Step 1: Prior Running this API, Build the Project KitabGhar
(If Step 1 is Skipped (Not Recommended))
Step 1.1: Create a DB in MySQL named kitabghar
Step 1.2: Populate the DB Schema into the kitabghar using
mysql -u <MYSQL_USERNAME> -p kitabghar < KitabGhar.sql
Step 2: Create Virtual Environment using virtualenv venv
Step 3: Activate the Virtual Environment using source venv/bin/activate
Step 4: Install the dependencies using pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 5: Create a file development.env
for environment variables(mainly Database Connections):
export LOCALHOST="localhost"
export DATABASE="kitabghar"
Step 6: Set the environment variables using source ./development.env
Step 7: Check if API Service is running normally using pytest
and check if all 3 test passes.
Step 8: Run the API Service using cd api
and python3