Setup instructions are in setup page, and have a look at the technical resource page as well.
- Getting started with p5js
- Getting started with ml5js
- H. McCarthy, C. Reas and B. Fry, Getting started with p5js (also in the library)
- Dan Shiffman's Beginner's Guide to Machine Learning in JavaScript with ml5.js playlist
- 3blue1Brown's unsurpassed Neural Networks series, (see also his website)
- MIT's Introduction to Deep Learning, technical but the perhaps clearest out there
- Practical Deep Learning for Coders Part 1 and especially Part 2, in PyTorch
- Machine Learning Glossary, Google for Developers
- pharmapsychotic's huge Tools and Resources for AI Art
- John O Whitaker's AI ART course & DataScienceCastnet channel
- Gene Kogan's channel, and his ML 4 Artists (ml4a) website
- Artificial Images's channel
- Valerio Velardo's The Sound of AI channel (music & AI resources)
- Awesome Pretrained StyleGAN2
- The GAN Zoo
- GANs — What and Where?
- gans-awesome-applications
- lightweight-gan repo by lucidrains / Phil Wang
- Reimagining History in Color with Pix2Pix as an Assistant
- This New AI Tool Makes Great Art. It Could Also Make Great Fake News.
- Yannic Kilcher
- AI Coffee Break with Letitia
- Two Minutes Papers
- deeplizard
- Siraj Raval
- Nicholas Renotte
- Aleksa Gordić, The AI Epiphany
- Art prompts for diffusion on Lexica
- PromptHero
- Emily M. Bender (@emilymbender)
- Abeba Birhane (@Abebab)
- Joy Buolamwini, founder of the Algorithmic Justice League
- Timnit Gebru, (@timnitGebru), a good talk, see also: Distributed AI Research Institute
- Peaks Krafft
- Margaret Mitchell (@mmitchell_ai)
- Melanie Mitchell (@MelMitchell1)
- Refik Anadol (@refikanadol)
- Memo Akten (@memotv)
- Sofia Crespo (@soficrespo91)
- Scott Eaton (@ScottEaton)
- Holly Herndon (@hollyherndon)
- Mario Klingemann (@quasimondo)
- Gene Kogan (@genkogan)
- Kyle McDonald (@kcimc)
- Allison Parrish (@aparrish)
- Anna Ridler (@annaridler)
- Daniel Rozin (@dannyrozin) (empty website?)
- Helena Sarin (@NeuralBricolage)
- Alexander Schubert (@alexanderschubert_composer)
- Pierre Huygues, UUmwelt
- First big auction sale (432,500$) of an AI artwork (GAN) in 2018: Edmond de Belamy by studio Obvious
- The Lumen Prize, website
- Ars Electronica, website
- CADAF, the Contemporary Digital Art Fairs and New Art Academy
- bitforms gallery
- arebyte gallery
- feral file gallery
- rhizome
- Electronic Literature Organization
- center for art and media karlsruhe
- Nvidia's AI Art Gallery
- Jürgen Schmidhuber, Annotated History of Modern AI and Deep Learning
- McCulloch and Pitts (1943) The Logical Calculus of the Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity, the first computational model of artificial neurons
- Rumelhart, Hinton and Williams (1986) Learning representations by back-propagating errors, the paper that introduced backpropagation
- Memo Atken, A journey through multiple dimensions and transformations in SPACE
- Rodney Brooks, The seven deadly sins of AI predictions
- Kate Crawford and Trevor Paglen, Excavating AI: The Politics of Images in Machine Learning Training Sets
- Aaron Hertzmann, Why computers do not make art (and his blog)