Scripts to collect links from indico (described at
) and write collected links to twiki (described at
Requirements for
: python3, indico token (described at indico token)
Requirements for
: python3,
(described at downloading cern sso), certificate and key to login to tiwki (described at generating certificate and key)
Required python libraries: six
, requests
Example usage: --indico_token indp_xxxxxx --category_id 999 --event_titles "Inclusive weekly" "Leptonic weekly" --from_time=2021-01-01 --to_time today --output_directory jsons --indico_url --cert_filename xxx.pem --key_filename xxx.key --parent_topic YYY --output_twiki_url "" --json_filenames jsons/meeting_inclusive_weekly.json jsons/meeting_leptonic_weekly.json --titles_for_jsons "Inclusive Meetings" "Leptonic Meetings"
Scraps indico using indico api and saves information into json files.
Script searches through an indico category for the each specified event title.
For each event, each talk's tiles, presentors, and attachment links are scrapped.
The scrapped information is saved into a meeting_xxx.json
file, where there will be different files for each specified event title.
If the meeting_xxx.json
file exists, the newly scrapped information is combined into the file.
Newly scrapped information will be chosen if there is an overlap in the existing meeting_xxx.json
indico api reference can be found at
Indico api requires an indico token string (argument: indico_token
Make token string by going to indico's "My profile -> Settings -> API tokens" and pressing "Create new token".
Check "Classic API (read only)" in Scopes and then "Save".
The token string should be shown on the indico website.
Example usage: --indico_token indp_xxxxxx
The indico category id (argument: category_id
) can be found by looking at the url of indico.
Example: category id is 20 for the following URL: https://indico.xxxx.xx/category/20
The search for event titles (argument: event_titles
) is done using regex, where uppercase and lowercase are ignored.
Example regex usage: --event_titles SUSY.*Weekly
The start date (argument: from_time
) and end date (argument: to_time
) to search for events in categories uses the format specified in "param from/to" in
Example date formats: YYYY-MM-DD, -14d, today.
Note when entering negative days as arugment use "=".
Example usage: --from_time=-14d
The json filename will be from the specified event title which is slugified to a filename-friendly filename and made to undercase, with a prefix meeting_
Example: --event_titles SUSY.*Weekly
will make a json file called meeting_susy_weekly.json
The json format is shown below, which is a list of event information
[ { 'date', 'url', 'title', 'presentations': [{'title', presenters:['presenter'], 'attachments': [('title', 'url')]}] } ]
Uses scrapped indico json files to write list of meetings and presentations to a target twiki page.
The twiki page will have a list of meetings for each scrapped indico json file.
is used to login to twiki.
from with below command.
This script uses
( to log into CERN twiki,
requires a SSL certifiate and an unencrypted key for authentication.
creates a cookie that this script uses to write content into the twiki.
The following steps generates a certificate and an unencrypted key from a xxx.p12
Note, xxx.p12
is normally located in ~/.globus
Note, because the key is unencrypted, please make sure that the files are in a secure location!
- Generate a certificate from
openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -in xxx.p12 -out myCert.pem
- Make a separate encrypted key file for the key inside
openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -in xxx.p12 -out myCert.tmp.key
- Create an unencrypted key from
openssl rsa -in myCert.tmp.key -out myCert.key
To write to the twiki, is used,
where a http POST method is used.
Each twiki page has a topic parent (argument: parent_topic
), where if set to 'none' there will be no parent topic. has more information.
The output twiki url (argument: output_twiki_url
) is expected to have the following format, or
where to write to the twiki page, view
or viewauth
will be replaced with save
The twiki page will have a list of meetings for each scrapped indico json file.
There will be a title (argument: titles_for_jsons
) in the twiki page for each scrapped indico json file.
Therefore the number of (argument: json_filenames
) and (argument: titles_for_jsons
) needs to be the same.