- Bugz mode indicator. More legible at small size.
- Add an "add to home screen" link.
- See github logs for list of improvements.
- Use VS Code or other editor.
- Clone the github repo.
- Open file:///C:/work/gravitydog/index.max.html in a browser. Sometimes scripts have issues when you use file:// protocol. If that happens, use a real (localhost) web server.
- Get npm
- Type npm install to get all the files in package.json.
- There is an index.js in case you want to run a web server with node on port 40001. If you use that browse to http://localhost:40001/index.max.html.
- Install gulp: npm install --global gulp-cli
- Type gulp.
- To build the project run gulp!
- Copy the build files to jesslilly repo. Commit and push them.