Thank you for considering contributing to the GlassyUI project! We welcome contributions from the community and are grateful for your help in making this project better.
- Code of Conduct
- How to Contribute
- Setting Up Your Development Environment
- Creating a New Issue
- Working on an Issue
- Submitting a Pull Request
- Style Guides
Please read and adhere to our Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to the project maintainers.
If you find a bug, please report it by creating a new issue. Provide as much information as possible, including steps to reproduce the bug and any relevant screenshots.
We welcome suggestions for new features and enhancements. Please open an issue to discuss your idea before implementing it to ensure it aligns with the project's goals.
- Look through the open issues for tasks labeled with "good first issue" or "enhancement."
- Comment on the issue to let others know you are working on it.
- Fork the repository and create a new branch for your work.
- Implement your changes following the project's coding standards and guidelines.
- Submit a pull request for review.
- Fork the Repository: Click the "Fork" button at the top right of the repository page.
- Clone Your Fork:
git clone cd GlassyUI-Components
- Install Dependencies:
npm install
- Start the Development Server:
npm start
When creating a new issue, please provide the following information:
- Title: A brief description of the issue.
- Description: A detailed description of the issue or enhancement.
- Steps to Reproduce: For bugs, provide steps to reproduce the issue.
- Screenshots: Include any relevant screenshots.
- Assign the Issue to Yourself: Comment on the issue to let others know you are working on it.
- Create a New Branch:
git checkout -b issue-#-description
- Make Your Changes: Follow the project's coding standards and guidelines.
- Commit Your Changes:
git commit -m "Fixes #issue_number: Brief description of the fix"
- Push Your Changes:
git push origin issue-#-description
- Submit a Pull Request: Go to the repository on GitHub and click the "New pull request" button.
- Provide a Description: Include a detailed description of your changes and link to the issue being addressed.
- Wait for Review: One of the maintainers will review your pull request and provide feedback.
- Use the present tense ("Add feature" not "Added feature").
- Use the imperative mood ("Move cursor to..." not "Moves cursor to...").
- Limit the first line to 72 characters or less.
- Reference issues and pull requests liberally.
- Follow the Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide.
- Use ES6 syntax where applicable.
- Ensure your code passes all linting and formatting checks.
- Use SCSS for styling.
- Follow the BEM methodology for class naming.
- Keep styles modular and reusable.
- Use functional components with hooks where possible.
- Ensure components are modular and reusable.
- Write unit tests for all components using a testing library such as Jest.
Thank you for contributing to GlassyUI! Your help is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to working with you.