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Python Chases Monkey
An Introduction to Python Programming
Jason M. Pittman
© 2021 Jason M. Pittman, CC BY-SA 4.0

Chapter 2

Python and Monkey


This is it, the exciting stuff! Our Python environment is setup and broke in. We've played with a few traditional programs, answered some probing questions. Hopefully, we've found out that there is quite a bit we don't know yet but we have the taste now. We have the taste and we want more.

Perfect. Aboslutely perfect.

Two things I want to draw your attention to before we move forward. First, beginning with this chapter, we are going to progressively build out one project. All of the Examples, Exercises, and Questions, and will serve a common objective: getting a python to chase a monkey.

There is a lot of ground work to cover and this chapter outlines the major building blocks in our Python programming foundation. Accordingly, there are call-aheads to later chapters. While there is no harm in reading ahead, we should be cautious to work in order. Second, our second step in programming will be onto an unusual path. This will require some patience on our part as develop enough of a framing context for concepts and constructs to make sense. We need to trust the process here. It will pay off.

For now, let's imagine a calm jungle scene. The wind blows and the green tree canpoy sways. On one side, a python is coiled in slumber. Across the detritus strewn jungle floor, a monkey examines scratches his head and makes some monkey sounds...

Learning Objectives

  1. Summarize how object oriented design addresses flaws in procedural programming.
  2. Define and create classes and instantiate objects of those classes.
  3. Evaluate class design strategies.

Object Oriented Design

Yes, learning object oriented programming first is rather taboo. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find a textbook used in university which does it. I honestly don't know why. My guess is traditional programming assumes students are overwhelmed by the strangeness of object orientation. I disagree.

I think learning classes and objects first is natural since these are the way we have to model persons, places, and things. In other words, nouns. That's an important obversation for us to grasp: classes are nouns, thus model things.

Let's start with a question: what is a noun? We should come up with an answer before reading on. Take a moment.

Go it?

Okay, we can ask this question because programming languages are a type of formal language. While Python does not have a noun per se, it does have a syntax that we can imagine as a noun. That noun-like syntax is the foundation, the bedrock of modern programming - the class.

We should think of a class as a noun with its nounness written out. By nounness, I mean the elements which make it a noun as opposed to something else. For instance, nouns have names...python, monkey, or tree for common nouns. Likewise, we can have nouns such as Phil or Marvin for proper nouns. There are other elements defining nounness which we'll explore later. For the time being, let's say we instantiate classes (common nouns) as objects (proper nouns).

I think the power and beauty of object oriented design rests in being able to model real-world things in software. We can express what precisely power and beauty mean in four steps.

First, object oriented design is intuitive. We should find it intuitive because that is how we interact with things in the world.

Following naturally, I next suggest we will find object orientation carries with it a natural pull towards robust organization. Because we build top-down instead of bottom-up, we almost always are starting with the outer most constraints. I think this forces us to organize in a manner that is at once logical and representative of our world.

Furthermore, the power comes from the encapsulation and inheritance principles associated with object oriented design. Meanwhile, the beauty comes from the ability to develop custom form and function through the object orientation. Before we explore those topics, we need to explore classes and objects a bit more.

Classes and Objects

Remember, at one level of resolution, we can define a class as a noun. For our purpose, let's take a python (the snake, not the language) as a thing and then model it in software. The resultant class would look something like the code in Example 1.

Example 1

(1) class Python:
(2)     property = "value"
(4)     def __init__(self, value):
(5)         print(value)
(7)     def method(self):
(8)         print("I am a sssneaky ssssnake")

This example demonstrates an entity we call Python() which is the common noun part of the Phil = new Python() instantiation. Ideally, we model a real-world python in our Python class. The means to do so stem from the properies (data) and methods (actions) which we can see in lines two and four in Example 1.

The idea that a class is a noun is half of the truth. The full truth is that we are defining custom types as we model a person, place, or thing. We can see this in how we instantiate a class as an object. Let's pause to think about the possible consequences of this truth.

