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268 lines (200 loc) · 15.6 KB

File metadata and controls

268 lines (200 loc) · 15.6 KB

Story: New dependency graph uses less heap

The new dependency graph also requires substantial heap (in very large projects). We should spool it to disk during resolution and load it into heap only as required.


  • Existing dependency reports tests work neatly
  • The report is generated when the configuration was already resolved (e.g. some previous task triggered resolution)
  • The report is generated when the configuration was unresolved yet.

Story: Restructure Gradle cache layout to give file store and metadata separate versions (DONE)

This story separates the file store and meta-data cache versions so that they can evolve separately.

The Gradle cache layout will become:

  • $gradleHome/caches/modules-${l}/ - this is the cache base directory, which includes the lock. When the locking protocol changes, the version ${l} is changed.
  • $gradleHome/caches/modules-${l}/files-${l}.${f} - this is the file store directory. When the file store layout changes, the version ${f} is changed.
  • $gradleHome/caches/modules-${l}/metadata-${l}.${m} - this is the meta-data directory, includes the artifact, dependency and module meta-data caches. When the meta-data format changes, the version ${m} is changed.

Initial values: l = 1, f = 1, m = 27.

  1. Change CacheLockingManager.createCache() to accept a relative path name instead of a File. This path should be resolved relative to the meta-data directory.
  2. Add methods to CacheLockingManager to create the file store and module meta-data PathKeyFileStore implementations.

Test coverage

  • Update the existing caching test coverage for the new locations. No new coverage is required.

Story: Dependency resolution result produces a graph of component instances instead of a graph of module versions (DONE)

Currently, the output of dependency resolution is effectively a graph of module versions. There are a number of issues with this approach. One fundamental problem is that not all of the things that participate in dependency resolution are modules in a repository nor are they necessarily all versioned. This series of stories changes dependency resolution so that it can deal with things which are not module versions.

The approach here is to introduce the more general concept of a component and base dependency resolution on this concept. Then, different types of components will later be introduced to model the different kinds of things that participate in dependency resolution.

In this story, the dependency resolution result is changed so that it produces a graph of component instances, rather than a graph of module versions.

  1. Rename ResolvedModuleVersionResult to ResolvedComponentResult.
    • Rename the allModuleVersions methods on ResolutionResult to allComponents.
  2. Rename ModuleVersionSelectionReason to ComponentSelectionReason.
  3. Introduce a org.gradle.api.artifacts.component.ComponentIdentifier type.
    • displayName property returns some arbitrary human-consumable value.
  4. Introduce a ModuleComponentIdentifier type that extends ComponentIdentifier and add an internal implementation.
    • group property
    • name property
    • version property
  5. Introduce a org.gradle.api.artifacts.component.ComponentSelector type.
    • displayName property returns some arbitrary human-consumable value.
  6. Introduce a ModuleComponentSelector type that extends ComponentSelector and add an internal implementation.
    • group property
    • name property
    • version property
  7. Change ResolvedComponentResult:
    • Change getId() to return a ComponentIdentifier. Implementation should return a ModuleComponentIdentifier implementation.
    • Add ModuleVersionIdentifier getModuleVersion(). Mark method as @Nullable. Implementation should return the same as value as getId() for this story.
  8. Change the methods of DependencyResult and UnresolvedDependencyResult to use ComponentSelector instead of ModuleVersionSelector.

Test coverage

  • Nothing beyond some unit tests for the new methods and types.

Story: Dependency resolution result exposes local component instances (DONE)

This story changes the dependency resolution model to distinguish between component instances that are produced by the build and those that are produced outside the build. This will allow IDE integrations to map dependencies by exposing this information about the source of a component instance.

This story also changes the dependency resolution model so that local component instances are no longer treated as module versions. Instead, a local project path will be used to identify these instances. For now, every local component instance will have an associated (group, module, version) identifier.

  1. Introduce a ProjectComponentIdentifier type that extends ComponentIdentifier and add a private implementation.
    • project property, as the project path.
    • displayName should be something like project :path.
  2. Change ModuleVersionMetaData to add a ComponentIdentifier getComponentId() method.
    • Default should be a ModuleComponentIdentifier with the same attributes as getId().
    • For project components (as resolved by ProjectDependencyResolver) this should return a ProjectComponentIdentifier instance.
  3. Change ResolvedComponentResult implementations so that:
    • getId() returns the identifier from ModuleVersionMetaData.getComponentId().
    • getModuleVersion() returns a ModuleVersionIdentifier with the same attributes as ModuleVersionMetaData.getId().
  4. Introduce ProjectComponentSelector type that extends ComponentSelector and add a private implementation.
    • project property, as the project path.
  5. Change DependencyMetaData to add a ComponentSelector getSelector()
    • Default should be a ModuleComponentSelector with the same attributes as getRequested().
    • For project dependencies this should return a ProjectComponentSelector instance.

