diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
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+# Overview
+This Kafka Connect connector provides the capability to watch a directory for files and read the data as new files are
+written to the input directory. The RecordProcessor implementation can be overridden so any file type can be supported.
+Currently there is support for delimited files and reading a file line by line.
+The CSVRecordProcessor supports reading CSV or TSV files. It can convert a CSV on the fly to the strongly typed Kafka
+Connect data types. It currently has support for all of the schema types and logical types that are supported in Kafka 0.10.x.
+If you couple this with the Avro converter and Schema Registry by Confluent, you will be able to process csv files to
+strongly typed Avro data in real time.
+The LineRecordProcessor supports reading a file line by line and emitting the line.
+# Building on you workstation
+ git@github.com:jcustenborder/kafka-connect-spooldir.git
+ cd kafka-connect-spooldir
+ mvn clean package
+# Running on your workstation
+# Schema Configuration
+This connector allows you to either infer a schema with nullable strings from the header row, or you can specify the schema in json format.
+To use the automatic schema generation set ``csv.first.row.as.header=true``, ``csv.schema.from.header=true``, ``csv.schema.from.header.keys=key1,key2``.
+To manually define the schema set ``csv.schema`` to a json representation of the schema. The example below works is for the mock data in the test class.
+# Configuration options
+| Name | Description | Type | Default | Valid Values | Importance |
+| error.path | The directory to place files in which have error(s). This directory must exist and be writable by the user running Kafka Connect. | string | | | high |
+| finished.path | The directory to place files that have been successfully processed. This directory must exist and be writable by the user running Kafka Connect. | string | | | high |
+| input.file.pattern | Regular expression to check input file names against. This expression must match the entire filename. The equivalent of Matcher.matches(). | string | | | high |
+| input.path | The directory to read files that will be processed. This directory must exist and be writable by the user running Kafka Connect. | string | | | high |
+| record.processor.class | Class that implements RecordProcessor. This class is used to process data as it arrives. | class | | | high |
+| topic | The Kafka topic to write the data to. | string | | | high |
+| halt.on.error | Should the task halt when it encounters an error or continue to the next file. | boolean | true | | high |
+| csv.first.row.as.header | Flag to indicate if the fist row of data contains the header of the file. | boolean | false | | medium |
+| csv.schema | Schema representation in json. | string | "" | | medium |
+| batch.size | The number of records that should be returned with each batch. | int | 1000 | | low |
+| csv.case.sensitive.field.names | Flag to determine if the field names in the header row should be treated as case sensitive. | boolean | false | | low |
+| csv.escape.char | Escape character. | int | 92 | | low |
+| csv.file.charset | Character set to read wth file with. | string | UTF-8 | | low |
+| csv.ignore.leading.whitespace | Sets the ignore leading whitespace setting - if true, white space in front of a quote in a field is ignored. | boolean | true | | low |
+| csv.ignore.quotations | Sets the ignore quotations mode - if true, quotations are ignored. | boolean | false | | low |
+| csv.keep.carriage.return | Flag to determine if the carriage return at the end of the line should be maintained. | boolean | false | | low |
+| csv.null.field.indicator | Indicator to determine how the CSV Reader can determine if a field is null. Valid values are EMPTY_SEPARATORS, EMPTY_QUOTES, BOTH, NEITHER. For more information see http://opencsv.sourceforge.net/apidocs/com/opencsv/enums/CSVReaderNullFieldIndicator.html. | string | NEITHER | ValidEnum{enumClass=CSVReaderNullFieldIndicator, validEnums=[NEITHER, EMPTY_SEPARATORS, EMPTY_QUOTES, BOTH]} | low |
+| csv.parser.timestamp.date.formats | The date formats that are expected in the file. This is a list of strings that will be used to parse the date fields in order. The most accurate date format should be the first in the list. Take a look at the Java documentation for more info. https://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html | list | [yyyy-MM-dd' 'HH:mm:ss] | | low |
+| csv.parser.timestamp.timezone | The timezone that all of the dates will be parsed with. | string | UTC | | low |
+| csv.quote.char | The character that is used to quote a field. This typically happens when the csv.separator.char character is within the data. | int | 34 | | low |
+| csv.schema.from.header | Flag to determine if the schema should be generated based on the header row. | boolean | false | | low |
+| csv.schema.from.header.keys | csv.schema.from.header.keys | list | [] | | low |
+| csv.schema.name | Fully qualified name for the schema. This setting is ignored if csv.schema is set. | string | "" | | low |
+| csv.separator.char | The character that seperates each field. Typically in a CSV this is a , character. A TSV would use \t. | int | 44 | | low |
+| csv.skip.lines | Number of lines to skip in the beginning of the file. | int | 0 | | low |
+| csv.strict.quotes | Sets the strict quotes setting - if true, characters outside the quotes are ignored. | boolean | false | | low |
+| csv.verify.reader | Flag to determine if the reader should be verified. | boolean | true | | low |
+| file.minimum.age.ms | The amount of time in milliseconds after the file was last written to before the file can be processed. | long | 0 | [0,...,9223372036854775807] | low |
+| include.file.metadata | Flag to determine if the metadata about the file should be included. | boolean | false | | low |
+| processing.file.extension | Before a file is processed, it is renamed to indicate that it is currently being processed. This setting is appended to the end of the file. | string | .PROCESSING | ValidPattern{pattern=^.*\..+$} | low |
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fa1e8b..0000000
--- a/README.rst
+++ /dev/null
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-This Kafka Connect connector provides the capability to watch a directory for files and read the data as new files are
-written to the input directory. The RecordProcessor implementation can be overridden so any file type can be supported.
