- Copyright 2012: Joe Giuffrida, http://www.josephgiuffrida.com
- Named by Jason Rhodes: https://github.com/jasonrhodes
- Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
The goal of this script is provide a way to execute different pieces of javascript at resolution breakpoints, effectively turning the browser into a resolution based state machine. Each breakpoint specified has an user defined enter and exit function which will run once when the min/max width range is met.
- Library Independent
- Crossbrowser support - Actual version statistics coming soon, IE6+ Support is confirmed.
- Run different javascript at various resolutions
- Include breakdance.js on page
- Create move or moves - breakdance excepts either option.
var moves = [ { min:0, max:479, enter: function() { console.log('Enter 0-479'); }, exit: function() { console.log('Exit 0-479'); } }, { min:480, max:9999, enter: function() { console.log('Enter 480 and beyond'); }, exit: function() { console.log('Exit 480 and beyond'); } }, ];
- Pass moves to breakdance
- $$$$
- Min/Max only support
- More Crossbrowser testing/support/statistics
- Performance Improvements
- More Awesome