The ultimate starter skeleton for your new website. Out of the box, you get a build script that generates a compact website. Check out this list of awesome features:
- Stylesheets using SCSS, built with Compass
- Incremental builds
- Generated spritesheets
- Fully AMD-compliant with CDN fallbacks for major libraries (Require.js)
- JavaScript compiled into compressed, single-download modules (Closure)
- jQuery and lodash (underscore) out of the box
- Precompiled, AMD-compliant handlebar templates
- Minified CSS (clean-css)
- CSS reset out of the box (Normalize & H5BP)
- Browser unit testing using phantomjs, mocha and chai
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install
bower install
Then one of:
grunt production
grunt watch
Output is a small, kitchen-sink nonsensical demo site.