The main role of the project:
- Image codec library's usage:
- libjpeg
- libtiff
- libpng
- giflib
- liblept
- libjpeg-turbo
- stbnothings/stb
- Tesseract-OCR's usage GitHub
- Text detection and localization: TiRG SourceForge
- FreeType's usage freetype
- OpenCV support chinese text output
- UTF-8 CPP's usage UTF-8 CPP sourceforge
The version of each open source library see:version.txt
The project support platform:
- windows7/10 64 bits: It can be directly build with VS2013 in windows7/10 64bits.
- Linux:
- FreeType_Test support cmake build(file position: prj/linux_cmake_FreeType_Test)
- TextDetect_Test support cmake build(file position: prj/linux_cmake_TextDetect_Test)
- UTF8_CPP_Test support cmake build(file position: prj/linux_cmake_UTF8_CPP_Test)
- Liblept_Test support cmake build(file position: prj/linux_cmake_Liblept_Test)
- Tesseract-OCR_Test support cmake build(file position: prj/linux_cmake_Tesseract-OCR_Test)
- Libjpeg-turbo_Test support cmake build(file position: prj/linux_cmake_Libjpeg-turbo_Test)
Blog: fengbingchun