Releases: jcubic/jquery.terminal
Releases · jcubic/jquery.terminal
- allow to have limited import when export is save and restored from JSON #393
- add support for new u and s regex flags when parsing commands
- add less plugin based on the one from leash
- supports for promises returned from completion function
- add prism.js file that include monkey patch for PrismJS library (for syntax highlight) to output terminal formatting
- better read method #397
- handle promises returned from login and async login function #401
- add history option for push for easy disabling history for new interpreter
- add scrollObject option, so you can use body when terminal is on full screen div without height
- fix resizer in Firefox #395
- fix $.terminal.columns and echo array #394
- fix $.terminal.columns for wider characters and terminal formatting
- fix rows() when using --size #398
- fix null in JSON hash
- fix jumping on right click (context menu) #399
- fix formatting inside brackets #396
- fix async interpreter #400
- use window resize when terminal added to body
- allow to invoke terminal and cmd methods from extended commands
[[ terminal::set_prompt(">>> ") ]]
- new API method
that allow to invoke shortcut,terminal.invoke_key('CTRL+L')
will clear the terminal - shift+backspace now do the same thing as backspace
- fix wider characters in IE #380
- fix issue with number of characters when terminal is added to DOM after creation in IE
- fix scrolling on body in Safari
- fix exception when entering JSON with literal strings #389
- fix orphaned closing bracket on multiline echo #390
- fix whitespace insert after first character after first focus #391
- fix open link when click on url from exception
- pass options to formatters and accept option
(PR by Marcel Link) - improve performance of repaint and layout whole page when changing content of the terminal
- use ch unit for wide characters if browser support it (it have wide support then css variables)
- keymap terminal method and allow to set shortcuts on runtime
- fix newline as first character in formatting #375.
- fix error when echo undefined (it will echo string undefined since it's converted to string)
- fix first argument to keymap function, it's now keypress event
- fix resizing issue when scrollbar appear/disappear while you type #378
- fix cut of cursor when command line had full length lines and it was at the end #379
- default options for cmd plugin
- caseSensitiveSearch option for both terminal and cmd plugins
- fix urls ending with slash #365
- stringify non string commands in set_command
- fix scrolling of the page, when press space, after you click on the link
- fix scrolling flicker when terminal added to body
- small css fixes for element containers when terminal added to body
- fix for wide characters inside bigger text #369
- when clicking on terminal and it already had focus the textarea was blured #370
- fix parsing empty strings "" or ''
- fix warning from webpack about --char-width without default #371
Bug fixes
- create empty div for function line that return empty string, that was causing issues with update #363
- set classes from terminal to fake terminal that is used to calculate character size
- don't use length css variable on formatting when length is the same as wcwidth
- css fixes for terminal in jQuery UI dialog (dterm)
Bug fixes
- fix issue with --char-width == 0 if terminal have display:none
- fix DELETE numpad key on IE
- ignore invalid procedures description in system.describe
- fix font resizer and init resizers when terminal hidden initialy
- fix broken wrapping in new feature of updating divs on resize