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Sample usage for the FT API Node Client

To find out how to use the FT content API go to

Instantiating the Client

The client is implemented as an instantiable FtApi object. Create a client instance by calling FtApi as a constructor and passing your api key:

var FtApi = require('ft-api-client'),
ftApi = new FtApi('APIKEY');

You can pass an optional log level argument to the constructor too.

ftApi = new FtApi('APIKEY', FtApi.LOG_LEVEL_NONE);

Logging Levels

The API has three logging levels:

  • LOG_LEVEL_NONE - Logs no info messages and no errors
  • LOG_LEVEL_ERROR - Logs only errors to stderr
  • LOG_LEVEL_INFO - Logs errors to stderr and info messages to stdout By default, instances have LOG_LEVEL_ERROR.

Logging levels can be set from the FT API constructor, or using getLogLevel/setLogLevel on an FtApi instance.

ftApi = new FtApi('APIKEY', FtApi.LOG_LEVEL_NONE);



Note: The standard output stream is buffered and outputs asynchronously in Node. The standard error stream is not buffered and outputs synchronously. When LOG_LEVEL_INFO is used, you may see errors interspersed inside info logging. Compare logging URLs to ensure you're comparing error lines with the correct info lines.

Single-Item Callbacks

The callback you pass to the client for a single item will be invoked in the Node idiom of

callback(error, item)

If there was an error with the API call, you'll receive an error object and a null item. If the API call was successful, you'll receive a null error and an item object. Error and item are thus mutually exclusive, so you should write your callback body in idiomatic Node form as

function (error, item) {
	if (error) {
		// Freak out
	} else {
		// The gubbins


function (error, item) {
	if (error) {
		// Freak out
	// The gubbins

Note: The item may be an empty object or empty array if that was the API's response. We're just the messenger.

Multiple-Item Callbacks

The callback you pass to the client for multiple items will be invoked in the Node idiom of

callback(errors, items)

Errors will be null unless at least one error occurred, where it will be an array of errors. Items will be null unless at least one item is retrieved, when it will be an array of items. Errors and items are thus NOT mutually exclusive, and you must write your callback in the form

function (errors, items) {
	if (errors) {
		// Handle errors
	if (items) {
		// Handle items


function (errors, items) {
	if (!items) {
		// Handle any errors that MAY exist
	// Handle items that did return

Note: You may wish to sense-check the expected item count against the length of the items array to ensure you received all the items you requested.


An error object has the format:

	message: STRING,
	isUserActionable: BOOLEAN,
	canRetry: BOOLEAN,
	url: STRING

Message will give you information on the cause of the error. If the error can be fixed by changes you make, then isUserActionable will be true. If the error was caused by a temporary failure on the server, then canRetry will be true. Url will always be set to the url of the request.

If your log level is LOG_LEVEL_ERROR or higher, then a helpful representation of this error will be output to the standard error stream.

Fetching a list of recently updated items

This example will get all notifications from the last hour

var FtApi = require('ft-api-client'),

// Create a new Api Client from your API Key
ftApi = new FtApi('XXX');

// Create a date object for an hour ago
now = new Date();
oneHourAgo = new Date((now.valueOf() - (3600 * 1000)));

// Get a list of all notifications in the last hour
ftApi.getNotificationsSince(oneHourAgo, function (errors, notifications) {
	if (errors) {
		console.log('Request error occurred:', errors);
	} else {
		console.log('Notifications retrieved:', notifications);

This example will return up to 10 notifications from the last 15 minutes (api default)

var FtApi = require('ft-api-client'),

// Create a new Api Client from your API Key
ftApi = new FtApi('XXX');

// Get a list of the last 10 modified items from the last 15 minutes (api default)
ftApi.getNotificationsUpTo(10, function (error, body) {
	if (error) {
		console.log('Request error occurred:', error);
	} else {
		console.log('Notifications retrieved:', body.notifications);

Fetching the data for n number of content IDs

This example will return the full data for each ID specfied Note: The 'handle all items' callback is optional.

var FtApi = require('ft-api-client'),
	itemIds = [

handleItemResponse = function (error, item) {
	if (error) {
		console.log('Error loading item: ', error);
	} else {
		console.log('Item Loaded: ', item);

handleAllItems = function (errors, items) {
	if (errors) {
		console.log('Errors occurred loading items: ', errors);
	console.log('Items loaded were: ', items);

// Create a new Api Client from your API Key
ftApi = new FtApi('XXX');

// Get the items for the given item ids
ftApi.getItems(itemIds, handleItemResponse, handleAllItems);

Fetching a list of FT pages

List all pages available on

var FtApi = require('ft-api-client'),

// Create a new Api Client from your API Key
ftApi = new FtApi('XXX');

// And get the page list
ftApi.getPageList(function (errors, pageList) {
	if (errors) {
		console.log('Request error occurred:', errors);
	} else {
		console.log('Page list retrieved:', pageList);

Fetching an FT page

Get a page available on Provides the page id, title, apiUrl, webUrl and a link to retrieve the main items of content listed on the page. Note: The 'handle all pages' callback is optional.

var FtApi = require('ft-api-client'),
	pageIds = [

// Create a new Api Client from your API Key
ftApi = new FtApi('XXX');

handlePageResponse = function (error, page) {
	if (error) {
	console.log('Error loading page: ', error);
	} else {
	console.log('Page Loaded: ', page);

handleAllPages = function (errors, pages) {
	if (errors) {
	console.log('Errors occurred loading pages: ', errors);
	console.log('Pages loaded were: ', pages);

// And get the pages for the IDs
ftApi.getPages(pageIds, handlePageResponse, handleAllPages);

Fetching an FT page main content

List all page items available on a published page.

var FtApi = require('ft-api-client'),
	pageId = '97afb0ce-d324-11e0-9ba8-00144feab49a',

// Create a new Api Client from your API Key
ftApi = new FtApi('XXX');

handlePageContent = function (error, pageContent) {
	if (error) {
	console.log('Error loading page: ', error);
	} else {
	console.log('Page content loaded: ', pageContent);

// And get the page main content for the IDs
ftApi.getPageContent(pageId, handlePageContent);