- Huge improvements to documentation. Head over to https://cytoflow.readthedocs.io for tutorials, HOWTOs, explainers, and reference documentation.
- Implemented an "experiment browser" to help keep track of channels, conditions, and statistics in the GUI.
- Add an FCS export "view". Save calibrated or compensated data back to FCS files for analysis with other tools.
- Better support for high-DPI displays.
- Major GUI code restructure to separate the model from the view and controller. As a result, cytoflow only creates one icon on the Mac taskbar now!
- Fix a number of bugs, including one high-profile bug where the GUI would crash on saving.
- Update dependencies to current versions.
Maintenance release.
- Update dependencies to current versions.
- Move CI infrastructure to GitHub Actions.
- Significant re-work of the GUI unit tests
Cytoflow's 1.0 release! This marks the state at which Cytoflow is, for all intents and purposes, "feature-complete." Major additions in this release include:
- Update all dependent libraries to their latest versions. Notably, this updates matplotlib to 3.0.2 and PyQt to 5.9.2.
- Overhauled the experimental setup dialog, including the ability to import CSV files with filenames and experimental conditions.
- Packaging differences make program startup much, much faster. Also, a proper Windows installer!
- Significant re-work of summary statistics generation and plotting
- Tighten down TASBE calibrated cytometry
- MANY many bug fixes, both in modules and GUI
- A GUI for the calibrated cytometry tools!
- Bleedthrough compensation (both linear and piecewise-linear)
- Bead calibration
- Autofluorescence correction
- Color mapping
- Keep the same scales on plots in the same x, y facets
- Significant under-the-hood re-wiring
- Other bug-fixes
- Fix some Logicle crashers
- Add error bars to barplot, stats views
- Use FastLogicle -- it's faster!
Public beta!
- The point-and-click GUI is not only functional but useful. Serious restructuring behind the scenes, including a multi-process model to keep the GUI responsive.
- More operations (GMMs) and views (2D histogram, 1 and 2D KDEs, violin plots.) *Lots (lots) of packaging work. One-click bundles and distribution infrastructure.
A developer's beta!
- Add a public API to Experiment to add conditions and channels.
- Add scaling options to views, data-driven modules
- Add 1D and 2D gaussian mixture models
- Clean up import mess
- Linear bleedthrough module, quad gate