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Mastering Node.js, 2nd Ed.
Pasquali and Faaborg

Mastering JavaScript Functional Programming
Kereki, Federico

MQTT Essentials - A Lightweight IoT Protocol
Hillar, Gaston

Linux Device Drivers Development
Madieu, John

Mastering Linux Kernel Development
Bharadwaj, Raghu

Microcontrollers: Fundamentals and Applications with PIC
Valdes-Perez and Pallas-Areny

Programming PIC Microcontrollers with XC8
Subero, Armstrong

Grob's Basic Electronics, 12th Ed.
Schultz, Mitchel

C++17 STL Cookbook
Galowicz, Jacek

Low-Level Programming
C, Assembly, and Program Execution on Intel 64 Architecture
Zhirkov, Igor

Node.js in Action, 2nd Ed.
Young, Meck, and Cantelon

AWS Lambda in Action
Poccia, Danilo

Serverless Architectures on AWS
Sbarski, Peter

Amazon Web Services in a Month of Lunches
Clinton, David

RxJS in Action
Daniels, Paul and Atencio, Luis

Hapi.js In Action
Harrison, Matt

Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja, 2nd Ed.
Resig, Bibeault, and Maras

Functional Programming in JavaScript
Atencio, Luis

Exploring Raspberry Pi
Molloy, Derek

Building the Web of Things
Guinard, Dominique and Trifa, Vlad

Make: Bluetooth
Bluetooth LE Projects for Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and Smartphones
Alasdair, Coleman, and Mistry

Docker in Action
Nickoloff, Jeff

Practical Electronics for Inventors, 4th Ed.
Scherz, Paul and Monk, Simon

You Don't Know JS: ES6 & Beyond
Simpson, Kyle

Mastering Embedded Linux Programming
Simmonds, Chris

Professional C++, 3rd Ed.
Gregoire, Marc

The Go Programming Language
Donovan and Kernighan

Go in Action
Kennedy, Ketelsen, and St. Martin

Learn Git in a Month of Lunches
Umali, Rick

Introduction to React
Gackenheimer, Cory

Redis Essentials
daSilva, Maxwell Dayvson

Learning ECMAScript 6
Prusty, Narayan

Node.js High Performance
Resende, Diogo

Deploying Node.js
Pasquali, Sandro

JavaScript with Promises
Parker, Daniel

BeagleBone Essentials
Giometti, Rodolfo

Rust Essentials
Balbaert, Ivo

Ansible: Up and Running
Hochstein, Lorin

Exploring BeagleBone: Tools and Techniques for Building with Embedded Linux
Molloy, Derek

Learning Perl
Schwartz, Randal L.

Lo-Dash Essentials
Boduch, Adam

Experimenting with Raspberry Pi
Gay, Warren

Raspberry Pi System Software Reference
Gay, Warren

Raspberry Pi Hardware Reference
Gay, Warren

You Don't Know JS: Async & Performance
Simpson, Kyle

You Don't Know JS: Types & Grammar
Simpson, Kyle

Node.js Design Patterns
Casciaro, Mario

Pro Vim
McDonnell, Mark

Beginning Node.js
Syed, Basarat Ali

Node.js in Practice
Young, Alex R.

Effective Modern C++: 42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++11 and C++14
Meyers, Scott

How Linux Works: What Every Superuser Should Know
Ward, Brian

The Linux Command Line: A Complete Introduction
William E. Shotts Jr.

Mastering Web Application Development with Express
Vladutu, Alexandru

The Principles of Object-Oriented JavaScript
Zakas, Nicholas C.

NoSQL with MongoDB in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself
Dayley, Brad

The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System (2nd Edition)
McKusick, Marshall Kirk

tmux: Productive Mouse-Free Development
Hogan, Brian P.

