diff --git a/doc/typst-property-output.md b/doc/typst-property-output.md
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index 000000000000..ab0d5a916da7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/typst-property-output.md
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+title: Typst property output
+author: Gordon Woodhull
+Pandoc Typst property output
+In addition to the output of structural properties built into Pandoc's Typst Writer, the Writer can also output non-structural Typst properties. This is enabled by setting attributes with keys of the form `typst:prop` or `typst:text:prop` on supported elements.
+Typst properties
+[Typst](https://typst.app/) allows specification of visual and layout properties as parameters to elements
+and set-rules
+#set text(fill=blue); Hello
+The parameter values are [Typst code](https://typst.app/docs/reference/syntax/#modes) that can use any features of the Typst language.
+Pandoc Typst property output
+For the set of supported Pandoc elements, the Pandoc Typst Writer will output attributes as parameters to corresponding Typst elements or set-text rules.
+The Typst Writer looks for attributes with keys of the form `typst:prop` or `typst:text:prop` and assumes the values are raw Typst code.
+`prop` is the name of the property to set.
+For example, `pandoc -f html -t typst` with HTML input
+produces Typst output
+#block(inset: 10pt)[
+and with HTML input
+it produces Typst output
+#set text(fill: purple); foo
+The Typst Writer does not check the validity of `prop` or the value. Since Typst is a statically typed language, improper property names or values usually result in compilation failure.
+Supported elements
+The following Pandoc AST elements are currently supported. More may be supported in the future.
+- [Span](https://pandoc.org/lua-filters.html#type-span)
+ `typst:text:prop`
+ : The content is wrapped in a Typst [text element](https://typst.app/docs/reference/text/text/) with the specified properties set.
+- [Div](https://pandoc.org/lua-filters.html#type-div)
+ `typst:prop`
+ : The `prop` is output as a parameter to the Typst [block element](https://typst.app/docs/reference/layout/block/).
+ `typst:text:prop`
+ : The `prop` is output as a parameter to a set-text rule at the start of the block content.
+- [Table](https://pandoc.org/lua-filters.html#type-table)
+ `typst:prop`
+ : The `prop` is output as a parameter to the Typst [table element](https://typst.app/docs/reference/model/table/).
+ `typst:text:prop`
+ : The table is wrapped in a Typst [text element](https://typst.app/docs/reference/text/text/) with `prop` as one of its parameters.
+- Table [Cell](https://pandoc.org/lua-filters.html#type-cell)
+ `typst:prop`
+ : The `prop` is output as a parameter to the Typst table [cell element](https://typst.app/docs/reference/model/table/#definitions-cell).
+ `typst:text:prop`
+ : The `prop` is output as a parameter to a set-text rule at the start of the cell content.
+Lua filter example
+Here is a minimal example of a Lua filter which translates the CSS [color property](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color) on a span element to the equivalent [fill parameter](https://typst.app/docs/reference/text/text/#parameters-fill) on a Typst text element.
+function styleToTable(style)
+ if not style then return nil end
+ local ret = {}
+ for clause in style:gmatch('([^;]+)') do
+ k,v = clause:match("([%w-]+)%s*:%s*(.*)$")
+ ret[k] = v
+ end
+ return ret
+function Span(span)
+ local style = styleToTable(span.attributes['style'])
+ if not style then return end
+ if style['color'] then
+ span.attributes['typst:text:fill'] = style['color']
+ end
+ return span
+Given the HTML input
+Here is some orange text.
+the command
+pandoc -f html -t typst --lua-filter ./typst-property-example.lua
+will produce the Typst output
+Here is some #text(fill: orange)[orange text].
