Collection of sequencing adapter/primer sequences (mainly Illumina) from all around the internet. I appologize but this list is so old I no longer remember most of the sources where I got it from.
Each adapter has it's reverse-complement "version" at the end since I've observed this "version" in the past at some experiments.
The code to merge & deduplicate sequences is from Stephen Turner.
Make sure your adapter fasta is one-line fasta:
cat adapters.fa | awk '/^>/ { if(NR>1) print ""; printf("%s\n",$0); next; } { printf("%s",$0);} END {printf("\n");}' > adapters-oneline.fa
Merge and deduplicate with combine_adapters.R:
R --no-save < combine_adapters.R
The adapter file/files have to be in this directory (doesn't go recursive) and must have .fa (not .fasta) suffix.