Learning Web App Development
Purewal, Semmy

You Don't Know JS: this & Object Prototypes
Simpson, Kyle

Web Development with Node and Express: Leveraging the JavaScript Stack
Brown, Ethan

Building Web Apps with Ember.js
Cravens, Jesse

Practical Node.js: Building Real-World Scalable Web Apps
Mardan, Azat

Programming JavaScript Applications: Robust Web Architecture with Node, HTML5, and Modern JS Libraries
Elliott, Eric

Node.js, MongoDB, and AngularJS Web Development (Developer's Library)
Dayley, Brad

Mongoose for Application Development
Holmes, Simon

You Don't Know JS: Scope & Closures
Simpson, Kyle

Git Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach
Gajda, Wodzimierz

Getting Started with Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner
Pillora, Jaime

Speaking JavaScript
Rauschmayer, Axel

Mastering Node.js
Pasquali, Sandro

Expert JavaScript
Daggett, Mark E.

Node.js the Right Way: Practical, Server-Side JavaScript That Scales
Wilson, Jim R.

Linux Shell Scripting Cookbook, Second Edition
Tushar, Shantanu

CompTIA Cloud+ Certification Study Guide (Exam CV0-001) (Certification Press)
Stammer, Nate

Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud
Gregg, Brendan

Node.js in Action
Cantelon, Mike

Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment (3rd Edition) (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series)
Stevens, W. Richard

Exploring Arduino: Tools and Techniques for Engineering Wizardry
Blum, Jeremy

JavaScript Programming: Pushing the Limits
Raasch, Jon

Learning Node.js: A Hands-On Guide to Building Web Applications in JavaScript
Wandschneider, Marc

Functional JavaScript: Introducing Functional Programming with Underscore.js
Fogus, Michael

Hacking Electronics: An Illustrated DIY Guide for Makers and Hobbyists
Monk, Simon

Encyclopedia of Electronic Components Volume 1: Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors, Switches, Encoders, Relays, Transistors
Platt, Charles

Practical Electronics for Inventors, Third Edition
Scherz, Paul

Real-Time C++: Efficient Object-Oriented and Template Microcontroller Programming
Kormanyos, Christopher Michael

Practical Object-Oriented Design in Ruby: An Agile Primer (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series)
Metz, Sandi

The Definitive Guide to HTML5 WebSocket (Definitive Guide Apress)
Wang, Vanessa

Learning JavaScript: A Hands-On Guide to the Fundamentals of Modern JavaScript
Tim Wright

WebRTC: APIs and RTCWEB Protocols of the HTML5 Real-Time Web
Alan B. Johnston, Daniel C. Burnett

Version Control with Git: Powerful tools and techniques for collaborative software development
Jon Loeliger, Matthew McCullough

Sams Teach Yourself Node.js in 24 Hours (Sams Teach Yourself -- Hours)
George Ornbo

C++ Primer (5th Edition)
Stanley B. Lippman, et al

Programming in CoffeeScript (Developer's Library)
Mark Bates

Java, A Beginner's Guide, 5th Edition
Herbert Schildt

Node: Up and Running: Scalable Server-Side Code with JavaScript
Tom Hughes-Croucher, Mike Wilson

JavaScript Patterns
Stoyan Stefanov

The Little Book on CoffeeScript
Alex MacCaw

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide: Activate Your Web Pages (Definitive Guides)
David Flanagan

APIs: A Strategy Guide
Daniel Jacobson, et al

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide: Activate Your Web Pages (Definitive Guides)
David Flanagan

Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Making Native Apps with Standards-Based Web Tools
Jonathan Stark, Brian Jepson

JavaScript: The Good Parts
Douglas Crockford

TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols (2nd Edition) (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series)
Kevin R. Fall, W. Richard Stevens

Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis: Tools for the Practitioner
Phillip A. Laplante, Seppo J. Ovaska

Erlang and OTP in Action
Martin Logan, et al

Professional C++
Marc Gregoire, et al

Shell Scripting: Expert Recipes for Linux, Bash and more
Steve Parker

Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation (Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Fowler))
Jez Humble, David Farley

Jenkins: The Definitive Guide
John Ferguson Smart

Arduino Cookbook
Michael Margolis

Operating System Design: The Xinu Approach, Linksys Version
Douglas Comer

The Book of Ruby: A Hands-On Guide for the Adventurous
Huw Collingbourne

Building Wireless Sensor Networks: with ZigBee, XBee, Arduino, and Processing
Robert Faludi

