This is a collection of the resources I've found most useful when exploring the world of functional programming.
- Professor Frisbys Mostly Adequate Guide To Functional Programming (JS)
- Learn you a haskell LYAHFGG
- Programming in haskell (not free)
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
- Fantasyland Spec: Algebraic Structures in JS Most data types with their laws
- Simple Visual guide to Functors, Applicatives and Monads
- Functor Laws and functions (JS)
- Contravariant Functors, Profunctors (video)
- Don’t fear the monad (video) Good introduction to monads and monoids
- Functor → Applicative → Monad Monad Ladder from LYAHFGG
- Free Monads (video)
- Category Theory by Wadler (video) products, sums/coproducts, exponentials ⭐
- Bartosz Milewski Lecture Series (video):