created | modified |
2024-12-11 22:05:22 UTC |
2024-12-12 11:45:42 UTC |
To add images to the Obsidian notebook:
- Move the images to the [[Metatropi]] content repository
- Rename the image files using the corresponding SHA1 hashes
- Commit the changes to source control
- Upload the images to Imgur
$sourcePath = "C:\Users\jjameson\OneDrive\Pictures\Screenshots\*"
$destinationPath = "C:\BackedUp\Azure-DevOps\Metatropi-Content\Screenshots\"
mv $sourcePath $destinationPath
pushd C:\BackedUp\Azure-DevOps\Metatropi-Content\Scripts
.\Rename-Screenshots.ps1 |
sort Path, NewFilename |
select Path, NewFilename, OldFilename, Width, Height |
Export-Csv ..\Files.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append
Use [EasyImgur](EasyImgur | Desktop image-uploading tool) to upload the images to Imgur. Then copy/paste the URL for each image into a Markdown link in Obsidian.
![Mandy enjoying some French delicacies](