The Netezza emulator is only available for windows installation. It consists of 2 VMware images which theoretically could be run on any VMware environment, but this is not tested.
Install the Netezza Emulator from IBM Netezza Developer Network
Download VMware Player.
Download the Netezza Emulator
Also download the Netezza Client components from the same location. This contains the JDBC driver and the IBM netezza Administrator GUI
NOTE: you will need to register and create an IBM developer network account
Install VWware
Verify the Netezza Emulator requirements and install with the installer NOTE: The Netezza Emulator typically requires >= 4G of ram
Install the JDBC driver. This creates a seperate directory which contains the nzjdbc.jar needed.
Optionally install the Netezza Administrator GUI (makes life a lot easier) NOTE: the default passwords for the emulator are nz/nz for the linux host and admin/password for the database connection
Setup a Development environment
Unfortunately gradlew doesn't play nice with windows for test. It is therefore more convenient to set up a seperate VWware linux image on the same virtual network as the emulator. NOTE: this is tested with ubuntu 14.04 LTS with git installed.- Download and install an ubuntu ISO and create a development VM in the same VMware environment as the Netezza emulator.
- Make sure GIT is installed and you have a working internet connection from the VM
- Test if the Netezza Emulator is visible from the development vm (example: $ping
- Optionally install the linux client tools on the VM.
Create the database NETEZZATEST using either the Administrator GUI or nzsql
Run 001_add_objects_needed_for_acceptance_test.sql to create the objects needed for the coretests
Rename the nzjdbc.jar to nzjdbc-7.1.jar and put it in the custom libs
Build dbfit excluding tests (gradlew clean check install -x test)
Run the tests ./gradlew :dbfit-java:netezza:test