- release
- Develop form
- Add modal message
- Develop form with input for order
- Validation for telefone number
- Develop conection with back end to receive e-mails
- HomeContactForm.js:80
- Correct line style
- When home page shortcut in the footer is clicked, scroll up
- Nothing to Change
- Add back button
- Add loading gif when login is clicked
- Validate email to send password
- Login when user not found
- check validation to create new user
- auth/popup-closed-by-user
- Add back button
- Add login with Google Button
- Add button to redirect to login
- Handle error: case 'auth/email-already-in-use': redirect to login page
- Check add addresses function
- Validate all addresses
- Add loading gif when register is clicked
- check validation to create new user
- Save the cart to cookie
- Make responsive (do later)
- Save the tag to cookie
- Clear button need to reflect in the inputs
- Add button to go to cart
- Make tag class
- Fix Qtd input width
- Some kind of loyalty or recomendation with discount accumulative
- Add button to Edit the tag
- clear code
<p>you must be logged in</p>
alert even if logged - Validate all addresses
- Make address class
- Add registrered post option
- clear code
- summary needs to show shipping fee also
- create pay pal function
- create credit card function - will use Paypal function
- setup the client-id=CLIENT_ID and currency=--- in the html sdk
- persist orders
- clear code
- showing blank page
- fire the e-mail and backend connection when procces is closed
- input width must be responsive to input value
- showing blank page
- add new address via modal form
- Validate all addresses
- 'autocomplete' prop for the inputs
- clear code
- show order details
- support button redirect to contact us form with orders details
- remove delete button
- update all rules, current rules allow all read and writes
- tranform useFirestore to class
- Order = {tags: [], totalPrice: 000, addressToShip: {}, userUid: '', userName: ''}
- (100) signInAnonymously need to be tested
- validation in AddressCard
- Componets use local styles, except input, textarea, slider