see also:
- SparkyTestHelpers.AspNetMvc - the .NET Framework version of this package
- the rest of the "Sparky suite" of .NET utilities and test helpers
using SparkyTestHelpers.AspNetMvc
var homeController = new HomeController(/* with test dependencies */);
var controllerTester = new ControllerTester<HomeController>(homeController);
It doesn't do anything on its own - just provides an Action(actionDefinitionExpression) method that's used to create a...
var controllerActionTester =
new ControllerTester<HomeController>(homeController).Action(x => x.Index);
The .Action method argument is an expression for either a synchronous or async controller action method.
ControllerActionTester has several .Test... methods used to assert that the controller action returns the expected IActionResult implementation. There are methods for all of the standard result types, plus the generic TestResult<TActionResultType> method:
- .TestContent(Action<ContentResult> validate)
- .TestEmpty(Action<EmptyResult> validate)
- .TestFile(Action<FileResult> validate)
- .TestJson(Action<JsonResult> validate)
- .TestPartialView(Action<PartialViewResult> validate)
- .TestRedirectToAction(string expecteActionName, string expectedControllerName, object expectedRouteValues, Action<RedirectToRouteResult> validate)
- .TestRedirectToPage(string expectedPageName, Action<RedirectToPageResult> validate)
- .TestRedirectToRoute(string expectedRoute, Action<RedirectToRouteResult> validate)
- .TestView(Action<ViewResult> validate)
- .TestResult<TActionResultType>(Action<TActionResultType> validate)
Additional methods:
- .ExpectingViewName(string expectedViewName) - used with .TestView and .TestPartialView
- .ExpectingModel<TModelType>(Action<TModelType> validate) - used with .TestView and .TestJson
- WhenModelStateIsValidEquals(bool isValid) - used to test conditional logic based on ModelState.IsValid
All validate "callback" actions shown above are optional.
var homeController = new HomeController(/* with test dependencies */);
var controllerTester = new ControllerTester<HomeController>(homeController);
controllerTester.Action(x => x.Index).TestView();
.Action(x => () => x.Details(3))
.ExpectingModel<Foo>(foo => Assert.IsTrue(foo.IsValid))
.Action(x => () => x.Edit(updateModel))
.Action(x => () => x.Edit(updateModel))
Razor Page test helpers
ASP.NET MVC Razor Page PageModels have a lot in common with Controllers (they kind of combine the "C" and "M" of MVC), so the tester classes are pretty similar to ControllerTester and ControllerActionTester...
PageModelTester Instantiation:
using SparkyTestHelpers.AspNetMvc
var homeModel = new HomeModel(/* with test dependencies */);
var pageTester = new PageModelTester<HomeModel>(homeModel);
It doesn't do anything on its own - just provides an Action(actionDefinitionExpression) method that's used to create a...
var actionTester =
new PageModelTester<HomeModel>(homeModel).Action(x => x.OnGet);
The .Action method argument is an expression for either a synchronous or async PageModel action method.
PageModelActionTester has several .Test... methods used to assert that the PageModel action returns the expected IActionResult implementation. There are methods for many standard result types, plus the generic TestResult<TActionResultType> method:
- .TestContent((optional) Action<ContentResult> validate)
- .TestFile((optional) Action<FileResult> validate)
- .TestJsonResult((optional) Action<JsonResult> validate)
- .TestPage((optional) Action<PageResult> validate)
- .TestRedirectToAction(string expecteActionName, string expectedControllerName, object expectedRouteValues, (optional) Action<RedirectToRouteResult> validate)
- .TestRedirectToPage(string expectedPageName, (optional) Action<RedirectToPageResult> validate)
- .TestRedirectToRoute(string expectedRoute, (optional) Action<RedirectToRouteResult> validate)
- .TestResult<TActionResultType>((optional) Action<TActionResultType> validate)
Additional methods:
- .ExpectingModel<TModelType>((optional) Action<TModelType> validate) - used with .TestJson. Can also be used with .TestPage, but it's more efficient to use...
- .ExpectingModel(Action<TPageModel> validate) - used with .TestPage to perform validation PageModel property validation
- WhenModelStateIsValidEquals(bool isValid) - used to test conditional logic based on ModelState.IsValid
var homeModel = new HomeModel(/* with test dependencies */);
var pageTester = new PageModelTester<HomeModel>(homeModel);
.Action(x => x.OnGet)
.ExpectingModel(model => Assert.IsTrue(model.Foo))
.Action(x => x.OnPost)
.ExpectingModel(model => Assert.AreEqual(expectedErrorMessage, model.ErrorMessage))
.Action(x => x.Post)
ViewComponent test helpers
ViewComponentTester<TViewComponent> and ViewComponentInvocationTester are very similar to their Controller... and PageModel... counterparts.
- .Invocation(synchronous Invoke method expression)
- .Invocation(async InvokeAsync method expression)
- .ExpectingViewName(string expectedViewName) - used with .TestView
- .ExpectingModel<TModelType>(Action<TModelType> validate) - used with .TestView
- .TestContent(Action<ContentViewComponentResult> validate)
- .TestHtmlContent(Action<HtmlContentViewComponentResult> validate)
- .TestView(Action<ViewViewComponentResult> validate)
- .TestResult<TViewComponentResultType>(Action<TViewComponentResultType> validate)
- WhenModelStateIsValidEquals(bool isValid) - used to test conditional logic based on ModelState.IsValid
All validate "callback" actions shown above are optional.
using SparkyTestHelpers.AspNetMvc
new ViewComponentTester<FooViewComponent>()
.Invocation(x => x.Invoke)
.ExpectingModel(model => Assert.IsTrue(model.Baz))
new ViewComponentTester<BarViewComponent>()
.Invocation(x => x.InvokeAsnyc)