-Currently there is support for delimited files and reading a file line by line.
-The CSVRecordProcessor supports reading CSV or TSV files. It can convert a CSV on the fly to the strongly typed Kafka
-Connect data types. It currently has support for all of the schema types and logical types that are supported in Kafka 0.10.x.
-If you couple this with the Avro converter and Schema Registry by Confluent, you will be able to process csv files to
-strongly typed Avro data in real time.
-The LineRecordProcessor supports reading a file line by line and emitting the line.
-Building on you workstation
-This project is dependant upon another project to handle parsing data from text to Kafka Connect compatible types. To build the project use the following. ::
- git@github.com:jcustenborder/kafka-connect-spooldir.git
- cd kafka-connect-spooldir
- mvn clean package
-Running on your workstation
-Schema Configuration
-This connector allows you to either infer a schema with nullable strings from the header row, or you can specify the schema in json format.
-To use the automatic schema generation set ``csv.first.row.as.header=true``, ``csv.schema.from.header=true``, ``csv.schema.from.header.keys=key1,key2``.
-To manually define the schema set ``csv.schema`` to a json representation of the schema. The example below works is for the mock data in the test class. ::
- {
- "name": "io.confluent.examples.spool.MockData",
- "keyName": "io.confluent.examples.spool.MockDataKey",
- "keys": [
- "id"
- ],
- "fields": [
- {
- "name": "id",
- "type": "int32",
- "required": true
- },
- {
- "name": "first_name",
- "type": "string",
- "required": true
- },
- {
- "name": "last_name",
- "type": "string",
- "required": true
- },
- {
- "name": "email",
- "type": "string",
- "required": true
- },
- {
- "name": "gender",
- "type": "string",
- "required": true
- },
- {
- "name": "ip_address",
- "type": "string",
- "required": true
- },
- {
- "name": "last_login",
- "type": "timestamp",
- "required": false
- },
- {
- "name": "account_balance",
- "type": "decimal",
- "scale": 10,
- "required": false
- },
- {
- "name": "country",
- "type": "string",
- "required": true
- },
- {
- "name": "favorite_color",
- "type": "string",
- "required": false
- }
- ]
- }
- The name of the schema. If you are using the Confluent schema registry this will be the name of the AVRO schema.
- The field names for the keys of the message. These fields must exist in the fields array.
- The field definitions for the schema.
-| Property | Description | Notes |
-| name | Name of the field. | |
-| type | Type for the field | Valid values are decimal, time, timestamp, date, int8, int16, int32, int64, float32, float64, boolean, string, bytes |
-| required | Is the field required? | |
-| scale | Scale for a decimal | Only used for decimals. Ignored for all other types |
-Configuration Options
- The directory to place files in which have error(s). This directory must exist and be writable by the user running Kafka Connect.
- * Type: string
- * Default: ""
- * Importance: high
- The directory to place files that have been successfully processed. This directory must exist and be writable by the user running Kafka Connect.
- * Type: string
- * Default: ""
- * Importance: high
- Regular expression to check input file names against. This expression must match the entire filename. The equivalent of Matcher.matches().
- * Type: string
- * Default: ""
- * Importance: high
- The directory to read files that will be processed. This directory must exist and be writable by the user running Kafka Connect.