This will allow a consumer to extract the external and project components as follows:

def result = configurations.compile.incoming.resolutionResult
def projectComponents = result.root.dependencies.selected.findAll { instanceof ProjectComponentIdentifier }
def externalComponents = result.root.dependencies.selected.findAll { instanceof ModuleComponentIdentifier }

Test coverage

  • Need to update the existing tests for the dependency report tasks, as they will now render different values for project dependencies.
  • Update existing integration test cases so that, for the resolution result:
    • for the root component
      • id is a ProjectComponentIdentifier with project value referring to the consuming project.
      • moduleVersion is a ModuleVersionIdentifier with correct group, module, version values.
    • for a project dependency
      • requested is a ProjectComponentSelector with project value referring to the target project.
    • for a resolved project component
      • id is a ProjectComponentIdentifier with project value referring to the target project.
      • moduleVersion is a ModuleVersionIdentifier with correct group, module, version values.
    • for an external dependency:
      • requested is a ModuleComponentSelector with correct group, module, version values.
    • for an external module component:
      • id is a ModuleComponentIdentifier with correct group, module, version values.
      • moduleVersion has the same attributes as id.

Story: Dependency reports indicate the source of a component (DONE)

The dependency reporting will change to give some indication of the source of the component:

For an external component instance, this will be unchanged:

+- group:name:1.2
+- group:other:1.3 -> group:other:1.3.1

For a local component that is not a module version, this will look something like:

+- project :some:path
+- project :some:path -> group:other:1.2

For a local component that is a module version, this will look something like

+- project :some:path (group:name:1.2)
+- project :some:path (group:name:1.2) -> group:other:1.2
  1. Change the RenderableDependency hierarchy to use the component id and module version id, if not null.
  2. Update the the dependency report tests as appropriate.

The HTML dependency report should change in a similar way.

Test coverage

  • Update the existing test coverage for the new display values.
  • Ensure there is coverage for the dependency report and the dependency HTML report where
    • There are a mix of external and project dependencies in the graph
  • Ensure there is coverage for the dependency insight report where:
    • There are a mix of external and project dependencies in the graph
    • There are a mix of external and project dependencies in the graph and the --dependency option is used.

Story: Allow the source and Javadoc artifacts for an external Java library to be queried (✓)

This story introduces an API which allows the source and Javadoc artifacts for a Java library to be queried

  • Should be possible to query the artifacts as a single batch, so that, for example, we will be able to resolve and download artifacts in parallel.
  • The API should expose download failures.
  • A component may have zero or more source artifacts associated with it.
  • A component may have zero or more Javadoc artifacts associated with it.
  • Should introduce the concept of a Java library to the result.
  • Should have something in common with the story to expose component artifacts, above.
  • Initial implementation should use the Maven style convention to currently used by the IDE plugins. The a later story will improve this for Ivy repositories.

Test cases

  • Query the source artifacts only
  • Query the Javadoc artifacts only
  • Query which artifacts could not be resolved or downloaded.
  • Caching is applied as appropriate.

Story: IDE plugins use new artifact resolution API to download sources and javadoc (✓)

This story changes the idea and eclipse plugins to use the resolution result to determine the IDE classpath artifacts.

  • Change IdeDependenciesExtractor and JavadocAndSourcesDownloader to use the resolution result to determine the source and Javadoc artifacts.
  • Should ignore project components.

Story: Dependency resolution uses conventional schemes to locate source and Javadoc artifacts for Ivy modules (✓)

This story improves the convention used to locate the source and Javadocs to cover some common Ivy conventions.

User visible changes

Source artifacts contained in a 'sources' configuration in ivy.xml will be now be automatically downloaded and linked into an IDE project. Similar for javadoc artifacts in a 'javadoc' configuration.


