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482 lines (295 loc) · 12.6 KB

File metadata and controls

482 lines (295 loc) · 12.6 KB


Unlike C++ and Java, the C language lacks any support for generic programming.Our library results from the idea to create a generic library of reusable algorithms in C language that an user can directly use for any data type.

This library contains-

  1. Generic Singly Linked List
  2. Generic Doubly Linked List
  3. Generic Stack
  4. Generic Queue

Generic Singly Linked List

This library contains the following function than an user can directly use to perform action on singly linked list

SinglyLinkedList * createSinglyLinkedList(bool *success)

User can use this function to create Singly Linked List.
then can perform the operation on that list. here success denotes wether a list is created or not.

void addToSinglyLinkedList(SinglyLinkedList *sll, void *ptr, bool *success)

User can use this function to add data at the end of the Singly Linked List.

void insertIntoSinglyLinkedList(SinglyLinkedList *singlyLinkedList,int index,void *ptr,bool *success)

 User can use this function to add data at any valid position in the Singly Linked List.

void * removeFromSinglyLinkedList(SinglyLinkedList *singlyLinkedList,int index,bool *success)

User can use this function to remove data from Singly Linked List

int getSizeOfSinglyLinkedList(SinglyLinkedList *singlyLinkedList)

User can use this function to get the size of Singly Linked List

void * getFromSinglyLinkedList(SinglyLinkedList *singlyLinkedList,int index,bool *success)

User can use this function to get the data from Singly Linked List

void appendToSinglyLinkedList(SinglyLinkedList *targetSinglyLinkedList,SinglyLinkedList * sourceSinglyLinkedList,bool *success)

User can use this function to append two Singly Linked List

void clearSinglyLinkedList(SinglyLinkedList *singlyLinkedList)

User can use this function to clear Singly Linked List

void destroySinglyLinkedList(SinglyLinkedList *singlyLinkedList)

User can use this function to destroy the Singly Linked List

SinglyLinkedListIterator getSinglyLinkedListIterator(SinglyLinkedList *singlyLinkedList,bool *success)

user can use this function to get the reference of the Singly linked list Iterator.

bool hasNextInSinglyLinkedList(SinglyLinkedListIterator *singlyLinkedListIterator)

user can use this function to whether it has next element in singly linked list or not.

void *getNextElementFromSinglyLinkedList(SinglyLinkedListIterator *singlyLinkedListIterator,bool * success)

user can use this function to get next element from singly linked list.


int main()
    SinglyLinkedList * singlyLinkedList;
    bool *success;
    int *data;
    singlyLinkedList= createSinglyLinkedList(&success);
        printf("Cannot Create the list");
        return 0;
    //To add data in SinglyLinkedList
    int a=100;
    if(success==false)printf("data is not added\n");
    else printf("% d is successfully added",a);

    //To insert data in singlyLinkedList
    int b=200;
    if(success==false)printf("data is not added\n");
    else printf("% d is successfully added",a);

    //to get size of Singly Linked List
    int size=getSizeOfSinglyLinkedList(singlyLinkedList);

    //to iterate in Singly Linked List
    SinglyLinkedListIterator iter;
      data=(int *)getNextElementFromSinglyLinkedList(&iter,&success);

    return 0;

To Compile the above code using mingw -

gcc singly.c -o singly.exe -I ..\include -L..\lib -ltm
//tm is name of the library

Generic Doubly Linked List

This library contains the following function than an user can directly use to perform action on Doubly linked list

DoublyLinkedList * createDoublyLinkedList(bool *success)

User can use this function to create Doubly Linked List.
then can perform the operation on that list. here success denotes wether a list is created or not.

void addToDoublyLinkedList(DoublyLinkedList *sll, void *ptr, bool *success)

User can use this function to add data at the end of the Doubly Linked List.

void insertIntoDoublyLinkedList(DoublyLinkedList *doublyLinkedList,int index,void *ptr,bool *success)

 User can use this function to add data at any valid position in the Doubly Linked List.

void * removeFromDoublyLinkedList(DoublyLinkedList *doublyLinkedList,int index,bool *success)

User can use this function to remove data from Doubly Linked List

int getSizeOfDoublyLinkedList(DoublyLinkedList *doublyLinkedList)

User can use this function to get the size of Doubly Linked List

void * getFromDoublyLinkedList(DoublyLinkedList *doublyLinkedList,int index,bool *success)

User can use this function to get the data from Doubly Linked List

void appendToDoublyLinkedList(DoublyLinkedList *targetDoublyLinkedList,DoublyLinkedList * sourceDoublyLinkedList,bool *success)

User can use this function to append two Doubly Linked List

void clearDoublyLinkedList(DoublyLinkedList *doublyLinkedList)

User can use this function to clear Doubly Linked List

void destroyDoublyLinkedList(DoublyLinkedList *doublyLinkedList)

User can use this function to destroy the Doubly Linked List

DoublyLinkedListIterator getDoublyLinkedListIterator(DoublyLinkedList *doublyLinkedList,bool *success)

user can use this function to get the reference of the doubly linked list Iterator.

bool hasNextInDoublyLinkedList(DoublyLinkedListIterator *doublyLinkedListIterator)

user can use this function to check whether it has next element in doubly linked list or not.

void *getNextElementFromDoublyLinkedList(DoublyLinkedListIterator *doublyLinkedListIterator,bool * success)

user can use this function to get next element from doubly linked list.