Normally, our first foray into types comes when we learn about variables. We explore variables as the focus of chapter 4 but suffice it to say that variables have types such as integer or string. As we can see here, it is the underlying type which provides the noun substructure in the programmatic context. Thus, by defining class Python: we are actually defining a type in identical fashion to how integer defines 42 as a discrete numeric value.

Back to Example 1, we should take a few moments to describe what is going on because this is the heart of how object oriented programming addresses flaws in procedural programming. As silly as the simple example may be, we really do have a software model of a snake now. Thus, another way to think about classes is as blueprints. That is, unformed but fully modeled solutions. Accordingly, when we build an instance of a class we are creating or instantiating an object into our computer's memory.

Example 2

(1) class Python:
(2)     property = "value"
(4)     def __init__(self, value):
(5)         print(value)
(7)     def method(self):
(8)         print("I am a sssneaky ssssnake")
(10) Phil = Python()

Programmatically, we are asserting Phil = new Python() wherein Phil becomes a specific Python() through object instantiation. What do you think about that?

We can say Phil is a Python() which is itself a type of snake which is a type of animal. Similar, we can group the attributes defining each of those constructs within it. This harkens back to how a noun has elements defining its nounness. More specifically, we should observe two things in Example 2.

First, our class Python establishes what the object Phil is at a core, fundamental level. Whatever elements- chiefly, methods and properties- are defined in Python() are now in Phil. Access to those methods and properties is done through Phil. Further, if we read the statement literally, we can assert that we are assigning Python() to Phil. This type of statement is the heart of programming and a concept we will return to quite frequently.

There is one final note for us to consider. A consequence of Phil being a specific type of Python is that we can repeat the object instantiation to create more pythons if we want or need more snakes. We simply need to change the proper noun portion, the object name. Take Presley = Python() for instance or Piotr = Python().

On one hand, these are all instantiations of the Python() class and thus are identical. Yet, on the other hand, these are discrete objects in memory and thus represent unique instances of Python(). Again, this is a demonstrative difference compared to procedural programming where we are forced into singular entities by design. We can probe this more by examining methods and properties.


We'll dive into methods in Chapter 6. For the time being, I want to mention a few things about methods that are stricly related to what we have learned so far about classes and objects. In doing so, I want to create a bridge to properties and setup a call ahead for the detailed method discussion

Principally, methods are verbs to the nouns we define as classes. An easy verb to imagine might be slither() for our class Python. We can build anything as a method, however we want to use them to model reasonable behaviors for our noun. In this way, the behavior or action is tied to the thing.

Deepining the tie between methods and classes, we can look at the use of the self notation in Example 1 and Example 2. The self notation is how our program internally distinguishes between Phil and Piotr as two instances of the Python() class. While we could use any term here (I'm personally tempted to use this based on my experience with C#), the common convention is self due to the strong internal reference present. This begins to make even more sense when we consider properties as part of our growing class knowledge.


If a class is a noun and a method is a verb, a property is an adjective. Moreover, if we use methods to express behavior, we likewise want to use properties to express characteristics. Chapter 4 contains our thorough review of the topic. Meanwhile, we can work on understanding how to implement and use properties by envisioning the qualities of a python we'd communicate to another person.

Foundationally, we need to disambiguate property and attribute because there will be a temptation to use the terms interchangeably. In a general sense, the two are the same thing with respect to how we talk about using them. However, the technical programming implementation is substantively different. Let's compare and examine.

Let's start with a somewhat vanilla attribute implementation.

Example 3

(1) class Python:
(3)     def __init__(self, length=0):
(4)         self.length = length

With our Phil object instantiated, we can interact with the .length attribute directly as Phil.length = 6 to assign a value or print(Phil.length) to output the value. This is perfectly valid and fine. That's not the same as a property though.

For comparison, here is property implementation of the same idea.

