diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index ebfa7a7..3bda93a 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -29,6 +29,6 @@ FIGURES = role_diagram.svg
# Additional files to distribute (e.g., CSS, schema files, examples...)
+AUX_FILES = VOEvent-v2.1.xsd VOEventRegExt-v2.0.xsd resrec-sample.vor
include ivoatex/Makefile
diff --git a/VOEvent.tex b/VOEvent.tex
index ae71922..2bcbd2d 100644
--- a/VOEvent.tex
+++ b/VOEvent.tex
@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
\input tthdefs
+ identifierstyle=\texttt}
\title{Sky Event Reporting Metadata (VOEvent)}
@@ -1306,6 +1307,146 @@ \subsubsection{\tt name}\label{sec:3.9.5}[DEPRECATED] --- A short name as
+\section{Event Streams and the Registry}
+In this section, we will reference several namespaced XML elements using
+VO canonical prefixes. The prefixes used here are:
+\item \verb|vr| -- \nolinkurl{http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOResource/v1.0}
+from \citet{2018ivoa.spec.0625P}.
+\item \verb|vs| --
+from \citet{todo:VODataService-1.2}.
+\item \verb|xsi| --
+The canonical prefix for the VOEvent registry extension is \verb|voe|,
+which maps to the namespace URI
+\subsection{Registering Event Streams}
+Public VOEvent streams MUST be registered in the VO
+Registry\footnote{For a hands-on introduction on how to do that, refer
+This is necessary to
+\item ensure the validity of the event ids, as URIs with an \verb|ivo:|
+scheme must resolve in a VO searchable registry to be valid
+\item ensure the uniqueness of the event ids, as the event stream URI's
+uniqueness is maintained using the Registry.
+\item make the event streams enumeratable and findable.
+It is recommended to register VOEvent streams using
+\xmlel{vs:CatalogService} resources, as these allow service operators
+to attach rich metadata like the originating facility and instrument, and
+possibly extra stream metadata in a tableset. However, this
+specification does not constrain the resource type.
+A public event stream MUST define a capability with standard id of
+Note that path parts in IVOA identifiers are case-insensitive, and hence
+when comparing ivoids, clients must ignore case.
+This specification does not constrain the type of the capability, but as
+of this version, it is recommended to use plain \xmlel{vr:capability}
+elements (i.e., not have \xmlel{xsi:type} attributes).
+Zero or more endpoints publishing the event stream are declared within
+this capability element using \xmlel{vr:interface} elements with their
+\xmlel{role} attributes set to \verb|std|; such standard interfaces MUST
+be of type \xmlel{voe:StreamEndpoint} and then by the schema MUST have
+a \xmlel{standardID} attribute, the value of which SHOULD reference one
+of the keys in this standard's registry record,
+As of this writing, these keys include:
+\item \verb|acc-vtp| The endpoint complies to IVOA VOEvent Transport
+ Protocol \citep{2017ivoa.spec.0320S}
+\item \verb|acc-xmpp| The endpoint uses an informal method based on
+ XMPP (jabber).
+\item \verb|acc-kafka| The endpoint uses Apache Kafka \citep{TODO}.
+\item \verb|acc-proprietary| The endpoint is usable by some
+ method not (yet) mentioned in the VOEvent standard's registry record.
+New keys may be added to the registry record by consensus between the
+chairs of the IVOA DAL and Time Domain Working groups.
+Here is an example of a capability that will make a resource
+discoverable as a VOEvent stream, with one endpoint each for VTP and
+Kafka. The Kafka stream is also availble through some other
+provider, perhaps to ensure high availability:
+ http://example.org/events/vtp
+ http://example.org/events/kafka
+ http://bigshot.com/streams/example-voe
+A full record describing a service running at the time of writing
+comes with this
+specification\footnote{\auxiliaryurl{resrec-sample.vor}}. This also
+shows how to declare an archive of the VOEvents sent out.
+\subsection{Finding VOEvent Streams}
+Normatively, VOEvent streams are located in the VO Registry as resources
+with capabilites whose \xmlel{standardID} attribute compares equal to
+the VOEvent standard id \nolinkurl{ivo://ivoa.net/std/voevent}.
+This standard defines one mandatory details key for RegTAP
+\citep{2019ivoa.spec.1011D}: \verb|capability/interface/standardID|.
+Note that using this model, it is only possible to discover that a
+service supports a given transport protocol but not to find out which
+access URL corresponds to which transport protocol on multi-protocol
+services. If a consumer must make this distinction, it will need to
+retrieve the service's capabilities document and parse it itself.
+Using RegTAP, all registered VOEvent streams
+can be located using a query like
+SELECT ivoid, res_title
+FROM rr.resource
+ NATURAL JOIN rr.capability
+WHERE standard_id='ivo://ivoa.net/std/voevent'
+To get URLs and titles of streams giving a subject containing supernova
+in some way, use a query like
+SELECT res_title, access_url
+FROM rr.resource
+ NATURAL JOIN rr.capability
+ NATURAL JOIN rr.interface
+ NATURAL JOIN rr.res_subject
+ standard_id='ivo://ivoa.net/std/voevent'
+ AND 1=ivo_nocasematch(res_subject, '%supernova%')
+ AND role='std'
\section{VOEvent Example}
This imaginary event is a brightness measurement of a past supernova from the
diff --git a/VOEventRegExt-v2.0.xsd b/VOEventRegExt-v2.0.xsd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca11c87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VOEventRegExt-v2.0.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+ VOEventRegExt
+ xs
+ voe
+ Types for registering VOEvent services.
+ An endpoint through which a VOEvent stream can be followed.
+ Since VOEvent streams can be served through several
+ protocols, the actual protocol used on a particular endpoint
+ must be given in a standardID attribute.
+ A URI of the standard or convention this endpoint follows.
+ This will normally be a key from
+ ivo://ivoa.net/std/VOEvent starting with acc-.
diff --git a/resrec-sample.vor b/resrec-sample.vor
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66217ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resrec-sample.vor
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ Meteor Shower prediction
+ meteor_showers
+ ivo://vopdc.obspm/imcce/meteorshower/event
+ Paris Astronomical Data Centre - IMCCE
+ Jeremy Vaubaillon
+ 2019-03-22T15:50:42
+ PADC support team
+ 77 av. Denfert Rochereau, 75014 Paris, FRANCE
+ vo.paris@observatoiredeparis.psl.eu
+ 0033140512082
+ Comet
+ Simulation
+ This is an ephemeris of meteor showers occurring on solar
+ system planets, produced by simulating the ejection of
+ meteoroids from the sunlit hemisphere of cometary nuclei, typically
+ from 0 to 3 au, followed by the propagation of orbits of meteoroids
+ in the Solar System, taking into account the gravitation of the
+ Sun, the 8 planets, Pluto, and the Moon, as well as the radiation
+ pressure and the Poynting-Robertson drag. Note that asteroid parent
+ bodies were considered as active (i.e. comet-like bodies) even if
+ they are not active today. The showers are predicted when a planet
+ enters a large enough set of meteoroids, at a distance less than
+ typically 0.01 au. See Vaubaillon J., Colas F., Jorda L. 2005 A new
+ method to predict meteor showers. I. Description of the model,
+ Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 439/2 p.751-760, as well as:
+ Vaubaillon J. 2017 A confidence index for forecasting of meteor
+ showers, Planetary and Space Science, Volume 143 p.78-82
+ http://voparis-tap-voevent.obspm.fr/tableinfo/meteor_showers.epn_core
+ Other
+ Research
+ IsSourceOf
+ Meteor Shower prediction EPN-TAP service
+ x-vtp://voparis-voevent-psws.obspm.fr:8099
+ Radio
+ Optical
+ Infrared