  • Make it possible to use ResolveIvyFactory to create a DependencyToModuleVersionResolver without a configuration: use a default ResolutionStrategy and supplied name.
  • Create a DependencyMetaData for each supplied ModuleComponentIdentifier, and use this to obtain the ModuleVersionMetaData for the component.
    • Fail for any other types of ComponentIdentifier
  • Add a new method: ArtifactResolver.resolve(ModuleVersionMetaData, Class<? extends JvmLibraryArtifact>, BuildableMultipleArtifactResolveResult)
    • Note that this is a transitional API: long term the second parameter may be generalised in some way
    • BuildableMultipleArtifactResolveResult allows the collection of multiple downloaded artifacts of the type, or multiple failures, or a combination.
  • Add a method to ModuleVersionRepository that provides the ModuleVersionArtifactMetaData for candidate artifacts given a particular ModuleVersionMetaData + JvmLibraryArtifact class.
    • This method should not require remote access to the repository.
    • For MavenResolver and IvyDependencyResolverAdapter, this would return artifacts defined with the appropriate classifiers.
    • For IvyResolver, this would inspect the ModuleVersionMetaData to determine the candidate artifacts.
    • This method should be used to implement the new resolve method on UserResolverChain.ModuleVersionRepositoryArtifactResolverAdapter.

Test cases

  • Where ivy.xml contains a 'sources' and/or 'javadoc' configuration:
    • Defined artifacts are included in generated IDE files
    • Defined artifacts are available via Artifact Query API
    • Detect and report on artifacts that are defined in ivy configuration but not found
    • Detect and report error for artifacts that are defined in ivy configuration where download fails
  • Use ivy scheme to retrieve source/javadoc artifacts from a local ivy repository
  • Resolve source/javadoc artifacts by maven conventions where no ivy convention can be used:
    • Flatdir repository
    • No ivy.xml file for module
    • Ivy module with no source/javadoc configurations defined in metadata
  • Maven conventions are not used if ivy file declares empty sources and javadoc configuration

Story: Access the ivy and maven metadata artifacts via the Artifact Query API for component ID(s)

User visible changes

Access the ivy.xml files for a ivy components with the specified id:

def result = dependencies.createArtifactResolutionQuery()
    .forComponents(ivyModuleComponentId1, ivyModuleComponentId2)
    .withArtifacts(IvyModule, IvyDescriptorArtifact)

for(component in result.resolvedComponents) {
    component.getArtifacts(IvyDescriptorArtifact).each { assert == 'ivy.xml' }

Get the pom files for all maven modules in a configuration:

def artifactResult = dependencies.createArtifactResolutionQuery()
    .forComponents(mavenModuleComponentId1, mavenModuleComponentId2)
    .withArtifacts(MavenModule, MavenPomArtifact)

for(component in result.resolvedComponents) {
    component.getArtifacts(MavenPomArtifact).each { assert == 'some-artifact-1.0.pom' }


  • Introduce Module domain model:
    • Add the interface org.gradle.ivy.IvyModule in the project ivy. The interface extends org.gradle.api.component.Component.
    • Add the interface org.gradle.maven.MavenModule in the project maven. The interface extends org.gradle.api.component.Component.
  • Introduce Artifact domain model:
    • Add the interface org.gradle.ivy.IvyDescriptorArtifact in the project ivy. The interface extends org.gradle.api.component.Artifact.
    • Add the interface org.gradle.maven.MavenPomArtifact in the project maven. The interface extends org.gradle.api.component.Artifact.

Test cases

  • Invalid component type and artifact type
    • Cannot call withArtifacts multiple times for query
    • Cannot mix JvmLibrary with metadata artifact types
    • Cannot mix IvyModule and MavenModule component types with jvm library artifact types
  • Unsupported artifact types:
    • When requesting IvyModule artifacts, the result for a maven component is UnresolvedComponentResult with a useful failure.
    • When requesting MavenModule artifacts, the result for an ivy component is UnresolvedComponentResult with a useful failure.
    • When requesting IvyModule or MavenModule artifacts, the result for a project component is UnresolvedComponentResult with a useful failure.
  • Optional artifacts:
    • Request an ivy descriptor for an ivy module with no descriptor, and get empty set of artifacts.
    • Request a pom for a maven module with no pom, and get empty set of artifacts.
  • Metadata artifacts are cached
    • Updates IvyDescriptorArtifact for changing module
    • Updates MavenPomArtifact for maven snapshot
    • Updates both with --refresh-dependencies

Open issues

  • Typed domain model for IvyModule and MavenModule