diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml index 6af6337..4466afd 100644 --- a/_config.yml +++ b/_config.yml @@ -23,8 +23,7 @@ email: itatikola3@gatech.edu description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:" Hi! I’m Indira and I’m studying computer science at the Georgia Institue of Technology. My areas of interest are computer vision, graphics, and machine learning and their applications in social media. - Feel free to reach out through any platform! Especially if you share my academic interests - I always - am looking to work on cool projects and meet cool people. + Feel free to reach out through any platform! baseurl: '' url: https://itatikola.github.io # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. http://example.com linkedin_username: indiratatikola