_output/mapping/global/
and -n ${ID}
are used)
# If you have run the module you can use this:
# If you skipped the clustering, you can oncatenate all of the scaffolds to bins from all of the domains
cat veba_output/binning/*/*/output/scaffolds_to_bins.tsv > veba_output/misc/all_genomes.scaffolds_to_mags.tsv
# Set a lower number of threads since we are running for each sample
# Get the index directory
for ID in $(cat identifiers.list); do
rm -f logs/${N}.*
# Get the forward and reverse reads
# Specify the output directory
# Set up command
CMD="source activate VEBA && veba --module mapping --params \"-1 ${R1} -2 ${R2} -n ${ID} -o ${OUT_DIR} -p ${N_JOBS} -x ${INDEX_DIRECTORY} --scaffolds_to_bins ${SCAFFOLDS_TO_MAGS}\"" #--scaffolds_to_clusters ${SCAFFOLDS_TO_SLCS} --proteins_to_orthogroups ${PROTEINS_TO_ORTHOGROUPS}
# Either run this command or use SunGridEnginge/SLURM
The following output files will produced for each sample:
- counts.orfs.tsv.gz - ORF-level counts table
- counts.scaffolds.tsv.gz - Contig-level counts table
- mapped.sorted.bam - Sorted BAM file
- unmapped_1.fastq.gz - Unmapped reads (forward)
- unmapped_2.fastq.gz - Unmapped reads (reverse)
- genome_spatial_coverage.tsv.gz - Spatial coverage of MAG within sample (based on
samtools coverage
We have individual counts vectors for ORFs and contigs per sample. Now we need to merge the contig counts and ORF counts separately. While we are at it, let's aggregate the contig counts into MAGs and SLCs then aggregate the ORF counts into SSPCs (previously referred to as SSO). We are going to use the
scripts installed with VEBA. If for some reason they aren't installed, then download them here:
# Get mapping directory
# Set output directory (this is default)
# Merge contig-level counts (excu -m ${MAPPING_DIRECTORY} -c ${MAGS_TO_SLCS} -i ${SCAFFOLDS_TO_MAGS} -o ${OUT_DIR}
The following output files will produced:
- scaffold_to_mag.tsv - Identifier mapping [id_contig][id_mag]
- mag_to_slc.tsv - Identifier mapping [id_mag][id_slc]
- orf_to_orthogroup.tsv - Identifier mapping [id_orf][id_sso]
- X_contigs.tsv.gz - Counts tables gzipped and tab-delimited (samples, contigs)
- X_mags.tsv.gz - Counts tables gzipped and tab-delimited (samples, MAGs)
- X_orfs.tsv.gz - Counts tables gzipped and tab-delimited (samples, ORFs)
- X_orthogroups.tsv.gz - Counts tables gzipped and tab-delimited (samples, SSOs)
- X_slcs.tsv.gz - Counts tables gzipped and tab-delimited (samples, SLCs)
Now it's time to analyze the data using compositional data analysis (CoDA).
- Thomas P Quinn, Ionas Erb, Mark F Richardson, Tamsyn M Crowley, Understanding sequencing data as compositions: an outlook and review, Bioinformatics, Volume 34, Issue 16, 15 August 2018, Pages 2870–2878,
- Thomas P Quinn, Ionas Erb, Greg Gloor, Cedric Notredame, Mark F Richardson, Tamsyn M Crowley, A field guide for the compositional analysis of any-omics data, GigaScience, Volume 8, Issue 9, September 2019, giz107,
- Espinoza, J.L., Shah, N., Singh, S., Nelson, K.E. and Dupont, C.L. (2020), Applications of weighted association networks applied to compositional data in biology. Environ Microbiol, 22: 3020-3038.