API Design for C++
Martin Reddy

TCP/IP Protocol Suite (Mcgraw-Hill Forouzan Networking)
Behrouz Forouzan

Professional Node.js: Building Javascript Based Scalable Software

The Linux Programming Interface: A Linux and UNIX System Programming Handbook

Linux Kernel Development (3rd Edition)

Practical Vim: Edit Text at the Speed of Thought (Pragmatic Programmers)

Eloquent Ruby (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series)

SIP: Understanding the Session Initiation Protocol (Artech House Telecommunications)

Pro Git

Practical Electronics for Inventors 2/E

An Embedded Software Primer

Learning the bash Shell: Unix Shell Programming (In a Nutshell (O'Reilly))

Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective (2nd Edition)

Effective C++: 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs (3rd Edition)

Exceptional C++: 47 Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, and Solutions

C++ Primer (4th Edition)

The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System (1st Edition)

The Art of Electronics

bash Cookbook: Solutions and Examples for bash Users (Cookbooks (O'Reilly))

More Exceptional C++: 40 New Engineering Puzzles, Programming Problems, and Solutions

Practical Packet Analysis: Using Wireshark to Solve Real-World Network Problems

Self-Service Linux: Mastering the Art of Problem Determination

Computer Networks (4th Edition)

Classic Shell Scripting

Learning Python, 3rd Edition

Learning the vi and Vim Editors

Essential Linux Device Drivers

The Design of Design: Essays from a Computer Scientist

Linux Enterprise Cluster: Build a Highly Available Cluster with Commodity Hardware and Free Software

Object-Oriented Programming in C++

Inside the C++ Object Model

C++ FAQs (2nd Edition)

Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development (3rd Edition)

Managing NFS and NIS

Linux System Programming: Talking Directly to the Kernel and C Library

The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master

The Art of Debugging with GDB, DDD, and Eclipse

Unix Power Tools, Third Edition

Programming in Python 3: A Complete Introduction to the Python Language

Linux Debugging and Performance Tuning: Tips and Techniques

Writing Linux Device Drivers: a guide with exercises

Switching to VoIP

The Java Tutorial: A Short Course on the Basics, 4th Edition

Ruminations on C++: A Decade of Programming Insight and Experience

Interprocess Communications in Linux: The Nooks and Crannies

The Java Programming Language, 4th Edition

Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware (Pragmatic Programmers)

Essential CVS

POSIX.4 Programmers Guide: Programming for the Real World

Linux Appliance Design: A Hands-On Guide to Building Linux Appliances

Building Embedded Linux Systems

Advanced UNIX Programming (2nd Edition)

Embedded System Design on a Shoestring

Building a Server with FreeBSD 7

Pro Linux Embedded Systems (Expert's Voice in Linux)

Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++

The Definitive Guide to SQLite

Professional Assembly Language

More Effective C++: 35 New Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs

Accelerated C++: Practical Programming by Example

Linux Programming by Example: The Fundamentals

Python Cookbook

97 Things Every Programmer Should Know: Collective Wisdom from the Experts

C++: A Beginner's Guide, Second Edition

SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 Study Guide (Exam 310-055) (Certification Press)

Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software

The Standard C Library

C Traps and Pitfalls

Embedded Linux Primer: A Practical Real-World Approach

GNU/Linux Application Programming (Programming Series)

Managing RAID on Linux

Beginning PHP and MySQL: From Novice to Professional

Asterisk: The Future of Telephony, 2nd Edition

Automate with Grunt: The Build Tool for JavaScript

The Ruby Programming Language

Seven Databases in Seven Weeks: A Guide to Modern Databases and the NoSQL Movement

Learning SQL

Beginning Ruby: From Novice to Professional (Expert's Voice in Open Source)

Design Patterns in Ruby

The Well-Grounded Rubyist

ERLANG Programming

Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment (2nd Edition)

Metaprogramming Ruby: Program Like the Ruby Pros

Herb Schildt's C++ Programming Cookbook

Electronics Fundamentals: Circuits, Devices, and Applications (6th Edition)

The Linux Programmer's Toolbox

Understanding Telephone Electronics, Fourth Edition