This source code is the implementation of my bachelors thesis using LTSH for real-time polygonal area light shading. It extends the existing technique of Linearly Transformed Cosines (LTC) by Heitz et al. to use more flexible spherical harmonic expansions instead of the clamped cosine function. This was possible because Wang and Ramamoorthi derived a closed form expression of spherical harmonic expansions over polygonal domains. You can find my thesis and a blog post about it online.
This code was written without the intention to publish it and to give me the results I needed for my thesis as fast as possible. There is obvious duplicate code and questionable design choices. However, instead of saying "I could improve it before publishing" and then never publishing it, I decided to just put it out here, as my solution relied heavily on other researchers making their code accessible. Please read the code with this desclaimer in mind. I'm very happy to answer any arising questions. Just mail me through contact∂
This project is not a standalone and needs to be integrated into the Falcor Framework (v. 3.2.1). See the Falcor README for more information. I only tested the project using DirectX12.
You can find a release with pre-compiled 64bit windows binaries. The shading technique is selected via "Area Light Rener Mode". The ground truth implementation is very performance heavy and should be used with care.
Since the shading techniques differ only in the specular shading, using the "specular" debug mode helps with spotting differences (turned on by default). Full shading is retrieved by using the "None" debug mode.
Position, size and transformation of the light source is can be changed through the "Lights" tab.
Thanks to Eric Heitz and his research team as well as Wang and Ramamoorthi for providing their code as I relied on their techniques and could reuse significant parts. A huge shoutout goes to my advisor Christoph Peters who put in a lot of time and expertise to help me with and review my work. And thanks to NVIDIA for providing the Falcor framework! You find the full list of references in my thesis.