anteriores a la supersincronización de Valentina -comming soon-
*** Conflictos estructura ***
Garbage collection (@PawFV) #151
Constructor, operator "new" (@ezzep66) #160
Map and Set (@vplentinax) #162
Object.keys, values, entries (@ezzep66) #161
Destructuring assignment (@ezzep66) #163
JSON methods, toJSON (@ezzep66) #170
- An Introduction to JavaScript (@tscandalitta) #16 #16 CERRADO SIN MERGE
- Manuals and specifications (@tiomno)
- Code editors (@lizzie136 ) #16 #16 CERRADO SIN MERGE
- Developer console (@ezzep66)
- Hello, world! (@victorze ) #31 VICTORZE NO FIRMO AGREEMENT
- Code structure (@victorze ) #32 VICTORZE NO FIRMO AGREEMENT
- The modern mode, "use strict" (@SantiEspada )
- Variables (@javier123454321) #93 NO FIRMO AGREEMENT
- Data types (@tscandalitta) #46
- Interaction: alert, prompt, confirm (@tscandalitta ) #49
- Type Conversions (@tikoflano) #57
- Basic operators, maths (@ezzep66) #187
- Comparisons
- Conditional operators: if, '?' (@Giorgiosaud) #95 ?? BUENA, COMPLETA VARIOS ARCH, APROBADO SIN MERGE, CONFLICTOS, NO LA QUIERO PERDER!!
- Logical operators (@Sjesc ) #47
- Nullish coalescing operator '??' (@ddanielcruzz) #196
- Loops: while and for (@Sjesc) #50
- The "switch" statement (@rajcespedes)
- Function expressions (@ezzep66) #159
- Arrow functions, the basics (@ricardov03)
- JavaScript specials (@Giorgiosaud) #99 ???? BUENA , SIN MERGE, CONFLICTOS, NO LA QUIERO PERDER!!
- Debugging in Chrome (@Giorgiosaud) #101 ?????? BUENA 5 ARCHIVOS, SIN MERGE, CONFLICTOS, NO LA QUIERO PERDER!!
- Coding Style (@luisandia)
- Comments (@Arnau-Ninerola)
- Ninja code (@Sjesc) #109
- Automated testing with Mocha (@alexseik) #152
- Polyfills (@Arnau-Ninerola)
- Objects (@lucasrdz994) #92
- Object copying, references (@ddanielcruzz)
- Garbage collection (@PawFV) #151 ??? OK, 2 APRoBADOS... conflicto estructura !!! le Dejé MSG en discord
- Object methods, "this" (@martinivanalfonso)
- Constructor, operator "new" (@ezzep66) #160
- Optional chaining '?.' (@vplentinax)
- Symbol type (@mariabp)
- Object to primitive conversion (@maurotikus)
- Methods of primitives (@joaquinelio) #105
- Numbers (@joaquinelio)
- Strings (@ferueda)
- Arrays (@fcabanilla)
- Array methods (@inkcoming)
- Iterables (@vplentinax) #179
- Map and Set (@vplentinax) #162
- WeakMap and WeakSet (@vplentinax) #176
- Object.keys, values, entries (@ezzep66) #161
- Destructuring assignment (@ezzep66) #163
- Date and time (@cirmar)
- JSON methods, toJSON (@ezzep66) #170
- Recursion and stack (@PawFV) #155
- Rest parameters and spread syntax (@PawFV)
- Variable scope (@vplentinax) #178
- The old "var" (@IngridGdesigns)
- Global object (@vplentinax) #181
- Function object, NFE (@vplentinax) #182
- The "new Function" syntax (@11joselu) #120
- Scheduling: setTimeout and setInterval (@vplentinax) #202
- Decorators and forwarding, call/apply (@vplentinax) #205
- Function binding (@vplentinax) #206
- Arrow functions revisited (@vplentinax) #204
- Property flags and descriptors (@kenliten) #183
- Property getters and setters (@rainvare) #194 NO FIRMO-----------------------------
- Prototypal inheritance (@cortizg) #191
- F.prototype (@cortizg) #192
- Native prototypes (@cortizg) #193
- Prototype methods, objects without proto (@cortizg) #195
- Class basic syntax (@zelezarof)
- Class inheritance (@cortizg) #171
- Static properties and methods (@cortizg) #172
- Private and protected properties and methods (@cortizg) #173
- Extending built-in classes (@cortizg) #174
- Class checking: "instanceof" (@cortizg) #175
- Mixins (@cortizg) #177
- Error handling, "try..catch" (@cortizg) #180
- Custom errors, extending Error (@cortizg) #184
- Introduction: callbacks (@lizzie136 )#14
- Promise (@cortizg) #188
- Promises chaining (@cortizg) #189
- Error handling with promises (@ddanielcruzz)
- Promise API (@ddanielcruzz)
- Promisification (@Sjesc)
- Microtasks (@vplentinax)
- Async/await (@aldarisbm)
- Generators (@rainvare)
- Async iterators and generators (@vplentinax)
- Modules, introduction (@ezzep66) #198
- Export and Import (@ezzep66) #208
- Dynamic imports (@lolabarri) #118
- Browser environment, specs (@victorze) -----------no FIRMÓ -------------------
- Walking the DOM (@victorze)
- Introduction to browser events (@spaceinvadev)
- Mouse events (@maksumi)
- Moving the mouse: mouseover/out, mouseenter/leave (@maksumi)
- Drag'n'Drop with mouse events (@maksumi)
- Pointer events (@maksumi)
- Keyboard: keydown and keyup (@maksumi)
- Scrolling (@maksumi)
- Form properties and methods (@amircp)
- Fetch (@JavyMB)
- Cookies, document.cookie (@RyhazL)
- IndexedDB (@srobnu)
- Bezier curve (@tambaqui) #78
- CSS-animations (@tambaqui )
- JavaScript animations (@tambaqui)