This is an agent that runs on windows and uses the Local teams API ( to retrieve the status of the user (In a meeting, Video On, Mute, blur etc) and push these into homeassistant sensors using MQTT.
Download the latest version from (app will auto update once installed)
to pair, have the app running, launch a teams meeting (using meetnow?) and click Pair wtih teams. This will initiate a pairing request in teams, accept this, and then the app will store the key, in an encrypted format.
The application will minimize to the system stray.
Provide your MQTT instance details (IP, username and password) The password is encrypted before being saved to the settings file and is not stored in clear text.
Click the Entities button to see a list of entities this program will create:You can either right click and copy or double click to copy the entity name to the clipboard.
You can right click the system tray icon for a selection of functions: