Releases: ivpn/desktop-app
[NEW] Preparation for 2FA in CLI
[IMPROVED] (Linux) The installation path changed from '/usr/local/bin' to '/usr/bin'
[FIXED] Server selection order incorrect when sorted by country
[FIXED] (Linux) Removed unnecessary paths from package which may lead to conflict with other software
[NEW] IPv6 inside WireGuard tunnel
[NEW] IPv6 connection info
[NEW] New option in settings ‘Allow access to IVPN server when Firewall is enabled’
[NEW] (Windows) Contrast tray icon (black or white; depends on Windows color theme)
[FIXED] VPN was active after reboot when connected to Trusted WIFI
[FIXED] Sometimes application was failing to connect to IVPN daemon
[FIXED] (Windows) The daemon service was not starting when the 'Windows Events Logs' service is not running
[FIXED] (macOS) WireGuard compatibility with old macOS versions