For copying Aurora snapshots between regions on a schedule
import { AuroraSnapshotCopier } from 'aurora-snapshot-copier-cdk';
// ...
new AuroraSnapshotCopier(this, 'AuroraSnapshotCopier', {
// Specify a list of source filters.
// To be considered for copying, a snapshot must match
// all filters for at least one source
sources: [{
// Filter by cluster identifier
dbClusterIdentifier: 'mysourceclusteridenifier',
// By tags
tags: {
// The tag on the snapshot must match one of the values in the list
myTag: ['tagValue', 'otherTagValue'],
// Or if `true`, then the tag just must exist on the snapshot at all
myOtherTag: true,
// By create time
snapshotCreateTimeNotBefore: new Date('2021-01-01'),
aggregation: {
// Copy at most this many snapshots per run
latestCountPerCluster: 2,
target: {
// The regions to copy into
regions: ['eu-west-2'],
deletionPolicy: {
// The number of copied snapshots to retain in each target region
keepLatestCountPerDbClusterIdentifier: 1,
// By default, just marks snapshots that it would have liked to delete.
// Set this to actually do the deleting
// apply: true,
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