Listed below are various aspects of the assignment. When you turn in your work, please indicate the status of each item
- YES: indicates that the item is fully complete
- NO: indicates that the item is not attempted
- PART: indicates that the item is attempted but not fully complete
____ 1 pt: All expected attributes for Computer
class are present
____ 1 pt: All expected methods for Computer
class are present
____ 1 pt: Constructor for Computer
class is present and sets attributes correctly
____ 1 pt: All expected attributes for ResaleShop
class are present
____ 1 pt: All expected methods for ResaleShop
class are present
____ 1 pt: Constructor for ResaleShop
class is present and sets attributes correctly
____ 1 pt: Can successfully add a new Computer
to the inventory
____ 1 pt: Can successfully remove a Computer
from the inventory
____ 1 pt: Can successfully update the price/OS of a Computer
contained in the inventory
____ 1 pt: Program prints appropriate error messages
_____ 4 pts: Program executes fully & consistently without crashing (exception/freeze)
_____ 1 pt: Classes & class members all have header comments
_____ 1 pt: Clear and consistent indentation
_____ 1 pt: Adheres to conventions on naming / capitalization
_____ 1 pt: Methods and variables all have clear and descriptive names
_____ 1 pt: All required files included with submission (including completed checklist file)
_____ 1 pt:
contains your reflection on the assignment