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Notes about this Neovim config

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Window (Split) management

  1. <C-w> then lots of options in which-key window
  2. Change layout uses capital HJKL letters.
  3. Horizontal split to vertical split: <C-w>H
    • this rotates the splits anti-clockwise. Will work on any layout.
    • J, K, L keys also work.

Leap(ing about like a ninja)

  1. Jump to text based on character pairs. In normal mode type s (or S to search backwards from cursor). After a couple of chars, you will see labels in the text.


Things that can be searched:

  1. Buffers
    • <tab>r
    • Command: :lua require('telescope.builtin').buffers({ ignore_current_buffer = true, sort_mru = true })<CR>
  2. Files in repo
    • <tab>f
    • Command: <CMD>lua require'plugins.telescope'.find_files_fallback()<CR>
    • excludes git ignored files if in a git repository. If not in a git repository, searches all files.
  3. All files
    • <tab>a
    • Command: :Telescope find_files<CR>
  4. Text - whole project, respects .gitignore
    • <tab>s
    • Command: :Telescope live_grep<CR>", { noremap = true, silent = true, desc = "Telescope ripgrep (not fuzzy)" }
    • uses ripgrep, not FZF.
    • Search for a string in your current working directory, respects .gitignore. Requires Ripgrep.
  5. Text - flexible
    • <tab>x
    • Command: :lua require('telescope').extensions.live_grep_args.live_grep_args()<CR>
    • enables passing arguments to ripgrep
      • --no-ignore - searches inside files ignored by git
      • -tpy or --type python- searches only in files with .py extension.
    • ripgrep commands
    • extension
  6. Your command history
    • <tab>tc
    • Command: :Telescope command_history<CR>
    • a history of anything done in EX mode
  7. Your search history
    • <tab>ts
    • Command: :Telescope search_history<CR>
  8. Keymaps
    • <tab>tk
    • Command: :Telescope keymaps<CR>
  9. Registers
    • <tab>tr
    • Command: :Telescope registers<CR>
  10. Git
    • Commits
    • Branches
    • Status
    • Bcommits
  11. Resume
    • whatever you were doing last in telescope
    • <tab>z
  12. Autocommands
  13. Treesitter things
  14. Vim options
  15. Help files
  16. Projects

Telescope Extensions

  • fzf
    • fzf-native
    • this gives better performance and sorting behavior. (Also includes FZF syntax \!, \', \^, \$ )
  • projects
  • harpoon
  • live_grep_args repo
  • smart_history


  1. m, - create next sign

  2. m; - toggle next available mark at current line

  3. dmx - delete mark x

  4. dm<space> - delete all marks in current buffer

  5. m: - preview mark

  6. m] - next mark

  7. m[ - previous mark


Not sure what these are, see :h marks-bookmarks

  1. m[0-9] - Add a bookmark


  1. blame current line <leader>sb
  2. Symbols:
    • | - added or changed
    • _ - deleted
    • - - top delete
    • ~ - change number
  3. stage buffer <leader>sS


  • toggle-lsp-diagnostics can toggle virtual text diagnostic messages, but doesn't include the source of the diagnostic. Therefore I wrote a separate function for toggling diagnostic virtual text.
  • View which language server generated a diagnostic message using <Leader>l. (LSPSaga line diagnostics includes server name.)


  1. LSP-Finder <Leader>i
  2. Outline <Leader>o
  3. Documentation window hover K
  4. Code actions <Leader>a
  5. Rename <Leader>r
  6. Go to previous diagnostic [e
  7. Go to previous error [E
  8. Go to definition gd
  9. Peek definition gld
  10. Line diagnostics <Leader>ll
  11. Cursor diagnostics <Leader>lc


  1. List of errors: <Leader>q
  2. Go to type definition <Leader>D


my ever changing neovim configuration.






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