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File metadata and controls

68 lines (62 loc) · 2.26 KB

ARTS Week Eight


Union-Find (disjoint-set data structure)

  • 用树表示集合,由一系列不�相交集合组成,也就是由许多棵树组成
  • 每棵树的元素都属于一个集合, ��所以该数据结构其实是维护了多棵树组成的森林
  • 三个基本操作:
    • find(x): 找到 x 所在树的树根
    • unionSetsContaining(x, and: y): 合并两个集合成为一棵树
    • addSetWith(x): 新增一个只有 x 元素的子集合
  • 优化: 在查找 root 节点的时候压缩路径
  public struct UnionFind<T:Hashable> {
    private(set) var index: [T: Int] = [T:Int]()
    private(set) var parent: [Int] = [Int]()
    private(set) var size: [Int] = [Int]()
    public init() {}
    public mutating func addSetWith(_ element: T) {
        index[element] = parent.count

    // Find(x)
    public mutating func setOf(_ element: T) -> Int? {
        if let indexOfElement = index[element] {
            return setByIndex(indexOfElement)
        } else {
            return nil

    // path compress
    private mutating func setByIndex(_ index: Int) -> Int {
//        if parent[index] == index {  // 1
//            return index
//        } else {
//            parent[index] = setByIndex(parent[index])  // 2
//            return parent[index]       // 3
//        }
        if parent[index] != index {
            parent[index] = setByIndex(parent[index])
        return parent[index]
    public mutating func unionSetsContaining(_ firstSetElement: T, and secondElement: T) {
        if let firstSet = setOf(firstSetElement), let secondSet = setOf(secondElement) {
            if size[firstSet] < size[secondSet] {
                parent[firstSet] = secondSet
                size[secondSet] += size[firstSet]
            } else {
                parent[secondSet] = firstSet
                size[firstSet] += size[secondSet]
    public mutating func inSameSet(_ firstElement: T, and secondElement: T) -> Bool {
        if let firstSet = setOf(firstElement), let secondSet = setOf(secondElement) {
            return firstSet == secondSet
        } else {
            return false