+Of course, this simple filter will only work for Typst's [predefined colors](https://typst.app/docs/reference/visualize/color/#predefined-colors). A more complete filter would need to translate the value as well.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Typst.hs b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Typst.hs
index ed884d58874f..b764f7476a46 100644
--- a/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Typst.hs
+++ b/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers/Typst.hs
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import Text.Pandoc.Class ( PandocMonad)
import Text.Pandoc.Options ( WriterOptions(..), WrapOption(..), isEnabled )
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.List (intercalate, intersperse)
+import Data.Bifunctor (first, second)
import Network.URI (unEscapeString)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Control.Monad.State ( StateT, evalStateT, gets, modify )
@@ -88,6 +89,37 @@ pandocToTypst options (Pandoc meta blocks) = do
Nothing -> main
Just tpl -> renderTemplate tpl context
+pickTypstAttrs :: [(Text, Text)] -> ([(Text, Text)],[(Text, Text)])
+pickTypstAttrs = foldr go ([],[])
+ where
+ go (k,v) =
+ case T.splitOn ":" k of
+ "typst":"text":x:[] -> second ((x,v):)
+ "typst":x:[] -> first ((x,v):)
+ _ -> id
+formatTypstProp :: (Text, Text) -> Text
+formatTypstProp (k,v) = k <> ": " <> v
+toTypstPropsListSep :: [(Text, Text)] -> Doc Text
+toTypstPropsListSep = hsep . intersperse "," . (map $ literal . formatTypstProp)
+toTypstPropsListTerm :: [(Text, Text)] -> Doc Text
+toTypstPropsListTerm [] = ""
+toTypstPropsListTerm typstAttrs = toTypstPropsListSep typstAttrs <> ","
+toTypstPropsListParens :: [(Text, Text)] -> Doc Text
+toTypstPropsListParens [] = ""
+toTypstPropsListParens typstAttrs = parens $ toTypstPropsListSep typstAttrs
+toTypstTextElement :: [(Text, Text)] -> Doc Text -> Doc Text
+toTypstTextElement [] content = content
+toTypstTextElement typstTextAttrs content = "#text" <> toTypstPropsListParens typstTextAttrs <> brackets content
+toTypstSetText :: [(Text, Text)] -> Doc Text
+toTypstSetText [] = ""
+toTypstSetText typstTextAttrs = "#set text" <> parens (toTypstPropsListSep typstTextAttrs) <> "; " -- newline?
blocksToTypst :: PandocMonad m => [Block] -> TW m (Doc Text)
blocksToTypst blocks = vcat <$> mapM blockToTypst blocks
@@ -163,7 +195,7 @@ blockToTypst block =
else vsep items') $$ blankline
DefinitionList items ->
($$ blankline) . vsep <$> mapM defListItemToTypst items
- Table (ident,_,_) (Caption _ caption) colspecs thead tbodies tfoot -> do
+ Table (ident,_,tabkvs) (Caption _ caption) colspecs thead tbodies tfoot -> do
let lab = toLabel FreestandingLabel ident
capt' <- if null caption
then return mempty
@@ -185,26 +217,40 @@ blockToTypst block =
formatalign AlignCenter = "center,"
formatalign AlignDefault = "auto,"
let alignarray = parens $ mconcat $ map formatalign aligns
- let fromCell (Cell _attr alignment rowspan colspan bs) = do
- let cellattrs =
+ let fromCell (Cell (_,_,kvs) alignment rowspan colspan bs) = do
+ let (typstAttrs, typstTextAttrs) = pickTypstAttrs kvs
+ let valign =
+ (case lookup "align" typstAttrs of
+ Just va -> [va]
+ _ -> [])
+ let typstAttrs2 = filter ((/="align") . fst) typstAttrs
+ let halign =
(case alignment of
- AlignDefault -> []
- AlignLeft -> [ "align: left" ]
- AlignRight -> [ "align: right" ]
- AlignCenter -> [ "align: center" ]) ++
+ AlignDefault -> []
+ AlignLeft -> [ "left" ]
+ AlignRight -> [ "right" ]
+ AlignCenter -> [ "center" ])
+ let cellaligns = valign ++ halign
+ let cellattrs =
+ (case cellaligns of
+ [] -> []
+ _ -> [ "align: " <> T.intercalate " + " cellaligns ]) ++
(case rowspan of
RowSpan 1 -> []
RowSpan n -> [ "rowspan: " <> tshow n ]) ++
(case colspan of
ColSpan 1 -> []
- ColSpan n -> [ "colspan: " <> tshow n ])
+ ColSpan n -> [ "colspan: " <> tshow n ]) ++
