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jhualpa edited this page Nov 16, 2015 · 8 revisions

Answers to technical questions

  1. How long did you spend on the coding test? What would you add to your solution if you had more time? If you didn't spend much time on the coding test then use this as an opportunity to explain what you would add. -- I spent 1 hour, If I had more time I will add support for asynchronous calls and provide a Web UI frontend.

  2. What was the most useful feature that was added to the latest version of your chosen language? Please include a snippet of code that shows how you've used it. -- I think that the null conditional operator "?." is really useful. It is syntactic sugar in reality but simplifies null checking until we have a more sophisticated type system in .NET. The null conditional operator checks whether the operand is null prior to invoking the method or property. Example

string example = "Hello world"; string[] words;

// traditionally

if (example != null) words = ?.Split(' ');

// with null conditional operator ?.

words = example?.Split(' ');

  1. How would you track down a performance issue in production? Have you ever had to do this? -- Yes, I had to do it and I use the performance monitor to check performance counters, the task manager, logging information and with that information I try to make an hypothesis and reproduce the same behavior in a controlled environment.

  2. How would you improve the JUST EAT APIs that you just used? -- I will improve it by converting the API in a data service, I mean I will add support for partial responses with filtering, ordering, paging. This will be mobile friendly and improve throughput. But above all a good developer and documentation page. An interested feature will be to include versioning too.

  3. Please describe yourself using JSON. --

    "FirstName": "Javier",
    "LastName": "Hualpa",
    "Gender": "Male",
    "Citizenship": [
    "Languages": [
    "Email": "[email protected]",
    "Interests": [
        "Suspension training",
    "TechnologySummary": {
        "Languages": [
        "StorageEngines": [
        "Frameworks": [
            "ASP.NET MVC",
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