Example 4

(1) class Python:
(2)     _length = 0
(4)     @property
(5)     def length(self):
(6)         return self._length
(8)     @size.setter
(9)     def length(self, value):
(10)        self._length = value

Again, we assume we have Phil(). Here, we interact with the property using get and set methods to, you guessed it, get and set property values, respectively. As an illustation, consider Phil.length to get the value and Phil.length = 6 to set. Yes, there is nothing that stops us from doing Phil._length = 6. Be that as it may, I suggest doing so would be contextually and techincally wrong given the overall class implementation in Example 4.

The reason why I center our attention on the property implementation is not because I think attributes are incorrect. Rather, I prefer the property style implementation because it gives us proper encapsulation.


The object oriented design concept of encapsulation gives us the ability to essentially hide or protect values. By values, I mean data. The goal here is to limit complexity because encapsulation limits the coupling of the related components by exposing a single or small set of data accesses.

Let's look back at Example 4. We do not access length straight through as we would if we called a variable in a procedural program. Instead, technically the class provides the encapsulation by allowing us to go through it to access length. However, I suggest this more by proxy than by direct assertion. This is why the property mechanic is important in conjunction with the getter and setter methods. Again, for completeness we could achieve the same functionality using attributes because Python as a language empowers us to choose the correct implementation. Yet, if we use the methods we have an implementation more aligned with other object oriented paradigms.

Thus, with the object oriented concept of encapsulation we have a clean linking between all of the preceeding constructs. The last thing we should define now is something that brings us all the way back to the chain of $animal \rightarrow snake \rightarrow python$ nouns but in a programmatic context.


The simple explanation of inheritance as an object oriented paradigm can be visualized in the $animal \rightarrow snake \rightarrow python$ chain. In such a chain, $animal$ is the base class and $snake$ would be a derived class inheriting from $animal$. Legitimate synonyms are subclass for the derived and superclass for base. Let's look at a refactoring of Example 4 using this logic.

Example 5

(1) class Animal:
(4)     def __init__(self, name):
(5) = name
(7)     @property
(8)     def name(self):
(9)         return
(11) class Python(Animal):
(12)     _length = 0
(14)     def __init__(self, name):
(15)        Animal.__init__(self, name)
(17)     @property
(18)     def length(self):
(19)        return self._length
(21)     @size.setter
(22)     def length(self, value):
(23)        self._length = value

With an implementation such as Example 5, we can call Phil = Python("Phil") followed by and we'd get Phil as output. The reason for doing this would be to promote reusability in our code.

Consider this point: we are looking at Python() but what about our future Monkey()? Monkeys are animals too and assuming we give them a name inheritance keeps us from having duplicate, confusing name code across mutiple classes.

I bring this up now because there will be incentive to avoid designing our object oriented projects without giving attention to inheritance. We must resist this path of least effort. Like automation, even though we will spend more time upfront the result will be lower total maintenance overhead and more elegance in our solutions.

Yes, the additional arrow asserts $snake$ is also a base for $python$ which I suppose would work but is confusing in practice. In practice, we assert a singular or multiple inheritance. Singular represents a basic one-to-one relationship. Mutiple is the opposite of what we probably think- one derived class inherits from multiple base classes. By way of illustration, we could assert $animal \rightarrow python$ and $example \rightarrow python$ so that $python$ inherts from both.

This is one of the more advanced concepts introduced in this chapter and is a good place for a break. We'll come back to the principle of inheritance throughout the rest of the book. Until then, let's get some practice in shall we!


  1. Develop a python class identical to Example 1 and run the program. What happens?

  2. Implement Example 4 but using this instead of self and run the program. What happens?

  3. Modify the Animal() class to include the length property, remove it from Python() and have Python() inhert from Animal().


  1. Read the code in Example 1 and come up with two properties you might define for a Python class. The code class, not your school class.

  2. What about methods? Specify two methods your Python class might define.

  3. Why would we use a property instead of an attribute?

  4. How could multiple inheritance become problematic?

  5. If someone calls out Python, what are the first and second steps you would take to develop a Python class?