- Controlling tidal with a MIDI controller
- Build live mixer + visualizer with max
- Creating synths with
+ ugens - Controlling synth with tidal midi output
- Move to vim / emacs
- How can i start a transition on a mod cycle boundary?
- ideas for live transition
- have all patterns in a big do block so I can do things simultaneously
- Need to be able to quickly prototype what i'm hearing and also to listen to myself
- Tracks just on the edge of danceable like Jigen - should feel like it's just about to fall apart - but doesn't
- Load a few tracks into audacity / ableton and check out structure
- Some tracks from Flatland?
- The drum-only tracks I have on vinyl from bandcamp
- Making notes for myself with embedded audio! - how?? - work out how to do this;
- Variations on rave sample stuff
- 1: bev/fm sample stuff in 2023-12-27.tidal
- 2: rave sample ghost / splicing from solstice set / 2024-01-03.tidal