Title: HashKV: Enabling Efficient Updates in KV Storage via Hashing
Source: ATC'18
Authors: Helen H. W. Chan, Yongkun Li, Patrick P. C. Lee Yinlong Xu
The problem the paper aims to solve
- Key-Value Separated LSM-Stores (WiscKey) introduces extra query and insert overhead while doing Garbage Collection.
- Unnecessary rewrites for cold KV pairs - Write amplification.
How can the paper address the problem? What is the main idea of this paper?
Hash-based Data Grouping
(1) Partition isolation: hash(Key) -> Partition.
(2) KV pairs with same key are segmented into same group;
Group-Based Garbage Collection
(1) Select the segment group with the largest amount of writes.
(2) Using hash table (No LSM-tree queries required).
Hotness Awareness
(1) Tagging for Hot-cold value separation.
(2) Cold values are separately stored.
Selective KV Separation
(1) Large values: KV separation.
(2) Small values: stored entirely in LSM-tree.
The results of experimentation and analysis show that through the elimination of mixture of hot and cold data, HashKV can achieve better throughput and reduce write amplification.
- The idea of splitting KV pairs into segments based on hash of keys is interesting.
- For Hash-based Data Grouping, The Hash function is important. But it's not mentioned in the paper.
- The overhead introduced by HashKV is not evaluated.
- The comparison object and organization of the experiment are a bit strange.