DruDock is Docker based development, staging and production environment for Drupal websites or PHP apps.
Install and setup Docker
- Mac : https://www.docker.com/docker-mac :
- NB: Currently limited to EDGE version for latest :cached performance gains. (https://download.docker.com/mac/edge/Docker.dmg)
- Windows : https://www.docker.com/docker-windows download
- Linux
- Host OS must have PHP ^5.6
Ping me on Twitter
Read more - http://drudockcli.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- Install DruDock globally.
curl -O http://d1gem705zq3obi.cloudfront.net/drudock.phar && \
mv drudock.phar /usr/local/bin/drudock && \
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/drudock && \
Available commands:
help Displays help for a command
list Lists commands
app:bash [ab] Bash into container
app:build [ab] Fetch and build App containers and resources.
app:destroy [ad] Disable and delete APP and containers
app:exec [ae] Execute bespoke commands at :container
app:init [ai] Fetch and build DruDock containers
app:init:build [aib] Initialize environment and run build.
app:init:containers [aic] Create APP containers
app:open [ao] Open APP in default browser.
app:restart [ar] Restart current APP containers
app:ssh [assh] SSH into Apps PHP container.
app:start [start] Start current APP containers
app:status [as] Get current status of all containers
app:stop [stop] Stop current APP containers
app:update:config [aucg] Update APP config
app:update:containers [auct] Update APP containers
app:update:services [aus] Update APP services
behat:cmd Run behat commands
behat:monitor Launch behat VNC viewer
behat:status Runs example command against running APP and current config
drush:cc [dcc] Run drush cache clear
drush:cex [dcex] Run drush config-export
drush:cim [dcim] Run drush config-import
drush:dis [dd] Disable/Uninstall Drupal module
drush:en [de] Enable Drupal module
drush:init:config [dicg] Run drush config init
drush:rr [drr] Run drush registry rebuild
drush:uli [duli] Run Drush ULI
drush:updb [dudb] Run Drush updb
mysql:export Export .sql files
mysql:import Import .sql files
mysql:log Monitor mysql activity
nginx:flush Flush nginx cache
nginx:log Monitor nginx activity
nginx:proxy:start Start nginx proxy
nginx:proxy:stop Stop nginx proxy
nginx:reload Reload nginx activity
nginx:sethost Add nginx host to DD and host OS
prod:update Rebuild app and deploy latest code into app containers
redis:flush Flush Redis cache
redis:info Get Redis running config information
redis:monitor Monitor redis activity
redis:ping Ping Redis
self:about [about] About DruDock
self:update [su] Update Drudock version to latest released version.
:$ drudock app:init --appname defaultapp --type DEFAULT --dist Development --src New --apphost drudock.localhost --services "PHP,NGINX,MYSQL"
:$ cd my-great-app && drudock build:init
:$ drudock app:init:build --appname my-app --type D8 --dist Development --src New --apphost drudock.localhost --services "PHP,NGINX,MYSQL"
:$ cd my-drupal8-site && drudock build:init
:$ drudock app:init:build --appname my-app --type D7 --dist Development --src New --apphost drudock.localhost --services "PHP,NGINX,MYSQL"
:$ cd my-drupal7-site && drudock build:init
- More utility commands and USER feedback For more information see roadmap
- Its not finished - still in alpha and requires community testing and feedback.