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Make a module to follow users' torrents. Earn $150!

isohuntto edited this page Feb 25, 2015 · 5 revisions

Deadline: 26.02.2015
Winner announcement date: 28.02.2015

Make a module which allows registered users to follow/unfollow users’ torrents. Also it allows to see all torrents uploaded by the user. Make a feed of torrents uploaded by the user recently. Make a module allowing users to follow each other’s uploads.

Main features:

  • Follow/unfollow commands should be triggered by url like;
  • There should be a list of torrents uploaded by the user recently
  • Torrents list should have all the same fields as torrents search results
  • Torrents list should have paginal navigation
  • There should be an option to sort out torrents by columns like in torrents search result
  • New torrents should appear on top
    General conditions:
  • Make a single module. Use as less other modules interactions as you can.
  • It has to be a cross-platform and cross-browser solution
  • It supposed to work with high load website so if your scripts needs many data access, use caching.
  • Our server provides < 200 ms page generation speed. Server configuration speed is below.
    Software and libs:
    PHP 5.5.16 with handlersocket, redis (from pecl), timezonedb modules.
    Percona 5.5.40
    Sphinx 2.2.7
    Redis 2.4.10
    Yii 2.0.3
    JQuery 2.1.3
    DB server configuration:
    CPU: Intel Xeon E5-2650, 32 cores
    RAM: 96 Gb.
    Web server configuration: CPU: Intel Xeon E5-2650, 16 cores
    RAM: 64 Gb.
    How the winner will be chosen?:
    First 5 pull requests, matching all the requirements completely will be candidates to win
    We will choose the best UX
    We will evaluate the code quality

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