DoublyLinkedListReverseIterator getDoublyLinkedListReverseIterator(DoublyLinkedList *doublyLinkedList,bool *success)

user can use this function to get the reference of the doubly linked list Reverse Iterator.

bool hasPreviousInDoublyLinkedList(DoublyLinkedListIterator *doublyLinkedListIterator)

user can use this function to check whether it has previous element in doubly linked list or not.

void *getPreviousElementFromDoublyLinkedList(DoublyLinkedListIterator *doublyLinkedListIterator,bool * success)

user can use this function to get previous element from doubly linked list.


int main()
    DoublyLinkedList * doublyLinkedList;
    bool *success;
    int *data;
    doublyLinkedList= createDoublyLinkedList(&success);
        printf("Cannot Create the list");
        return 0;
    //To add data in DoublyLinkedList
    int a=100;
    if(success==false)printf("data is not added\n");
    else printf("% d is successfully added",a);

    //To insert data in doublyLinkedList
    int b=200;
    if(success==false)printf("data is not added\n");
    else printf("% d is successfully added",a);

    //to get size of Doubly Linked List
    int size=getSizeOfDoublyLinkedList(doublyLinkedList);

    //to iterate in Doubly Linked List
    DoublyLinkedListIterator iter;
      data=(int *)getNextElementFromDoublyLinkedList(&iter,&success);

   // Reverse Iterator in doubly linked list
   DoublyLinkedListReverseIterator revIter;
      data=(int *)getPreviousElementFromDoublyLinkedList(&revIter,&success);



    return 0;

To Compile the above code using mingw -

gcc doubly.c -o doubly.exe -I ..\include -L..\lib -ltm
//tm is name of the library

Generic Stack

This library contains the following function than an user can directly use to perform action on Stack

Stack * createStack(bool *success);

User can use this function to create Stack and
then can perform the operation on that stack.

void pushOnStack(Stack *stack,void *ptr,bool *success);

User can use this function to push data in stack.

void * popFromStack(Stack *stack,bool *success);

 User can use this function to pop data from stack.

bool isStackEmpty(Stack *stack);

User can use this function to check whether the stack is empty or not.

void * elementAtTop(Stack *stack,bool *success);

User can use this function to view the top element in stack.

int getSizeOfStack(Stack *stack);

User can use this function to get the size of stack.

void clearStack(Stack *stack);

User can use this function to clear the stack.

void destroyStack(Stack *stack);

User can use this function to destroy the stack.


int main()
    Stack *stack;
    bool success;
    //to create stack
      printf("Stack not created\n");
      return 0;
    printf("Stack is created\n");
    //to push data in stack
    int a=100;
    int b=200;
    int c=300;

    //to find the size of the stack
    printf("Size of stack is %d \n",getSizeOfStack(stack));

    //use of pop and isStackEmpty function
    int *data;
       printf("data is %d\n",*data);
    //to clear and destroy the stack
    return 0;

To Compile the above code using mingw -

gcc stack.c -o stack.exe -I ..\include -L..\lib -ltm
//tm is name of the library

Generic Queue

This library contains the following function than an user can directly use to perform action on Queue

Queue * createQueue(bool *success);

User can use this function to create Queue and
then can perform the operation on that queue.

void addToQueue(Queue *queue,void *ptr,bool *success);

User can use this function to add data in queue.

void * removeFromQueue(Queue *queue,bool *success);

 User can use this function to remove data from queue.

bool isQueueEmpty(Queue *queue);

User can use this function to check whether the queue is empty or not.

void * elementAtTopOfTheQueue(Queue *queue,bool *success);

User can use this function to view the top element of queue.

int getSizeOfQueue(Queue *queue);

User can use this function to get the size of queue.

void clearQueue(Queue *queue);

User can use this function to clear the data from queue.

void destroyQueue(Queue *queue);

User can use this function to destroy the queue.


int main()
    Queue *queue;
    bool success;
    //to create queue
      printf("Queue not created\n");
      return 0;
    printf("Queue is created\n");
    //to push data in queue
    int a=100;
    int b=200;
    int c=300;

    //to find the size of the queue
    printf("Size of queue is %d \n",getSizeOfQueue(queue));

    //use of pop and isQueueEmpty function
    int *data;
       printf("data is %d\n",*data);
    //to clear and destroy the queue
    return 0;

To Compile the above code using mingw -

gcc queue.c -o queue.exe -I ..\include -L..\lib -ltm
//tm is name of the library


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.