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Pipeline extensions

Damien Coraboeuf edited this page Jun 6, 2015 · 5 revisions

By default, the generated branch seed job just creates the branch pipeline.

In some contexts, some additional steps might need to be added in order to setup additional tools for the branch (like instantiating an Ontrack template for example).


The list of pipeline extensions is defined at global level, at class level or at project level, using the extensions list. Each item in this list must have:

  • an id which uniquely identifies the extension
  • a dsl string which contains the DSL fragment to insert into the branch seed job

You can use the YAML "|" to introduce the DSL fragment, in order to be able to type it without any indentation problem (see example below).

A project or a project class can then refer to this extension ID in the pipeline-generator-extensions list. Several extensions can be referred to.


Declare an extension and a class which refers to it:

  - id: ontrack
    dsl: |
      configure { node ->
          node / 'builders' / 'net.nemerosa.ontrack.jenkins.OntrackDSLStep' {
             'usingText' true
             'scriptText' "ontrack.branch(SEED_PROJECT, 'template').instance(SEED_BRANCH, [branch: BRANCH])"
             'injectEnvironment' 'SEED_PROJECT,SEED_BRANCH,BRANCH'
             'injectProperties' ''
             'ontrackLog' true
   - id: ontrack
        - ontrack

Note the usage of the YAML construct "|" which indicates a raw piece of text.

The DSL snippet defines a call to Ontrack to create a branch from the template branch on the SEED_PROJECT project, using SEED_BRANCH as a name, and branch=BRANCH as a template parameter.

Remember that SEED_PROJECT, SEED_BRANCH and BRANCH are injected as environment variables in the branch seed job.

In order to activate this extension:

  • either your project defines this class in the Seed configuration, like:
   - id: yourproject
     project-class: ontrack
  • either the PROJECT_CLASS parameter is passed to the Seed job, containing the ontrack value.

See also

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