diff --git a/LineTAP.tex b/LineTAP.tex
index edb0c92..547f9d9 100644
--- a/LineTAP.tex
+++ b/LineTAP.tex
@@ -104,8 +104,16 @@ \section{Introduction}
section~\ref{sect:quantities}, while the mapping between our columns and the
VAMDC-XSAMS Data Model is given in section~\ref{sect:mapping}.
+During the development of the standard, a major problem in molecular
+spectroscopy turned out to be species nomenclature. The core LineTAP
+table sidesteps this problem by identifying species using IUPAC standard
+InChIs, a choice unpopular with many practitioners. To facilitate the
+use of colloquial species designations (``ethyl alcohol''), this
+specification also defines a \textit{species table} associating common
+names and sum formulas with InChIs in section \ref{sect:speciestable}.
When accessed using the Table Access Protocol TAP
-\citep{2019ivoa.spec.0927D}, the table can be queried using the
+\citep{2019ivoa.spec.0927D}, the tables can be queried using the
expressive SQL-derived query language ADQL, while query results are
available in the VOTable format, easily readable by VO client
applications. Line databases accessible in this way can be registered
@@ -220,6 +228,13 @@ \subsection{Credit}
repository of line data, it should be as simple as possible for users to
give credit to the contributors of line data.
+\subsection{Resolution of Molecule Designation}
+A researcher wants to find lines for the molecule they have been calling
+``Methyl Mercaptan'' or designated by a pseudo-structural formula like
+\verb|CH3SHv=0| for a long time.
\subsection{Non-Use Cases}
@@ -235,6 +250,7 @@ \subsection{Non-Use Cases}
\hskip -0.05\linewidth
@@ -280,7 +296,7 @@ \subsection{Non-Use Cases}
-\section{Spectral Line Data}\label{sect:quantities}
+\section{Spectral Lines Table}\label{sect:quantities}
Table~\ref{tab:ltcols} gives the columns that make up the LineTAP
relational model. Implementations MUST have all columns given in this
@@ -379,12 +395,53 @@ \section{Spectral Line Data}\label{sect:quantities}
+\section{Species Table}\label{sect:speciestable}
+The species table is used to facilitate the referencing of molecules. As
+there are many summary formulas and colloquial molecule names for common
+species (and more than one species may correspond to a given summary
+formula and even colloquial name), the resolution of such identifiers to
+InChIs is generally non-trivial.
-\subsection{Queries: LineTAP}
+LineTAP's species table contains a mapping between common names and
+summary formulas and InChIs. It should be populated by data providers
+publishing molecule data to the best of their knowledge. It is
+explicitly possible to associate multiple names with a single InChI.
+There is no explicit relationship between a species table and LineTAP
+tables on a given service, i.e., the presence of a species in the the
+species table is not a guarantee that data on it is available from any
+table in the service.
+For most cases, only the InChIKey is enough to reference a molecule. The InChi
+column is present in this table for the case that users want to use it to confirm if the
+returned molecule is the one they're searching for.
+\hskip -0.05\linewidth
+\textbf{Name [Unit]} \ucd{UCD}&\textbf{Type}&\textbf{Description}\\
+% GENERATED: python3 make-species-table.py
+\texttt{inchikey} \hfil\break\ucd{} & text & \raggedright InChIKey of this species\tabularnewline
+\texttt{inchi} \hfil\break\ucd{} & text & \raggedright InChI of this species\tabularnewline
+\texttt{name} \hfil\break\ucd{} & text & \raggedright A common name of this species\tabularnewline
+\texttt{formula} \hfil\break\ucd{} & text & \raggedright Chemical formula of this species in some free-ish notation\tabularnewline
+\texttt{source\_id} \hfil\break\ucd{} & text & \raggedright VAMDC identifier of the origin of this mapping\tabularnewline
-\subsection{User-defined functions}
+\caption{The columns that make up the Species Table. }
+\section{ADQL User-defined functions}
LineTAP services MUST implement the \texttt{ivo\_specconv} user defined
@@ -541,6 +598,24 @@ \subsubsection{Characterising a Service's Data Holdings}
GROUP BY inchi
+\subsubsection{Searching With Trivial Molecule Names}
+Searching with trivial names as discussed in use
+case~\ref{uc:resolution} would often be a two-step process where clients
+ask the researcher which InChI would correspond the the species they
+were looking for. In simple cases, however, a single joined query can be
+run, too.
+% please-run-a-test
+ *
+FROM casa_lines.line_tap
+JOIN species.main as s USING (inchikey)
+WHERE s.name='Methylidynium'
\section{Mapping from VAMDCXSAMS}
@@ -665,16 +740,13 @@ \section{LineTAP and the VO Registry}
\subsection{Registering LineTAP-conforming Tables}
-LineTAP tables are registered using VODataService \citep{2021ivoa.spec.1102D}
+LineTAP line tables are registered using VODataService \citep{2021ivoa.spec.1102D}
tablesets, where the table utype is set to
-The tableset is normally contained in a VODataService \xmlel{CatalogService}
-record with a TAP capability, and this capability normally is an auxiliary
-capability as per DDC \citep{2019ivoa.spec.0520D}. For one-table
-services a full TAPRegExt \citep{2012ivoa.spec.0827D} capability is also
-allowed; other resource types can be used for registration as
+The tableset is contained in a VODataService \xmlel{CatalogResource}
+record with a TAP auxiliary capability
+as per DDC \citep{2019ivoa.spec.0520D}.
Further capabilities, for instance for full VAMDC or legacy SLAP
services, may be given in the same record.
@@ -714,7 +786,7 @@ \subsection{Registering LineTAP-conforming Tables}