+ map formatTypstProp typstAttrs2
cellContents <- blocksToTypst bs
+ let contents2 = brackets (toTypstSetText typstTextAttrs <> cellContents)
pure $ if null cellattrs
- then brackets cellContents
+ then contents2
else "table.cell" <>
(literal (T.intercalate ", " cellattrs)) <>
- brackets cellContents
+ contents2
let fromRow (Row _ cs) =
(<> ",") . commaSep <$> mapM fromCell cs
let fromHead (TableHead _attr headRows) =
@@ -223,6 +269,7 @@ blockToTypst block =
hrows <- mapM fromRow headRows
brows <- mapM fromRow bodyRows
pure $ vcat (hrows ++ ["table.hline()," | not (null hrows)] ++ brows)
+ let (typstAttrs, typstTextAttrs) = pickTypstAttrs tabkvs
header <- fromHead thead
footer <- fromFoot tfoot
body <- vcat <$> mapM fromTableBody tbodies
@@ -230,10 +277,11 @@ blockToTypst block =
nest 2
- ("align(center)[#table("
+ ("align(center)[" <> toTypstSetText typstTextAttrs <> "#table("
$$ nest 2
( "columns: " <> columns <> ","
$$ "align: " <> alignarray <> ","
+ $$ toTypstPropsListTerm typstAttrs
$$ header
$$ body
$$ footer
@@ -261,10 +309,13 @@ blockToTypst block =
$$ ")" $$ lab $$ blankline
Div (ident,_,_) (Header lev ("",cls,kvs) ils:rest) ->
blocksToTypst (Header lev (ident,cls,kvs) ils:rest)
- Div (ident,_,_) blocks -> do
+ Div (ident,_,kvs) blocks -> do
let lab = toLabel FreestandingLabel ident
+ let (typstAttrs,typstTextAttrs) = pickTypstAttrs kvs
contents <- blocksToTypst blocks
- return $ "#block[" $$ contents $$ ("]" <+> lab)
+ return $ "#block" <> toTypstPropsListParens typstAttrs <> "["
+ $$ toTypstSetText typstTextAttrs <> contents
+ $$ ("]" <+> lab)
defListItemToTypst :: PandocMonad m => ([Inline], [[Block]]) -> TW m (Doc Text)
defListItemToTypst (term, defns) = do
@@ -323,9 +374,14 @@ inlineToTypst inline =
Superscript inlines -> textstyle "#super" inlines
Subscript inlines -> textstyle "#sub" inlines
SmallCaps inlines -> textstyle "#smallcaps" inlines
- Span (ident,_,_) inlines -> do
+ Span (ident,_,kvs) inlines -> do
let lab = toLabel FreestandingLabel ident
- (<> lab) <$> inlinesToTypst inlines
+ let (_, typstTextAttrs) = pickTypstAttrs kvs
+ case typstTextAttrs of
+ [] -> (<> lab) <$> inlinesToTypst inlines
+ _ -> do
+ contents <- inlinesToTypst inlines
+ return $ toTypstTextElement typstTextAttrs contents <> lab
Quoted quoteType inlines -> do
let q = case quoteType of
DoubleQuote -> literal "\""
diff --git a/test/command/typst-property-output.md b/test/command/typst-property-output.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..318b104be86b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/command/typst-property-output.md
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+% pandoc -f html -t typst
+#text(fill: orange)[foo]
+% pandoc -f html -t typst
+% pandoc -f html -t typst
+#block(inset: 10pt)[
+% pandoc -f html -t typst
+#set text(fill: purple); foo
+% pandoc -f html -t typst
+% pandoc -f html -t typst
+ align(center)[#table(
+ columns: 2,
+ align: (auto,auto,),
+ fill: blue,
+ [A], [B],
+ )]
+ , kind: table
+ )
+% pandoc -f html -t typst
+ align(center)[#set text(fill: orange); #table(
+ columns: 2,
+ align: (auto,auto,),
+ [A], [B],
+ )]
+ , kind: table
+ )
+% pandoc -f html -t typst
+ align(center)[#table(
+ columns: 2,
+ align: (auto,auto,),
+ [A], table.cell(fill: green)[B],
+ )]
+ , kind: table
+ )
+% pandoc -f html -t typst
+ align(center)[#table(
+ columns: 2,
+ align: (auto,auto,),
+ [A], [#set text(fill: fuchsia); B],
+ )]
+ , kind: table
+ )
+% pandoc -f html -t typst
+ align(center)[#table(
+ columns: 2,
+ align: (auto,center,),
+ [A], table.cell(align: center)[#set text(fill: maroon); B],
+ )]
+ , kind: table
+ )
+% pandoc -f html -t typst
+ align(center)[#table(
+ columns: 2,
+ align: (auto,center,),
+ [A], table.cell(align: horizon + center)[B],
+ )]
+ , kind: table
+ )
+% pandoc -f html -t typst
+ align(center)[#table(
+ columns: 2,
+ align: (auto,auto,),
+ [A], [B],
+ )]
+ , kind: table
+ )