- * Type: string
- * Default: ""
- * Importance: high
- Class that implements RecordProcessor. This class is used to process data as it arrives.
- * Type: class
- * Default:
- * Importance: high
- The Kafka topic to write the data to.
- * Type: string
- * Default: ""
- * Importance: high
- Should the task halt when it encounters an error or continue to the next file.
- * Type: boolean
- * Default: true
- * Importance: high
- Flag to indicate if the fist row of data contains the header of the file.
- * Type: boolean
- * Default: false
- * Importance: medium
- Schema representation in json.
- * Type: string
- * Default: ""
- * Importance: medium
- The number of records that should be returned with each batch.
- * Type: int
- * Default: 1000
- * Importance: low
- Flag to determine if the field names in the header row should be treated as case sensitive.
- * Type: boolean
- * Default: false
- * Importance: low
- Escape character.
- * Type: int
- * Default: 92
- * Importance: low
- Character set to read wth file with.
- * Type: string
- * Default: "UTF-8"
- * Importance: low
- Sets the ignore leading whitespace setting - if true, white space in front of a quote in a field is ignored.
- * Type: boolean
- * Default: true
- * Importance: low
- Sets the ignore quotations mode - if true, quotations are ignored.
- * Type: boolean
- * Default: false
- * Importance: low
- Flag to determine if the carriage return at the end of the line should be maintained.
- * Type: boolean
- * Default: false
- * Importance: low
- Indicator to determine how the CSV Reader can determine if a field is null. Valid values are EMPTY_SEPARATORS, EMPTY_QUOTES, BOTH, NEITHER. For more information see http://opencsv.sourceforge.net/apidocs/com/opencsv/enums/CSVReaderNullFieldIndicator.html.
- * Type: string
- * Default: "NEITHER"
- * Importance: low
- The date formats that are expected in the file. This is a list of strings that will be used to parse the date fields in order. The most accurate date format should be the first in the list. Take a look at the Java documentation for more info. https://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html
- * Type: list
- * Default: [yyyy-MM-dd' 'HH:mm:ss]
- * Importance: low
- The timezone that all of the dates will be parsed with.
- * Type: string
- * Default: "UTC"
- * Importance: low
- The character that is used to quote a field. This typically happens when the csv.separator.char character is within the data.
- * Type: int
- * Default: 34
- * Importance: low
- Flag to determine if the schema should be generated based on the header row.
- * Type: boolean
- * Default: false
- * Importance: low
- csv.schema.from.header.keys
- * Type: list
- * Default: []
- * Importance: low
- Fully qualified name for the schema. This setting is ignored if csv.schema is set.
- * Type: string
- * Default: ""
- * Importance: low
- The character that seperates each field. Typically in a CSV this is a , character. A TSV would use \t.
- * Type: int
- * Default: 44
- * Importance: low
- Number of lines to skip in the beginning of the file.
- * Type: int
- * Default: 0
- * Importance: low
- Sets the strict quotes setting - if true, characters outside the quotes are ignored.
- * Type: boolean
- * Default: false
- * Importance: low
- Flag to determine if the reader should be verified.
- * Type: boolean
- * Default: true
- * Importance: low
- The amount of time in milliseconds after the file was last written to before the file can be processed.
- * Type: long
- * Default: 0
- * Importance: low
- Flag to determine if the metadata about the file should be included.
- * Type: boolean
- * Default: false
- * Importance: low
- Before a file is processed, it is renamed to indicate that it is currently being processed. This setting is appended to the end of the file.
- * Type: string
- * Default: ".PROCESSING"
- * Importance: low
diff --git a/src/main/assembly/package.xml b/src/main/assembly/package.xml
index 2d16cfc..02e31f0 100644
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+ tar.gz
diff --git a/src/test/java/io/confluent/kafka/connect/source/DocumentationTest.java b/src/test/java/io/confluent/kafka/connect/source/DocumentationTest.java
index 02e7770..969c8bb 100644
--- a/src/test/java/io/confluent/kafka/connect/source/DocumentationTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/io/confluent/kafka/connect/source/DocumentationTest.java
@@ -15,13 +15,14 @@
package io.confluent.kafka.connect.source;
+import io.confluent.kafka.connect.utils.config.MarkdownFormatter;
import org.junit.Test;
public class DocumentationTest {
- public void generateRST() {
- System.out.println(SpoolDirectoryConfig.getConf().toRst());
+ public void toMarkdown() {
+ System.out.println(MarkdownFormatter.toMarkdown(SpoolDirectoryConfig.getConf()));