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Install Geoanalytics

Jeff Heard edited this page Jul 26, 2013 · 3 revisions

This is a first draft of an install document. This has been tested to work on our local environments, but it is not yet a robust install system. If you are interested in making the install process more robust, please contact the developers and let us know! These instructions assume you will install Geoanalytics in your home directory on a machine running Ubuntu Linux. Geoanalytics can be installed on RedHat, but the install process is more manual.

We make a number of assumptions. First, Geoanalytics is a Mezzanine project, and that means it's a full Django project and not merely a Django app. This means that any apps you develop will find their way into the Geoanalytics project container or be communicated with over a web API. Second, we assume you're not using your system's Redis installation for anything but Geoanalytics. If this is not the case, see the redis connections made inside and change them to suit your system.

Clone GA from GitHub

git clone

Install required packages for Mapnik and Geoanalytics.

You will need root for this. Packages should install and just work, but it's possible that a few things won't. If that happens, please install manually and send a note to the developer with the changes you had to make and we will update the documentation.

cd ga_cms
sh requirements/kickstart.ubuntu

Install Mapnik 2.1.0

tar xvzf mapnik-2.1.0.tar.gz 
cd mapnik-2.1.0/
sudo make install

Install Carto

After installing Carto, update Django's and change CARTO_HOME to the place where the carto's carto/bin/ directory resides.

git clone
cd carto

Setup virtual env

cd ~ 
virtualenv --system-site-packages --distribute geoanalytics
cd geoanalytics/
source bin/activate [use this step in the future to jump into the virtual env.]

Install GA python modules within the virtual env

cd ga_cms sh

Create PostGIS database


Create database user

sudo su - postgres
createuser geoanalytics

Say yes to the folowing questions

Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n

Set postgres passwords

alter user postgres encrypted password 'YOURSECRETPASSWORD';
alter user geoanalytics encrypted password 'YOUROTHERSECRETPASSWORD';

Create the DB (first log out of postgres shell we su'ed into)

createdb geoanalytics

Set up PostGIS spatial extensions on the database

PostGIS 2 and PostgreSQL 9.1+

psql geoanalytics
CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;

Older version of PostGIS

The above won't work and you will see an error such as:

ERROR: could not open extension control file "/usr/share/postgresql/9.1/extension/postgis.control": No such file or directory

In this case, create a template postgis database:

sudo su - postgres
sh requirements/ (or use another script from:

Create your database from the PostGIS template

createdb -T template_postgis geoanalytics

Edit DATABASES section of as follows

"ENGINE": "django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2" "NAME": "geoanalytics" "USER": "geoanalytics" "PASSWORD": "YOUROTHERSECRETPASSWORD"

Initialize the database from the geoanalytics/geodjango side

python syncdb

Say yes when prompted to create a Django superuser

python migrate

Run the server

python runserver

Run celeryd

python celery worker
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