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GPDB codegen utils (src/backend/codegen/utils)

Support library for integrating LLVM code-generation in GPDB. This augments the core functionality provided by the LLVM C++ libraries for program construction, optimization, and execution with additional features to help runtime-generated code integrate smoothly with statically compiled code. Key features include:

  • A CodegenUtils class that encapsulates LLVM modules, optimization passes, and execution engines, managing the whole lifetime of generated code.
  • Fully automatic mapping between C++ types and LLVM IR types (including function types of any arity) using templates.
  • A type-safe and fully automatic foreign function interface that allows any statically compiled function or external function pointer to be called by generated code, and vice versa, to allow statically compiled code to get pointers to JIT-compiled functions that can be called.
  • A family of wrapper function templates that allow instance methods of C++ classes to be easily used with the foreign-function interface without the need to manually write bespoke wrapper code.
  • A frontend based on Clang for compiling in-memory C/C++ source code snippets for code generation, including foreign-function support that has feature parity with the IR version.
  • Optional generation of debugging information so that runtime-generated and JIT compiled C++ code can be interactively debugged by GDB just like statically compiled code.


  1. Building Codegen Utils
  2. Coding Guidelines
  3. Debugging Generated Code
  4. Learning Resources
  5. Codegen GPDB Function

Building Codegen Utils


To build codegen utils, you will need cmake 2.8 or higher and a recent version of llvm and clang (including headers and developer libraries) (codegen utils is currently developed against the LLVM 3.7.X release series). Here's how to acquire these dependencies for various OSes.

Gentoo Linux

Gentoo has the latest stable LLVM in portage. It's easy to install like any other package:

sudo emerge --sync
sudo emerge -n cmake llvm clang

Debian or Ubuntu Linux

Latest OS Versions

Debian 9 "Stretch" and Ubuntu 15.10 "Wily" and above provide packages for the necessary versions of cmake, LLVM, and dependencies that can be installed as follows:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential zlib1g-dev libedit-dev cmake llvm-3.7 llvm-3.7-dev clang-3.7 libclang-3.7-dev
Older Releases

Older versions of Debian and Ubuntu do not package the latest LLVM version required, but you may be able to install it from the APT packages provided by the LLVM project. This should work with Debian 8 "Jessie" or Ubuntu 14.04 "Trusty" and later.

First, install some necessary prerequisite development pacakges.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential zlib1g-dev libedit-dev cmake wget

Next, edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add these two lines (example is for Debian Jessie, use the appropriate directories for your OS listed here).

deb llvm-toolchain-jessie-3.7 main
deb-src llvm-toolchain-jessie-3.7 main

Now, add the GPG key for the LLVM repo to your trusted keys, rerun apt-get update, and install the LLVM packages like so:

wget -O -|sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y llvm-3.7 llvm-3.7-dev clang-3.7 libclang-3.7-dev


FreeBSD 10.2-STABLE comes with LLVM and Clang 3.4.1 installed by default, but it also provides the more recent versions that we need in the package manager. They can be installed like this:

sudo pkg update
sudo pkg install -y cmake llvm37 clang37

When building codegen, you will need to point cmake at the more recent LLVM like so:

./configure --enable-codegen --with-codegen-prefix=/usr/local/llvm37

Mac OS X

Installing LLVM and clang libraries is easiest if you use an add-on package manager like Homebrew. Do not worry about conflicts with Apple's development tools and distribution of LLVM, Homebrew will install the side-by-side and NOT override the defaults.

If you do not already have homebrew, you can install it with this shell snippet:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

As of this writing, the "stable" version of LLVM in Homebrew is 3.6. To install the newer LLVM 3.7 libraries, do the following:

brew tap homebrew/versions
brew install --with-clang llvm37

Unfortunately, the cmake configuration module for LLVM that is installed by brew is broken. Fortunately, we can fix it. Edit /usr/local/opt/llvm37/lib/llvm-3.7/share/llvm/cmake/LLVMConfig.cmake and fix the path detection logic at the front of the file (before set(LLVM_VERSION_MAJOR 3)) to look like this:

# Compute the CMake directory from the LLVMConfig.cmake file location.
get_filename_component(_LLVM_CMAKE_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" PATH)

# Compute the installation prefix from the LLVMConfig.cmake file location.

Because the version of LLVM installed by brew is not installed in one of the default locations, you will need to point cmake at it when building codegen like so:

./configure --enable-codegen --with-codegen-prefix=/usr/local/opt/llvm37/lib/llvm-3.7


You can run unit tests as follows

make -C src/backend/codegen unittest-check

Coding Guidelines

This module is written using the Google C++ Style Guide. We have a few additional style rules that aren't covered by the guide:

  • Publicly visible classes (and their public methods) should have doxygen comments explaining them. Private methods/members and internal helper classes don't need full doxygen comments, but some ordinary comments to clarify and improve readability are often a good idea.
  • Sigils indicating a pointer (*) or reference (& or && for rvalue-reference) type should be written next to the name of the type, not the name of a variable or function (e.g. write int* my_pointer; not int *my_pointer;.

Debugging Generated Code

Viewing Generated Code

LLVM Modules have a dump() method that prints out the complete IR source for a module to stderr. Similarly, when generating C++ source, an LLVM Twine's complete text can be printed to stderr by the dump() method. Finally, if errors are encountered during processing of C++ source by ClangCompiler::CompileCppSource() clang error messages will be logged to stderr.

Validating Generated Code

LLVM provides some functions in the header llvm/IR/Verifier.h that can be used to verify that modules (verifyModule()) and individual functions (verifyFunction()) are well-formed before they are compiled. When compiling C++ source code, the return value of ClangCompiler::CompileCppSource() indicates whether compilation was successful.

Interactive Debugging with GDB

GDB can be used to debug generated C++ source code just like statically compiled C++ source. Calling ClangCompiler::CompileCppSource() with the option debug = true causes DWARF debugging information to be included with the compiled code and dumps the source code to a temporary file, enabling the usual GDB features. Some caveats apply:

  1. Debugging for JITed code only works on platforms that use the ELF binary format. This includes Linux and all the major BSD flavors, but does NOT include Mac OS X (which uses Mach-O).
  2. LLVM's MCJIT execution engine uses special hooks to expose symbols to the debugger. These hooks are only supported by GDB 7.0+ (and appear to be only partially supported by LLDB, so debugging with GDB is recommended).

When running an executable under GDB, you can set a breakpoint on a generated function that hasn't been compiled yet. GDB will alert you that the function is not defined and ask if you want to make the breakpoint pending on a future shared library load (say yes).

Currently full debugging symbols are only generated when compiling from C++ source. Work is in progress to expose debugging information for generated IR.

Learning Resources

We have collected some documentation and resources to learn more about using LLVM generally and about some specific programming techniques that are used in codegen. When we refer to "LLVM IR" below, that means LLVM intermediate representation, which is the internal language used to build up programs in LLVM. IR is assembly-like, but it is strongly-typed, uses static single assignment, and has the illusion of unlimited registers.

LLVM Resources

  • LLVM Tutorial A guided excercise in creating an interpreter for a "toy" language using LLVM. Covers the basics of creating values, expressions, control flow, and functions in LLVM IR using the C++ IRBuilder interface.
  • LLVM Language Reference Manual A detailed reference about the LLVM IR language. Especially useful are the sections labelled "Type System", "Instruction Reference", and "Intrinsic Functions".
  • LLVM Programmer's Manual A guide to working with the LLVM C++ code base. This describes some of the general-purpose APIs and data structures that are used internally by LLVM, and also provides a useful guide to the most important parts of the C++ API for LLVM IR objects in the section labelled "The Core LLVM Class Hierarchy Reference".
  • LLVM Doxygen A more or less complete code reference for LLVM. Contains automatically-generated documentation for almost every publicly visible class and method in the LLVM source.

C++ Resources

  • Template Specialization A brief introduction to template specialization and partial specialization, which can be used to make a special version of a class template for a specific type or category of types.
  • SFINAE A wikipedia article on the SFINAE (substitution failure is not an error) idiom in C++. SFINAE helps resolve multiple different overloads or partial specializations that might apply when instantiating a template down to just one by eliminating versions of a template that can't possibly "fit".
  • C++ type_traits library A reference guide to the type_traits header introduced to the standard library in C++11. type_traits provides many useful templates to help with template metaprogramming. An especially important one is std::enable_if, which is used to selectively enable a partial template specialization depending on a compile-time boolean constant.
  • C++ Variadic Templates Guide A nice guided tour of variadic templates in C++11 and how to use them to make variadic code that is both type-safe and fast.

Codegen GPDB Function

In order to facilitate codegen GPDB function, we introduced the following classes:

  • CodegenInterface - Interface for all code generators.
  • BaseCodegen - Inherits CodegenInterface and provides common implementation for all generators that derive from it.
  • CodegenManager - Manages all CodegenInterface.

More details for above classes are available in doxygen document or in respective source code.

Below are the necessary steps to codegen a target function F (e.g. slot_deform_tuple) which is access through an operator.

  1. Create a CodegenManager instance in the corresponding operator.
  2. Create a new generator class GC (E.g. SlotDeformTupleCodegen) that derives from BaseCodegen and implements a function that generartes IR instructions / C++ code for F.
  3. Store GC and a function pointer to F in an appropriate struct. For instance the proper struct for slot_deform_tuple is TupleTableSlot.
  4. Enroll GC with the manager for current operator during ExecInit. Enrollment process makes sure that the function pointer initally points to the regular version of F.
  5. Replace the actual function call in GPDB with a call to the above function pointer.

After ExecInit, manager uses CodegenInterface to generate the runtime code. On sucessful generation, manager swaps the function pointer (see Step 3) to point to the generated version of F. Note that, GC stores the target function F along with a reference to a function pointer to F (see Step 3). This mechanism allows manager to fallback on the regular version of F when code generation fails.